Small Surgery Turns into Big Deal

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No wedding or grandchildren are in the making that I know of. But I hope in the near future befor I get to old to enjoy this happens. Of course I'd rather plaan the weddins first. But I think It takes a couple of grooms first.I hope grooms :rolleyes: :rolleyes: you never know theses days. But I have no reason to think anything else. Ha!!!!!!!!!Ha!!!!!!!!!!
LOL! I hear ya....

As for the weddings and granchildren...

*pauses for dramatic effect*

If we could arrange a meeting...we might be able to do something about that ;). LOL! Just kidding.


I'm sure my parents are wanting grandchildren, too. Doesn't help that I'm not doing much about that :(. Tho, my sister is...her bf is set to "pop the question" sometime in May :).

I got back to the computer and have been reading this thread. Made me think back to when I had to tell my mom about my stenosis. I told her, but made sure I told her only what I felt she needed to know, and that all the indications were good that they "know how to fix this." Wasn't easy, but I felt better keeping the info basic and up-beat.

If I may, I'd like to ask a question of you. (You can answer whenever you have the time and inclination.) It sounds like your daughter #2 is heading for a career in Civil Engineering, right? Can you tell yet what work she intends to seek? My daughter is starting at Rose Hulman Insititute of Tech., in Terre Haute this fall, majoring in Civil Engineering. Her choice, helped along by a mentor instructor at her high school. I'm just not sure what sort of jobs exist in the field.

Remember, our prayers are with you tomorrow.
Surgery& Tests

Surgery& Tests

Hi Steve,
Your daughter can't lose with RH. My daughter has had many offers. They have a job fair in the fall and in the spring. My daughter summer intern was witha local firm and she liked it because it was a small firm and she got alot of hands on training. SHe is working in Crofordsville this summer with Indiana Dept of transportation(IDot) most people call it. She loves what she is doing. It was hard at first, because we found out she had ADDHD. And now she is on medication and she is doing great. The reason she didn't have much trouble in school is because I worked with special ed. when I was working.Her room mate had the same major by she thought it was to hard and changed hers. I am proud my daughter that she stuck to it. Her boyfriend is a mechical major and has to work full time and go to school full time.Because his parents can't help much they have a large family and mother is . He is pretty much on his on. He is like part of my family. He is the boy my husband never had. By the time your daughter graduate she will
have more offers than she'll know what to do with.
I wish your daughter good luck at RH. It is a great school!
Thanks for you support. Gotta finish packing never know how long you are going to be there.
NO Surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO Surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I just got home from my heart cath. Needless to say the other surgery is off. My injection fraction has droped to 15%- it was 50% the check up after surgery. They really don't know what is going on for thee heart muscle to get so weak after surgery. Going to try some new med, but it the past I have not been able to take beta-blocker because of the asthma.Hated the 4 days in the hospital but one of my students from 8 yrs ago was my RN. And my neice was at the same hosp. too! :) SO it mad ita little more bearable. If I hadn't had my own protime machine I would still be there. They didn't want to take any chances because of my passed history. The surgeron and I dedcided that it was to big of a risk. : :( I guess I'll have to live with the pain a little longer. Thanks for all your prayers. By the way my husband crashed the commuter while I was in the hosp and all my e-mail is gone.
Nap time for this girl. ;)
Love you all ;)

I am so sorry you are battling this. You go rest and let's hope they can soon get to the root of this problem. If being sweet was a weapon against all this you wouldn't be having this problem, I can tell you that!

Prayers and well wishes for you!


Well, I thought thoses days were over got home sat. and was back in the ER for ChF. FUN FUN!!!!!! :eek: Sometimess I just can't winn for losing. But I am still ticking. My Daughters will be home this weekend maybe this will cheer me up. The weather here is so great but I just don't have the engery to go out side. The side effects from the new meds are driving me crazy. All I want to do is eat! And that is not a good thing. I try to go for the healthy things but when you get Mike doing all the shopping. The first time he came home is came with anything and everything with chocolate on it. Needless to say he has never did much shopping. Even with a list he buy whatever he she he likes. Thanks for everybody support! Have two more Dr.'s to see this week.


I know what you mean about having your husband do the shopping. While I'm down for 8-10 weeks after the AVR it's going to be interesting to say the least to see what my husband will buy. He doesn't do any of the shopping, housework, etc. now. I mentioned this to him and he said, just make me a list of what to do and he'll do it. RIGHT! ! :) :) The problem is, when I want the trash taken out, I want it taken out now, not next week. After 43 years of marriage I haven't got him trained very well, do I ?

