Prayers needed....

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My heart just aches for you and your family during this time of sorrow. You are in my prayers.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you during this difficult time. I've already been missing your great spirit and sense of humor, as I'm sure everyone here at VR has. Please take care and hope to hear from you soon.
I was also on Ann's first e-maill that Billy received from I have known for a few days. So sad...Ann is trying to send me just short notes because her computer is up and down from the storm she had. Sometimes she can get on and sometimes not..It may be a few more days before her computer is OK. Ann, we are all praying for you..Bonnie
Ann, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You are absolutely in my thoughts.

Take care.
Words fail me here. When I think of this site and this group of people, there are a handful of faces that come to mind as synonymous with it. Ann is one of those, and it breaks my heart to read this.

Ann, as the others have said - please know we are thinking about you and please let us know what we can do in this time of need.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayer and hope that God is able to give you comfort and strength during this terrible time.
Hey Ann,
I am so sorry to hear about the lost of your sister. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care
Ann, words can't express how sorry I was to hear about your sister. It's always so hard to loose a loved one. You and your family will most certainly be in my prayers.
Dear Ann, I am sorry to hear of your loss and am praying for you and your family.

Oh Ann, I am so very sorry to hear the news about your sister. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts.

My deepest sympathy,
Dear Everybody - thank you so much, especially Billy, for starting the thread. I have not been able to come in and even aS this is written, the systems might go down.

The storm was the worst one I ever saw, and as some of you know I have been seeing them since I was a little child. The winds blew for 36 hours. I am concerned for Bill and Yaps. Pensacola, where they live, is wrecked. It's like a war has happened in Florida - several, in fact, because this is the 3rd or 4th in about a month - all over Florida. During the storm, I only asked God to let the day come so we could at least see. Our damage was slight and I cannot figure out why. It was like pockets of area were taken and some not. Horrible Oklahoma-like tornadoes that destroyed miles of things 3 counties from us.

I notified Billy and Ross early on and asked they not say anything yet and that's why Billy was so mysterious. Later a couple others knew.

My sister was murdered and found Wednesday morning as the storm moved in. Sorry to be blunt. The murderer was captured during the storm. Jackie is a real estate broker and had rented him my brother's home, evicted him, then he came into her home Monday evening to rob her, and killed her. We still have to get through the celebration of her life next week so you won't be seeing much of me for awhile, but I will check in when I am up to it and can get in. Jackie is a prominent well-known person from Florida to Washington, she was a person who was very, very involved in all areas of the community here and around the state, helped people where she could. There will be hundreds who will miss her. I am proud of her life.

Our phone system is awry and we are able to use the phones, but the internet system isn't working properly so I can't always get on, as Bonnie says. Yesterday morning it went out and this is the first time today that I have been able to get in, but as people try to use their own computers it will go out again. Glad I am an early riser!

Thank you all for your prayers. I need them so much. And probably will for awhile.

Love Ann

ps I tried to check spelling and this sounds all so disjointed - but then, I am disjointed right now. Sorry and you will forgive, won't you?
I keep replying to your emails, but evidentally your not getting them. Don't be worrying about me, I'm worrying about you! I wish I had the magic remedy to the whole situation, but I do not. Stay in touch as you can. :)
Hi Hensy...

Hi Hensy...

I am thrilled that you got out with only minimal weather damage. I know that God will take a good hard look at what this man has done to your beautiful sister and pass his sentence accordingly. Even though I have never met your sister or you in person, I feel that just by being americans, we are all family and I just want you to know that I am coming up on my aun'ts death anniversery (who I adored and had so much fun with) and my grandfather's , who I was totally lost when he passed on. I hope you find all the peace in the world and as others have said "Hold You in the light of god within his comforting arms." Your in my heart and prayers....Harrybaby666 :( :eek: :(
Our most heartfelt thoughts are with you. You have been dealt a series of devastating situations to deal with. I hope the energy, prayers, support and love you receive from us here will help make your journey less traumatic.
Donna & Family
Nice to hear from you

Nice to hear from you

Hi Ann what a horrible thing that was! You seem to be a very brave woman, still coming here to post after all you've been through. I hope you and your family can eventually overcome such a terrible loss, and I'm sure your sister must be watching over you as you try to come to terms with what happened. One of my best friends, Vania, was shot dead by her ex husband back in 1988 right in front of her house and ended up dying in her mother's arms. She was only 20 at the time, and this happened only 3 weeks after my step father was finally beaten by ALS. I still miss them an awful lot but unfortunately, we have no control over what God has in store for us. Take care and keep in touch, we're right here for you.

hi ann,
i am at a loss for words. i'm so sorry for your loss. i can't even imagine losing a sibling_ how terribly painful it must be.
please know that you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
be well, sylvia
I am so sorry for your loss and only hope you find some measure of comfort in your family and friends, including the many you have here at
My Deepest Sympathy

My Deepest Sympathy

Dear Ann, I was so very sorry and deeply saddened to hear the tragic news about your sister. I have always thought that your wisdom and kindness shines through the screen in front of us , acoss the continents and touches people that you may never meet. I for one was deeply touched by your kind words ....from the sound of it your sister was a similar person to you and so this world is a sadder, dimmer place for having lost her. Please know that I am sending you a warm hug of love prayers for you and for all your family and my deepest sympathy .
Take care and stay safe.

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