Small Surgery Turns into Big Deal

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SHerrin Hutt

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2002
Jeffersonville. In
Hey, I need alot of prayers this next week. I was supposed to have surgery on 8/3 but now aftergoing to all the different specialists they decided to make me to have a stress test and an echo. Now they want to do a heart Cath and put some kind of filter in the aort in the groin. So I go in the hosp. on mon. then the cath is wed. and the filter is to be put in thur. I guess if all goes well they made do the surgery. So everybody keep me in your prayers.
Sometimes I wonder if they just like doing tests for the "fun" of it!! :confused:

I hope everything goes well for you. Let us know how you go.

Sending positive thoughts your way.....

Anna : )
Will do! So your joining me with an upside down bird cage in your Vena Cava huh? We have such marvelous toys!
Surgery& Tests

Surgery& Tests

Thanks Ross & Anna
I need all the support I can get :) My girls seem to be more scared now than they were when we new all the valve stuff was going on. I guess after spending three weeks in thee hosp in Jan of 2002 I'm just not that excited about going through this again. :( I think it just harder because they are not here. The oldest one is leaving to go on her 30th b-day with a bunch of friends to Las Vegas. The youngest has finals next week at Purdue. My mother is not in the best shape herself. I haven't decided if I want to worry her before I know anthing. I know if she finds out she will be mad as :eek: :eek: Again thanks for your support.


sending prayers your way.
let us know how it goes.
Know that you are not alone. Even though we are not physically present with you, we are in spirit. Go get 'em girl. Show them just how picture perfect their tests and procedures can be!!!!!
Sherrin, you will be in my prayers. I'm starting all my pre-op tests now too. Let's pray that everything will just get better and better for both of us.
It's no fun, that's for sure.

I am not fond of the cath, myself, as I found (as I had suspected) that I'm VERY sensitive down there. I was writhing for several minutes when he placed and held the pressure patch after it was over. Fortunately, most people do not have that type of reaction. I should have had them dope me up more, but I had wanted to see my coronary arteries. If you find it disturbing, you can request that they put you well into the twilight zone, and you shouldn't have any issues with it at all.

But it's over. And yours will be too, soon. We feel for you. We'll be thinking of you, and we'll be waiting when you get back.

Very best wishes,
Hey Bob, is a cath the same thing as a angiogram? Just wondering. I'm scheduled for an angiogram this coming Friday. I thought it was where they went up through your groin area and shot this dye into your heart arteries. I remember feeling really hot at the time and it was really neat to watch it on a screen. Then I had to lay compeltely still for around six hours, which wasn't easy for me because of my back problems. I ended up overnight in the hospital anyway because they couldn't get the bleeding stopped. Is a angiogram done the same way?
Surgery& Tests

Surgery& Tests

Thanks everyone for your support and prayer. It means more than words can tell. :D The other big problem is they have to call in a kidney Dr. because I am allergic to the dye. My kidneys want to shut now after it. So I have to be premedicated first. :( That is why I have to be in there so long. And I am high risk anyway because of the strokes and blood clots. So, I guess the fun will begin tues. morning. I am supposed to be there at 6:00 am. It so great to be apart of this big great support sym. It makes life a little easier.
You know we'll be here, for you to tell us all about it. Get through it safely. Don't shut down your kidneys, as it just gets the doctors all upset. We expect you to behave better than that!

Glenda, as I understand it:

A cardiac catheterization is the prcedure that introduces a catheter into a large artery in your groin, arm, or neck. It can then be snaked up to (and into) the heart.

An angiogram is one of the things that they can do with the catheter while they're in there. They release an x-ray contrast dye, as you mentioned, and map how well the blood flows through the cardiac arteries and within/through the heart chambers/valves via xray. For most people, it just creates a hot feeling when the dye is released (for me, it felt disconcertingly as if I'd somehow internally wet myself). Lucky Sherrin is reactive to it, and her internal organs misbehave when it is introduced, so this procedure is undoubtedly a bit more nervewracking for her, premedicated or not.

Another frequent thing done during cardiac catheterization is the measurement of heart chamber and valve sizes and pressures, as well as opening and root sizes. Aside from what is learned from the dye, this is done via sonic tips, which perform an internal version of an echocardiogram. External echocardiograms can be quite accurate. However, the measurement of some items, such as internal pressures (like those across a stenotic aortic valve) is more accurate internally.

You can count on my prayers too.

I've been so concerned about you and think you may be a perfect candidate for a filter. Can your hubby post for you so we know how you are doing?

These things never happen at convenient times do they! You may want to tell your mom. No matter how old or ill they get they still always have that motherly concern. I think my mom did better physically around the time of my heart surgery because she was thinking about me instead of her ailments. I waited until the last minute to tell her and down-played it some. (I think she still thinks I may have had a balloon valvoplasty ;) )

I'm really hoping you soon get this all put behind you and get to feeling good again.
I'll be thinking of you too next week. We will leave on a long motorhome trip to S.C. coast and maybe North Carolina Outer Banks. Will have to watch weather.Don't want it too rain there but here at home. hubby has many annuals planted..and we are so dry..but am making a prayer list before I leave. :) bonnie


Betty, I bit the dusk and told my mother about everything. She was very supportive. I just didn't want her to worry anymore than she already does. I am glad I got it over with though. I told her I would call her him I hear anything. I try to get my husband to keep you updated but the only thing he seems to find is E-bay sinced he retired on 4/1. He could find a estate auction or car auction to go to everday of the week. And he seems to be on e-bay the rest of the time. It the first time since the girls left that I have to fight over the commuter. Keep me in your prayers , I need all I can get.
Thankss everyone :D

Count on my prayers, too!

You better be fine because you have to be around for me to stop by and visit you and your husband and see your husband's car collection...and for you to introduce me to your daughters :).

Seriously, take care, Sherrin!

Cort, "Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm w/pig valve & pacemaker
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB =
"Mr MC"'s Family...& train & models =
K's BL =
Spotting MCs =
MC's Future =
Surgery& Tests

Surgery& Tests

Thanks Cort,
For your support but I don't know if they will be here when you get to come by. The oldest is going through early mid-life crisis. She is burned out on nuring and just ready to do something else. She took a traveling asignment in Columbus, ohio till may. After that who knows? The youngest has excepted a summer job with Indiana Dept. of Transportation for her civil Degree. I think she said she would be home maybe two weeks out of the summer. Just keep me in your prayers :) Your all are such great suport and strength for me and so many other :D
I made through two strokes and two valves surgery , I can do anything. I have wedding to plan & grandkids to spoil someday. I have alot to do yet!!!!!! :D

You are quite welcome!

Wedding to plan? Who is getting married? ;)

As for your girls, you should've told them to come visit me :). LOL...just kidding, of course...all in good fun, I hope you know :).

And, Sherrin, you have the right attitude -- the "I can do anything" attitude ;).