Pragmatic look at OHS

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Interesting article with some strange conclusions.

They concluded that non-citizens accounted for 1/2 the payout (it wasn't clear from where) of American Citizens and therefore they were NOT the driving force behind the cost overruns or some such reasoning. (That comes to 1/3 of the total expenditures going to non-citizens)...
I couldn't find a national number for how much JUST ILLEGAL immigrants cost the nation in health care alone but I did find a number for CA and AZ and they were several years old (5+) and for those 2 states alone it was about 2.2 BILLION dollars (per year). I'm sure you could add another billion for TX. Now you can probably double or triple (or more) that number for the year 2010. OK that would give you a very conservative figure of about 10 billion dollars. Now add the other 47 states and I think you have a pretty sizable number of dollars that are not going to our citizens and not going to immigrants coming to our land legally and/or plan on doing so. I will keep looking for a current national figure. We are and always have been a generous country, but shouldn't this money go towards health care for our own citizens and immigrants who have gone through the proper procedures first? I have no problem with anyone immigrating to our country as long as they are willing to pay taxes and obey the same rules that apply to everyone else that lives here.
Bryan, I found this...from 2005 info.

Bryan, I found this...from 2005 info.

The more than $4.7 billion in costs incurred by Texas taxpayers annually result from outlays in the following areas:

Education. Based on estimates of the illegal immigrant population in Texas and documented costs of K-12 schooling, Texans spend more than $4 billion annually on education for illegal immigrant children and for their U.S.-born siblings. About 11.9 percent of the K-12 public school students in Texas are children of illegal aliens.

Health Care. Taxpayer-funded medical outlays for health care provided to the state’s illegal alien population amount to about $520 million a year.

Incarceration. The uncompensated cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in Texas’s state and county prisons amounts to about $150 million a year (not including local jail detention costs or related law enforcement and judicial expenditures or the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration).

Here's the link
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Janie, yes I was aware that Medicaid paid more than Medicare. As I am understanding it (please correct me if I'm wrong) Medicaid is for the poor, and Medicare is for our (pardon the expression you seem pretty young to me) senior citizens?

Hey, hey, hey, I resemble this remark! :)
It's also offered to those of us who are disabled and collecting SS, Kathy.
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Uh?....I was with you 'till "its easy to link to an article":frown2:. However, I copied your post and I'll "git 'er dun":redface2:

Thanks John...... it's hell to get old:tongue2:.

Dick, I post links just using the mouse and don't have to remember different codes depending where I am trying to put links (emails here other boards, the mouse works the same) I am VERY computer impaired, so this might be easier for you too.

I go to the URL of the page I want to link to, highlight it (it looks blue on my computer) and while my mouse is still on the URL bar, I RIGHT click on my mouse..a little list shows up (cut, copy paste delete etc) and I LEFT click on "copy" . (I opened the main page to the forums here in another tab to use as an example)

Then to paste - in the reply right where you want to put the link RIGHT click on the mouse and that little list comes up again, this time you LEFT click "paste" on the list
for a link to work (be clickable if that is a word and not just a string you have to copy and paste) here and some other places, you have to hit the Enter key right after the URL you just pasted in the reply.
Does this mean the Canada will NOT provide Free Health Care to Non-Citizens?(Does anyone know the percentage of Health Care Costs in USA are for non-citizens?)

Al, a non-resident without a health card can't just walk into a medical service facility and receive services. Nothing in life is "free". :wink2: In the case of emergent hospital care there may be some forms to fill out for visitors/tourists, but in that case most already have Blue Cross or some such travel insurance.

I had my OHS in Quebec and was asked to sign a form to allow the Quebec hospital to charge back the Ontario Government for my expenses since I had recently taken residency in Ontario. They do all the complicated billing etc. all I did was sign on the dotted line. :thumbup:
About 11.9 percent of the K-12 public school students in Texas are children of illegal aliens.
I must be missing something, how can you enrol children in school when your an illegal alien, aren't the parents just arrested and deported along with the children unless they have some kind of outstanding refugee claim?
Canada's public health system from your account of OHS appears to be run on province basis.
I had my OHS in Quebec and was asked to sign a form to allow the Quebec hospital to charge back the Ontario Government for my expenses since I had recently taken residency in Ontario.
Do you have to enrol in the system at a province level rather than a national level?
Is there any difference between the services available to public health patients in different provinces or the out of pocket expenses?
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OME, the health plans of the various provinces do vary slightly, but only slightly. I'm not sure if any of them is allowed (under the national Canada Health Act) to charge out-of-pocket "co-pays" for medical procedures. Drugs are covered only partially and maybe regionally, and that only recently in Ontario I think (unless I think that because I turned 65 fairly recently!).

