You Folks are all too much! Thanks again for the sentiments.
Everything seemed to go well with my pre-op appointment today. I have to put a hold on the AM golf, they have requested my appearance a couple of hours earlier then previously set. I'm a good hour away from the hospital, carts aren?t out until 7 AM, and I need to be checking in around 8. So I took care of the deed this afternoon. Both of my 16-year-old boys joined me in hacking out 4 holes this afternoon. Played within 24 hours of being filleted, close enough!
What?s this about a full body shave?!! Man, it took me 28 years to grow a patchy beard! I had a high and tight haircut already today!
I am concerned about my Wife?s emotional well-being, but she?s tough, I know she will be fine. I am more so concerned with the physical welfare of the nurses on duty if they don?t do the right things!
After hearing about your ordeal, she has my full permission to do what she sees fit! Not that she?s ever really needed my approval. I?m the one usually doing the begging!
Everyone else, again, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I know Nanc will post as soon as she can and I?ll post as soon as I can get me fingers to the keyboard.
I?m headed out for a steak; I wish everyone would quit referring to it as
?My Last Supper!?