Really need your thoughts

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Dear Lisa:

Whew! I am so sorry you have to go through all of this. May God bless you, and keep you in the hollow of His hand, but not squeeze so tightly. I truly don't know what to say. You are an incredible woman.


Yikes, pin you down, stick you full of chemicals, and fake a heart attack? Not comfy for sure. Well, you now know.

Single bypass and valve replacement?
Dr. Magee at Med City?
Lisa, it's amazing in the short amount of time that I've belonged to this web-site how I've come to care about someone and what they are going through. What can I say, but that you will be in my prayers daily. Remember that.

Love and God Bless, Glenda
Hi Lisa

Hi Lisa

I think you are a really brave lassie ...I'm sorry to have to go through so much but I have to say that you sound tough and a fighter keep fighting girl!
Just wanted you to know that prayers are winging their way across the Atlantic to you ...and that you will be in my thoughts and prayers ...please ask someone to let us know how you are .
Take care .
will keep you informed

will keep you informed

I promise that my husband will update the board everyday or as much as he possibly can. Promise

Your friend Forever

Oh my goodness, Lisa-

You will be in my thoughts and prayers for a highly successful surgery. Perhaps with this fix-up, you'kll be feeling much, much better. You have certainly suffered a lot with your medical problems.

God Bless you and keep you safe.


Hi Lisa
I didn't think there was a test out there that I hadn't had but the MRI of the heart is one I 've not have . It doesn't sound like I missed any fun by not having it. But I didn't like the 6 TEE"s they put me through either. To put it nicely there is a souple of Dr. I like to stick a tube down their throat. Their faviorte thing to say was you won't remember because of the drugs. WRONG!!!!!!!!!:mad:
I was a wake and it felt like they was putting hose with a rake down my throat. I remember reading the report form the test said. I didn't have any problems taking the test. Well! I don't know what room they was in it must have not be mine.
I really sorry to hear that you have to go through all this nasty stuff. My mother has a saying "What won't kill you will make you stronger" I think that is how it went. But my memory isn't the greatest since my strokes. Remember all our love and prayers are with you and your family from family.
BESt of luck

SHerrin Hutt
Valve repair 5/99
Valve replacement 3/02


I will be thinking of you!

Keep your mind on the final goal---a healing.:)
Oh Lisa, I'm sorry you are undergoing this now. Your wait is short and I hope you feel better after this surgery.

It is irrelevant now but my blockages are :RCA 50%, lst diagonal branch 50% both are at the very beginning of the vessels (ostial). If a cardiac MRI is ever suggested to me I think now I will pass on it.

You will be on my heart and in my prayers. I will be watching for posts from your husband.

I'm familiar with some of your history, because when I first arrived at this site, I found your posts fascinating reading. I actually did a search on yourt previous postings. It amazes me that you sound so positive given what you've been through. I'll be thinking of you and praying for the best outcome possible.


Hi Lisa, I just wanted to add my words of encouragement. You sure have had a heck of a lot to deal with. I hope your surgery goes well and gives you one less thing to deal with.

All the best for Friday, I'll be sending positive thoughts your way.

Anna : )


Hi all
I talked to Lisa husband tody and she is doing pretty well. She in some pain. But we all know what that feels like. I told her she was in our prayers and thoughts. I have her home address if any one is interested. Keep here in your prayers. Thks.

Sherrin Hutt
Valve reoair5/99
Valve replacement 3/99:D


Hi Lisa
I hope you doing well. My prayers have been with you. Remember to take it easy for a while. Cardic rehab. will help you alot. I wish you alll the the best .
Your friend
Valve repair 5/99
Valve replacement 3/02


Thanks for all of your prayers and concern. Spent most of yesterday in the emergency room but home again. Still in a fair amount of pain and hard to get to the computer. Question- what can I expect from the doctors as far as pain management? What is reasonable?
Thanks again.



Hi Lisa,
Sorry about your ER set back hope your ok now:mad: Sometimes you have to take two steps backward to go forward. My prayer are with you and your family. All you can do is take one hour a time. Then the days will pass pretty fast. Good luck:D If you start to get depressed be sure to tell your dr. All of have been through it.

Sherin Hutt
Valve repair 5/99
Replacement 3/02

Welcome back. Sorry you are still in so much pain. You should expect the doctor to work with you and your pain. You are still pretty early in the cycle, but don't sit back and expect to be in pain all of the time.

To me, there's 2 kinds of pain. One is related to the heart and the purpose of the surgery - bypass. I didn't have a bypass, so I really don't know what to expect there, but that type of pain would always be serious in my book.

The other pain is related to having the surgery - incision, breast bone, back muscles, etc. That pain should begin to subside when you are still. Walking is important. If you need pain medicine in order to take your walks, then by all means do it. Otherwise, try to rest and relax as best you can.

Does that help? Where is your pain? How's the breathing?

Take care.
To Tom/ Pain

To Tom/ Pain

I think that the pain I have is related to the surgery. Unfortunately my doc is not willing to give me any new meds to try to control the pain. I am now taking Darvicet and Fenegrin. We do meet with the doctor (you know the group) on Tuesday. Any ideas on how to approach him?

Darvicet worked well for me. Perhaps there is another drug that will work better for you. Quiz them about the side effects. None of the best pains killers are "free".

I was able to lie/sit real still and tried to wean off the darvicet. But still was sure to take it at least half and hour prior to a walk, or prior to getting ready for bed, or shower.
Hi Lisa,
I am just looking at a blank screen not knowing what to say. Sometimes I think of my little problems and think I have it tough, and then I read something like this. My heart breaks for you, but with a strong faith and hope, that God will take care of you and never leave your side. I am just a truck driver Lisa, so I have so little knowledge of your questions, but I just wanted to say I will continually keep you in my prayers. Please always keep in touch on this site. You have a lot of people here to support you, and I know will worry like mother hens about you. Keep positive and a smile on you face. Things will work out in faith. (and by your report they are...)

Mark :)