The feds police the provinces to ensure compliance with the CHA, and the provinces actually administer the plans, generally to their own residents. When somebody moves to a different province, there's naturally some transitional settlement to be done by the various agencies, as if an American changed insurance companies. . .
From the health BUSINESS

I’m in Montreal today, where the Gazette leads off with a story (Feds mum on fee to visit MD) on how Quebec may begin to impose a $25 co-pay for each office visit or other service. Payment at the “point of contact” is forbidden by the Canada Health Act, which would seem to rule out co-pay’s.

Quebec is a different society in that the francophone population has long desired to be seperate and distinct
Thanks for the links to information on the Canadian health system.
Quebec is a different society in that the francophone population has long desired to be separate and distinct
I see what you are saying I checked their health insurance site out and some sections are available in French only, no English version available!!
Nova Scotia site has a comment "If you are travelling within Canada, all provinces have signed an Interprovincial Reciprocal Billing Agreement (except Quèbec for physician services)."
Do you travel to Quebec at your own risk???

The other think I found interesting is that foreign students studying in Canada appear to be covered by public health insurance.

By the way I notice the co-pay article has a date of 1st April!!
Thank you for keeping this "thread" civil for almost 100 posts....see, it can be done. There is another thread that has been started, "Insurance Questions", that you may find interesting. Health care availability, after "my" kind of surgery, followed me throughout my career. Fortunately, for me, since I couldn't "beat 'em", I "joined 'em", in order to get and keep good health care. Unfortunately, until something changes our system, factors such as "how much will this person cost us" will be a factor that you will have to live with...and, in my opinion, the less you have to incur "big bills", the better. That is my "pragmatic" look at the OHS issue.

I must be missing something, how can you enrol children in school when your an illegal alien, aren't the parents just arrested and deported along with the children unless they have some kind of outstanding refugee claim?

Well, in a perfect world or maybe imperfect world, that would be the case, wouldn't it..

It's a convoluted equation for sure. Politicians on both sides are unwilling to enforce what laws apply to this and so - just like Sonny & Cher - 'the beat goes on'..
Thank you for keeping this "thread" civil for almost 100 posts....see, it can be done.

Hey, I'm not done yet Dick..:biggrin2:

Wouldn't it be interesting just to see how much of our money is being wasted in the House of Representatives today arguing and voting on trying to repeal the health care bill..:eek2: when the Senate will nullify their vote and again be wasting our tax money.

Some of those yoyos need to get a real job..:angel:
Thank you for keeping this "thread" civil for almost 100 posts....see, it can be done. There is another thread that has been started, "Insurance Questions", that you may find interesting. Health care availability, after "my" kind of surgery, followed me throughout my career. Fortunately, for me, since I couldn't "beat 'em", I "joined 'em", in order to get and keep good health care. Unfortunately, until something changes our system, factors such as "how much will this person cost us" will be a factor that you will have to live with...and, in my opinion, the less you have to incur "big bills", the better. That is my "pragmatic" look at the OHS issue.

There is also a thread in the Pre-Surgery Forum you might find interesting called "Frustrated with Alberta Provincial health care system".
Hey, I'm not done yet Dick..:biggrin2:

Wouldn't it be interesting just to see how much of our money is being wasted in the House of Representatives today arguing and voting on trying to repeal the health care bill..:eek2: when the Senate will nullify their vote and again be wasting our tax money.

Some of those yoyos need to get a real job..:angel:

ShezaGirlie you are dangerously flirting with getting into a serious political debate. That is all. If health care reform is such an important issue how are they wasting our money. They are getting paid to do exactly what they do for their constituents. Was it a waste of money when they spent all of the time they spent arguing about the health care bill the first time? Can you tell me how many bills in the past that have been passed have later been repealed? Yes it is politics at its finest, but it is also a difference in ideology. Both congressmen and senators have a duty to argue and vote for what the majority of the citizens of their states want whether you or I agree with it.

Let's keep it to our experiences with health care and why we think it should be changed or not changed without going down the political path. You may not have intentionally tried to do that, but everyone knows that a different party took over the House of Representatives so IMO it sounds like you are blaming them for wasting taxpayer dollars. Hey if we could balance the budget (a multi-party fubar) we would have more than enough money to give everyone in our country the best health care in the world.

And on that note I am bowing out of the thread. I believe I hear applause in the background. ;)
Thank you for keeping this "thread" civil for almost 100 posts....see, it can be done. There is another thread that has been started, "Insurance Questions", that you may find interesting. Health care availability, after "my" kind of surgery, followed me throughout my career. Fortunately, for me, since I couldn't "beat 'em", I "joined 'em", in order to get and keep good health care. Unfortunately, until something changes our system, factors such as "how much will this person cost us" will be a factor that you will have to live with...and, in my opinion, the less you have to incur "big bills", the better. That is my "pragmatic" look at the OHS issue.

Yes, that is why there will have to be even more health care rationing. I believe that with time, euthanasia will be leglalized too. I am very concerned about my children, and the future generations. I have to say as far as mechanical valves being more "cost effective", that may be true. It certainly would not help to advance medical technology, in the way of heart valves and their patients though, if everyone chose a mechanical valve.
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