We enjoy excellent health care benefits in our immediate family. Thank God.
29 years ago my husband made the decision to take a job that provided great insurance for us all. However at that time, insurance considerations were far down the list in his decision making process for taking the job.
Times have changed.
Today I advise our children to look for a job that provides adequate insurance coverage. Those jobs are increasingly hard to find and retain. In today's economy, few jobs are secure. You might have a job today that provides insurance benefits, then lose your job due to a downturn in the economy. That just happened to our former daughter in law. Happily she has been hired by a company that doesn't insist on a waiting period for pre-existing conditions. Luckily she was able to snag one of 11 positions available. There were 350 applicants.
I don't consider the other 339 applicants less deserving; they just weren't as fortunate.
It seems to me that availability of health care in America has become pretty much the luck of the draw. We have members on VR who have worked their entire lives, then lost their jobs due to health considerations, and now find themselves jumping through hoops trying to find ways to pay for their health expenses.
I truly do not mind that our taxes go to help them. I truly do not mind sending what money I can to help them. I do mind that I don't have more to offer.
I live with the constant realization that if it weren't for the grace of God that could be me, my husband, or my children in the same position. Am I the only one?
Sorry that the thread ran so long you actually got a serious response from me . . . I know better!