Prayers and Best Wishes needed for Mary and her Family

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Just got an email from Mary's phone- no baby yet, maybe by AM. I assume that means that they are not doing a C section at this point. Keep them in your prayers and thoughts.
Mary i saw this earlier today and prayers with you and all your family

and the bundle of Joy to arrive.:)

zipper2 (DEB)
soon, hopefully, soon

soon, hopefully, soon

Went to bed early last night with a bad cold, but woke to this email from Mary this morning. Hopefully we will have all good news soon!:)

It's 8:20pm, and we're just back from the hospital after deciding that baby boy Charlie does not intend to arrive on December 1. The nurses feel that he will make an appearance about 8-9 am tomorrow morning. We'll sleep fitfully tonight, expecting a call, and if none comes, we will call the hospital when we get up at 5am. I might drink my first cup of coffee in the labor/delivery area, but I hope not!

Bob's mom is on the heart monitoring floor and seems to be in good spirits. Bob asked her cardiologist if he could wheel her to the nursery to see the baby when he makes his debut, so that's the plan for now. She's tickled that she will get to see him so soon.

I'll write or call when we have a grandson.


This morning's update

This morning's update

Bridgid had a rough night with no progress in dilation so it looks like a C-section might be in the offing. Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.
Bridgid had a rough night with no progress in dilation so it looks like a C-section might be in the offing. Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.

Just heard from Mary- it will be a C-Section at 10 AM. Bridgid and the baby remain in our prayers.
My prayers are going up for Mary and her family. Hope we get good news soon.
Mary's grandson and daughter need our prayers

Mary's grandson and daughter need our prayers

This is the hardest post I have ever written. Just talked to Mary. Charlie is in the newborn ICU. He is having trouble breathing, has a hole in the heart and possible AV problems which Mary feels may be congenital. He also has two club feet. They knew there was one club foot which also runs in the family, but they didn't expect two. Needless to say, Bridgid has had, a long hard night and needs our prayers as well. Her blood sugar is resolving itself, but her BP is still high and of course, she is depressed. Please pray hard for Mary, Bob, Bridgid, her husband and Charlie.
Oh no ! my thoughts are with them all.

I had a friend who had 2 club feet, and he was eventuallay looked after by the Shriners' orthopaedic people - their care is free, and it is excellent. By the time he was 6, he was playing soccer and hockey with the rest - and the best - of them. you can e-mail or PM me for any information

As for the heart problems, I have nothing to offer, except that I am sure he will be well taken care of, with Mary in his corner fighting for him.
My prayers going out to Mary and her entire family. I don't have much to contribute toward info for the hole in Charlie's heart, but recommend City of Hope for his club feet. Might be stretch distance wise, but there is no charge. My cousin had club feet and they corrected them to the point where you would never know. God Bless You All

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