By the way Sherrin, you are in my prayers daily.
<< While I'm down for 8-10 weeks after the AVR it's going to be interesting to say the least to see what my husband will buy. He doesn't do any of the shopping, housework, etc. now.>>

Glenda, Sherrin, and the rest of you ladies -- you need to train your husbands better!

Mine both shops and cooks. It was a godsend while I was recovering from my surgery.

He's a terrific cook, much more interested in cooking than I am, actually, always watching cooking shows and loves trying new dishes.

I have my mother in law to thank. She was a single mom with four kids during the Depression. Worked multiple jobs to keep the family afloat. She made sure that all the kids (two boys, two girls) learned how to do all the household chores, and DID them.

He is less enthused about housework (e.g. cleaning) but that can be more easily deferred than food preparation. Ya gotta eat, ya don't have to have a clean floor.

Sherrin, I do hope things get a bit better for you this week.

My husband was a 34YO bachelor when we married in 1980. He can "cook" if I'm out of commission and I walk him through the directions. But no creativity, so forget about "real" cooking. HOWEVER, he does grocery shop (with a list), vaccum, mop (so to speak), load the dishwasher, do the laundry, feed the cats, do the litterboxes, clean faces of our 2 Persians. Does well with a honey-do list. Does not bathe cats or read my mind. :)

I shopped (Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, etc.) well in advance of my MVR and froze a lot of home-cooked stuff.
Sherrin, I just found this thread - I'm SO SORRY about all of this. Somehow I just kept going past this one. I've been so busy at work, and haven't been using the computer at home due to back problem. Today my boss is out and I'm catching up on my (well, I'm retiring in 16 working days, so they can just live with it. How's that for attitude?)

Anyway - hope you have a good time with your girls this weekend. Take it slow and easy and enjoy yourself.

All my prayers and wishes are with you. Hi to Mike, too, from Jim and me. I'm sure he's awfully worried.
Sherrin and Glenda

Sherrin and Glenda

I, too, have a long marriage. 38 years in Sept. You both will be surprised at how much your hubby's will do for you..after surgery. They love you and will try their best to take care of you..Mine was a little too smothering..Always around me wanting to know if I needed anything.. :) :) You really will not want much to eat..other than juices, soup, grilled cheese. (Most men can make them) Let the house go. It will be there a 100 years from now. :p :p :p Plus, housework makes you ugly... :D :D :D Remember what they must go thru in the waiting room during your surgery.. :( In a quiet moment. my daughter said to my Hubby..I wonder how much this is costing? And he told her, I don't care what. I would spend my last penny to know she's going to be O.K. :) :) :) :) :) That was so sweet. :) :) Bonnie
I've been maried 32 yrs. and I haven't trained him right yet. He can do the floors and that is about it. He was a cook in the airforce but it didn't do hime mucch good though. He can pick up the phone that is about it.
Thanks ffor your thoughts and prayers.
Sherrin, some are more trainable then others. Mine is also of the more resistant type :) . We will be married 38 years on July 1st. We married on his 19th birthday.


Well today I got some more bad news. They want to put me back on oxygen again. Besides having heart problems of a injection fraction of 15% and can't take the new meds because they are beta blockers , I have lung problems too! I can't stand to much more good news. My primary care Dr. wants me to go back to the Cleveland Clinic. I looked on it up on the web and the DR. I had is no longer is there. But they have two other female cardiologist. I have been so tired. My husband threated to take me to the polls in my PJ's.
Well I 'll see the cardiologist & surgeron next week. Thanks for everyone support.
CCF does have a lot of collective experience.

We're all going to be waiting with baited breath to hear what your doctors say. We're rooting for you through the next phase.

Best wishes,

I know this wasn't what you wanted to hear at all. Maybe the oxygen will help you feel less tired and stronger. I'm sure the whole prospect of more medical appointments and consultations is very distasteful but something has made your heart suddenly decrease in function and you have felt so poorly. Cleveland Clinic may be where you need to be. You are in my prayers.
Hi Sherrin-

You do need a place like CCF to sort things out. I hope you are able to get an appointment there. You'll be in my prayers. Don't give up hope, there's an answer somewhere, they just haven't found it yet.

You need Dr. SUPER SLEUTH!