Hi Anne
I've been anxiously looking for your post since your op and was starting to get concerned, but then of course I realised - you're in this gang now. Hadn't occurred to me to look in the post-surgery forum. Doh!
I am now on holiday in Namibia with limited internet so this will be brief. I have read quickly through your news and firstly, well done for getting the surgery behind you, and great news that it was completed so swiftly.
I'm so sorry to hear of your slow recovery - I feel sure that your small frame must be partly to blame, and lack of food when you have little in the way of reserves is going to very quickly take it's toll. Could you perhaps try some stewed apple - something bland? Fresh grated ginger in hot water is very good for nausea.
I will check back in a couple of days - I'm sure you must find this hugely frustrating, but try to keep positive.
Please know you you have been in my thoughts since your op.
I've been anxiously looking for your post since your op and was starting to get concerned, but then of course I realised - you're in this gang now. Hadn't occurred to me to look in the post-surgery forum. Doh!
I am now on holiday in Namibia with limited internet so this will be brief. I have read quickly through your news and firstly, well done for getting the surgery behind you, and great news that it was completed so swiftly.
I'm so sorry to hear of your slow recovery - I feel sure that your small frame must be partly to blame, and lack of food when you have little in the way of reserves is going to very quickly take it's toll. Could you perhaps try some stewed apple - something bland? Fresh grated ginger in hot water is very good for nausea.
I will check back in a couple of days - I'm sure you must find this hugely frustrating, but try to keep positive.
Please know you you have been in my thoughts since your op.