Recovery had an unforseen drawback.(for me).

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Marguerite, please don't fume for me :).....I tried as hard as I could, believe me, using all the heirarchy to complain to, no go . However this is NYC, this stuff happens all the time, I am nothing to them, they could care less. I and other senior management have fought with them before on a corporate level and have had the same response. Contractually I am responsible for the calls I made, there is no getting away with it. The only caveat here is that some were work calls, as I am an operations manager working ( my own choice) at home during my recovery, for which I may or may not be compensated for the calls every day to the office. As I stated before, it is NYC and not a newsworthy story. It is really my fault for not being astute enough beforehand, as I was with everything else before my surgery. Taking off my business hat, it's not worth the stress for me go further with this, but know it will never happen again, and I will change carriers when the contract runs out in 2 years. Thank you for being angry for me, I really appreciate it.
The "old" me would have fought for hours, but then my pressure was probably one of the reasons for the aneurysm. The "new" me, is not sweating the small stuff. I sort of think of it this way, the week I had my surgery I would have been in Vegas and would have lost more. In the future if I ever need an advocate...I'm calling you :)
Ciao for now.......
Well I do understand. I'm glad that you are no longer sweating the small stuff. And, in fact, we've lost more than that in Vegas, too :eek: :p :rolleyes: !!!
I'm just amazed that there would be no compassion at all in these businesses. I guess since my husband is a businessman (I came from deep neighborhoods of government workers in DC so no business background in me) and I've learned so much from him, I've been able to weasle my way out of all kinds of mini-disasters (or he has stepped in). Really and truly, they don't want bad press or bad reputations. I once was able to get my son a brand new (they said it might be reconditioned, but it turned out to be brand new) iPod because his fizzled out like 2 days after the warranty expired. I went to the third level (may I speak to your supervisor 3 times) and reminded them that he was a grad student (starving grad student) with an abundance of connections at a major university and they surely wouldn't want iPods getting a bad name with warranties particularly with all the other options people his age have for music, blah, blah, blah. Zap! new iPod.

Another time our daughter was stuck in Denver in a horrible snow storm and was going to miss Christmas (I mean it was a news story because hundreds were stuck). That does not go over well with my husband, missing Christmas. So he was on the phone all day..... what he did was keep calling and talking to different agents. Finally, one woman (honestly, if you don't get a female drill sargent, they do seem to be more sympathetic) asked if he had any frequent flyer miles and found her a first class seat. Boom!!

So I hear you about not sweating it. But it is bothering you enough to write about it here!! So you might just want to try calling until you get a sweet sounding woman (what, me biased??) and give her your story and see if they can't credit you some. Maybe give your payment time to arrive. I mean, if they'd credit you $50 a month for 6 months and then you could write a bunch of it off....... the hit wouldn't be so hard now, would it!

And hey, call on me any time as an advocate! Raising 3 kids I developed a real strong mama bear posture --- real strong!!! :D

Thanks Marguerite, aka Mama
I've re-checked all of my calls and most were to the office, so I may have something there. It was bothering me at that moment, and writing here is like complaining to friends, a sounding off board for a moments frustation.
I've done more than my fair share of "wrangling", now I just want to live my new life differently, no more wearing holter monitors at work or stressing myself out needlessly.
I've paid the bill, now on to the next step, which is my cardio visit tomorrow.
Ciao for now...:)