Sad news. . .

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God be with you and yours

God be with you and yours


Please accept my condolences on the loss of your mother. I was told once that besides losing a child, losing your parents (especially your mother) is the most life-changing event in one's life. I can vouch for that, as I lost my Mom two years ago to breast cancer. My mitral valve has only gotten worse since then and sometimes I think I have literally a "broken" heart from the sadness of losing her.

Prayers are with you and your family. Like all have said, death is not an ending, it is just part of our journey. Your mother is in a place of peace, in the presence of God.




I know that the loss of a mother, is a difficult time. I lost my mother to cancer last year. It was tough even tho she was 86 yrs. old.

It seems like your mother put up a fight for life and then just let it go...almost as if God said its time and your mother said "yes".
I always think that whenever I remember all the good memories and think about the times, that it touches my mothers spirit and we are briefly connected.
My thoughts are with you during this time of loss.

Your story brought tears to my eyes - not only for your loss but how eerily reminiscent it was of my mom's death two years ago. We, too, at that point only asked that Mom be delivered in peace. Although I miss her, I find that I talk to her even more and seek her advice constantly. You will have to listen harder than you used to, but you will be able to hear her.

I know that attending the reunion dinner must have been a struggle for you. I really appreciated meeting you and I hope you can find comfort in all of this community's responses of love.

Peace to your mom, Steve, and peace to you.

Dear Steve,

Dear Steve,

I too am so sorry to hear about your mother. You and your family are in my prayers.

Steve, with everyone else in your family I am sorry for your lost, you will find some confort in knowing that you were there with her to the last second, it is a chance not everyone get.
Be asure that my family is with yours during those difficults days.Take care of yourself.
Add my condolences to the others' here. I'm so sorry for your loss, Steve.

My deepest sympathies; my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
So Sorry

So Sorry

Dear Steve ..I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers here. It is so sad to lose a parent whatever age you are ....I try and count the blessings that I had by having my Dad around for so is not much but it does help to remember the good times and as a Family we talk about him a lot often laughing when we think about what his reaction would have been to an event that has occurred in our lives. Take care ...


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad, sad time. You have my sympathy as well.
My deepest sympathies Steve. It sounds like your family has had a tough time. Stay strong.
Hey Buddy - So very sorry about your loss. I lost my Mom a number of years ago, and Dad too, and it is never easy. Try to be consoled by the fact that you had a lot of good times with her, and a bunch of good memories I'm sure. The Eskimos beleive that the stars are holes in the sky that allow our loved ones to peer down and check up on us, waiting for us to join them. Its a nice thought, so go out tonight and try to guess which of those many stars is your Mom's check up hole. My very best wishes to you Steve. Chris
Hi Steve,

You truly have my deepest sympathy. I lost my dad who I think I loved more than anyone else on earth to pulmonary fibrosis/lung cancer almost 3 years ago. Sometimes it still hits me, particularily when driving alone in the car, and I find myself in tears.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers since I know how exhausting and emotionally draining this time can be. Take care my friend.
Dear Steve,
So sorry to hear about your mom's death. My mom and husband were with me 24 hrs a day when I was so ill after heart surgery, my mom would sit by my bed , just having her there was such a comfort. She looked so beautiful, everyone wuold guess her to be 55 ,but she was 67 always so healthy. Iwas ill for about 4 months and got better and 2 weeks later my mom was diagnosised with cancer,and died 4 months later, its been 2 half years,all I can say is a mother's love is special. Its very difficult ,please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.hfk
I'm so sorry for your loss; losing a parent is so painful. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
God bless she is at rest.You will miss her but you know that she isn't suffering any more which for me is always the hardest to see our loved ones suffering is so sad.My prayers go out to you and your family now we are near in thoughts,Shana
I am so sorry for your loss and yet am happy that you Mom isn't suffering with her illness anymore. I lost my Mom in January and it made it a little easier in knowing that her suffering of so many years was done. Try to think about all the good times and try to forget the suffering. It helps.:)
You and your family are in my prayers.

I am so sorry for your loss and yet am happy that you Mom isn't suffering with her illness anymore. I lost my Mom in January and it made it a little easier in knowing that her suffering of so many years was done. Try to think about all the good times and try to forget the suffering. It helps.:)
You and your family are in my prayers.

Dear Steve,

I echo the heartfelt sentiments conveyed by all here. Prayers for peace and acceptance for you and family.




Oh I am so sorry. I can not even imagine what you must be feeling. As my mother ages and has various health issues, I just dread the day when I lose her. What a blessing that you were able to be with her in those final moments. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Steve--my heartfelt sympathies are with you. I know how hard that can be--and it is really tough losing our parents. I lost my best friend to breast cancer last March and she fought a hard fight as well, but God needed her more than we mere mortals on earth. I'm sure the same is true with your Mom. God Bless, Susan
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your mom. At least you had time to say goodbye which is not to diminish your loss. We lost our daughter in law to cancer Sept. 13. Just a month now and still having trouble believing it. But we did get to say goodbye and talk to her and we appreciate that now. Her funeral was a celebration of her life rather than a mourning for her death other than we would all miss her. I pray that God will give you the understanding to make this easier for you. Maybe you too could celebrate your mom's life and what a contribution she made to all of you.

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