Unfortunately, for ME - more is 'not' better !!!
Unfortunately, for ME - more is 'not' better !!!
You know I don't think I mentioned this before - but - I'll let you in on a little secret - my husband and I had just 'finished' having sex when I got my chest pain, sweating and nautiousness.
Ok, so I told my husband shortly after having our 'sex' - I don't feel so goood. So anyways, he looked at me and said - You look FINE.. Well, I said: I don't feel fine - I think you should call an ambulance - something is wrong..
He says: Are you sure you don't want to wait another 10 minutes and see how you feel then?
So, I say - OK, 10 minutes go by and I say: I still don't feel good - actually I feel worse - maybe you should call an ambulance - he says: Are you sure ?? Well, since I went outside to see if I could stop the sweat from rolling down my cheeks in the middle of December and I was 'still' sweating - I thought geee this isn't 'normal'. I shouldn't still be sweating..
So, I said: YES, I'm sure - So the ambulance guys show up -- they're really cute too - I might add.
They check me over and call into the hospital and I guess my ekg showed that I had an upside down "T" on it and well they said - that qualified me for an ambulance ride to the hospital.
Ok, so I get to the hospital and who's waiting to treat me - My cardiologist !! Yes, the one who had just 'recently' taken me off my high blood pressure meds !! I might add that he's no longer my cardiologist anymore...
OK - so I'm still not feeling much better and I sure would like someone to tell me whats going on and give me something to make me feel better. My cardio comes in the room and says: Marilyn your having a heart attack !! I said: No WAY !! He said: Yes, your having a good size heart attack - do you have any pain in your back - I said: Well, yes 'some' - but most of the pain is in this one spot in the center of my chest - feels like someone jabbed me with an ice pick right in the center - and thats it - just in the center - the rest of my chest feels fine.. Are you sure I'm having a Heart Attack !!!
Yes, your having a heart attack - I just laughed - that's always my response when I'm nervous - I laugh.. I don't know why - but I do and it often irritates alot of people.. I guess they think I'm laughing at the situation - actually I think its a panic attack and I get alot of 'gas' that comes out as 'laughter'..
So, then he says: So what were you doing Marilyn?
I said: Oh Nothing...
He says: Well, you must of been doing 'something'
I said: No, No, I wasn't doing anything.. really
He said: So, tell me what were you doing Marilyn?
I said: Oh nothing..
He gives me that 'evil' look and then I spit it out -
Ok, why is it a woman can't say those words 'nothing' to you guys!! You just can't take 'nothing' for an answer.. Ok, I said: I just finished having sex with my husband - my husband was sitting right in the chair in the room with us and I said to the doc - you know HE'LL probably NEVER want to have sex with me AGAIN.. See, what you've done now doc - I'll never get sex again !!! You just had to know what I was doing - Doc just laughed and walked out of the room.. My husband looked devasted and then as I thought about it - I started to laugh.. I couldn't beleive it was really happening. Actually, once I said it - it was rather funny and I laughed right back. I never thought it was as 'painful' as I would imagine a heart attack to feel.
Years later my cardiologist says to me - because I was exercising to much: He says: MORE IS NOT BETTER - MARILYN..
I just laughed and laughed - and I thought - yea right doc - I guess we know how much sex you get..
Yes, so from time to time I remind my husband this is ALL HIS FAULT.. That's why I named my ICD - Dick - it just reminds him - how this whole thing started..
I tell my close friends - and I've told a few nurses - I don't really have heart disease you know - I'm not like a normal heart patient you see, my problem is I just have a really good sex life.. there's a difference you know.
They just laugh.. Its kind of funny when we look back.. My husband still doesn't find the humor in it all.