Prayers and Best Wishes needed for Mary and her Family

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I, too, am praying hard for baby Charlie and the whole family. I think others have made very pertinent comments about how miracles can and do happen, and how modern medicine makes so much of this possible. Sorry that Charlie faces these struggles but we are pulling for good outcomes in facing all hurdles. And of course, dear Mary is in our thoughts and prayers.
Mary and Her Family Has My Prayers...

Mary and Her Family Has My Prayers...

I am sorry I didn't see this sooner, but I haven't been feeling too well myself lately, but I want Mary and her family to know that I am praying for all of them that they get through this and all come out smiling with joy. Harrybaby
I hope Mary and her family have gotten some better news as the day has gone on today. Dr.'s are very good at dealing with congential heart problems now and will most certainly be able to handle the club feet. My heart goes out to all of them.

Well, we did get better news as the day progressed. Charlie is breathing easier and his blood sugar level has risen. The echocardiogram is being sent to a teaching hospital for evaluation so we'll know exactly what we're dealing with concerning the valve.
He's still having a little trouble with maintaining his body temp but that's not a big deal. We have a Shriner's Hospital in St. Louis so treatment for his club feet is available. All in all things could be much worse, so we're just celebrating his long anticipated arrival.
Thanks to everyone for the prayers and good thoughts. I know they made a difference.:)
Thanks for the update Mary! Congratulations on your new grandson! Glad you got some good news also. We'll be praying for your new addition and family.
So glad to see you posting and to get this good news, Mary. I hope that you all rest easier tonight and that the news gets even better tomorrow. You all are in all of our thoughts and prayers.

I wasn't online last night so missed this entirely earlier. Glad to see you post in the thread and give an update of better news than originally noted. Thoughts/prayers en route in earnest, of course....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 drive = Sept '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope" ... Alabama ... 'Angels Among Us'
Mary lots and lots of ((HUGS)) and LOTS of PRAYERS

Congratulations on the new baby.

zipper2 (DEB)
Congratulations on your new grandson. Sending hugs and prayers for the best outcome. All the best. Will be hoping for more good news.
I am adding my prayers and hugs to all the others. Congratulations on your new grandson.
Mary, I have been off for several days and just found this. My best thoughts and prayers are with you all. You are going through a very emotional time. A baby in our family had a hole in her heart repaired at 3 days old and she is just fine now. Thinking of you while you go through this and wish for blessins for all. Hugs........
Mary--we will all keep praying in earnest. Congratulations on your new grandson. I have a strong feeling that this little boy is going to be the source, and recipient, of many special blessings for all the years to come.

God has given him a strong loving advocate in his Grandma.
Please say extra prayers for baby Charlie. Today was not a good day. His O2 dropped down into the 80's, he's on a feeding tube, Iv's, and oxygen. They don't have the report back from the pediatric cardiologist yet.
Please say extra prayers for baby Charlie. Today was not a good day. His O2 dropped down into the 80's, he's on a feeding tube, Iv's, and oxygen. They don't have the report back from the pediatric cardiologist yet.

Thank you for the update. I've been checking all day. My thoughts and prayers continue
Dear Mary, Sorry I missed all this. So glad to read all are OK. Sending out prayers for you all. Your valve brother, Brian

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