Sad news. . .

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My deepest condolences for you and your family. I know how terrible this disease is, I lost my father to Cancer 21 years ago.

As long as you remember them, they're always with you.

Take care.


I am so sorry for you loss. I am glad that you taking it in this way that she is in a better place now, no longer suffering. I lost my mother back in 2000, January. She had sufferd problems from RA Rhuematoid Arthritis. SHe had no red cells, and had developed luekemia and later foud to have had a brain tumor. She suffered though for years. It is never easy and a relieve when their suffering ends. Take care and I will pray for you and your family.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
I'm still here, just not posting much. I do try to look in to see what is happening, but I'm kind of overwhelmed with all the arrangements, etc. We were not able to follow the old Jewish custom of near-immediate burial, as too many close friends and relatives would not be able to attend mom's funeral -- so I put the religious traditions aside and decided we would have her funeral tomorrow (Monday). All is going well, we have her house ready for visitors, and all the plans are set. Tomorrow will be the single most difficult day of my life, but once the one day is past, I will be able to begin the healing process.

I do want to thank all my family for their heartfelt (no pun intended) feelings; you all have made my grief so much more bearable by sharing it with me.

I'll be back around again in a few days, hopefully a bit more like my usual self.

May God be with you, always.
Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and your family, tomorrow especially.


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