Power outage

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Are things still good for you? I just saw the mayor of Cleveland and she was talking about loss of water as well as power. I guess "boil water" until Sunday for Cleveland.
Hi Nancy, yeah were doing alright. I don't have to worry about the water deal as I have my own well. I'm not going to say I drink that water though! I have an iron sulfur filter and water conditioner, but the well pumps up enough sulfur for us to mine and make matches with. It's terrible. I need to get it tested soon to see what all is in it again.

Like Nicole, I got to watch the stars and kitty's play in the dark in the yard. I also got to hear my valve clicking for the first time since surgery. I guess it can be loud if you lay just right and have no other background noise.
Howdy, y'all!

The power is back on here in the Cleveland Clinic, where I write to you from their fine Alumni library! :) The power went out yesterday afternoon, just minutes after wrapping up a day of testing and getting the echo results. All is well here. I am totally impressed with the quality and thoroughness of care here. Am still on track for surgery on Monday, as Cosgrove didn't have any surgeries scheduled today (so none to RE-schedule for Monday).

Ta ta for now!

Melissa =)
Good to hear from you.

Good to hear from you.

I thought you had your surgery Wed. and was going to send Ross on a bus up there to look for you:p :p :p Will you stay in hospital all weekend? Let us hear back. Bonnie
Landed in Cleveland on Wednesday. Two days of preop stuff, will spend the weekend playing and then under the knife on Monday. . . having fun. Will send a postcard! You can check progress by logging into http://www.thestatus.com clicking on "view a patient page" and entering Parrish for patient name and MEDIUM-RECEIVE for the password. Isn't technology great???


Yea! Power at the Cleveland Clinic

Yea! Power at the Cleveland Clinic

Hi Melissa: How nice that you posted to tell us the power is on there. Believe it or not, when I read this morning's paper way up here in Alaska, my initial thoughts were, oh no, are they going to have to reschedule your surgery?!!

So am glad that everything is a go for Monday. We'll certainly be thinking of you.

I am familiar with status.com, so will be checking on you!



Have fun this weekend. Shop, eat and drink:D :D :D Would love to have a posrcard. Just don't write..Having fun..wish you were here:D :D Have someone to post really soon after surgery. Bonnie
Hey Chief how you like the neighborhood your in? Told you that place was a lot of walking didn't I? I'm glad to see that we have a page to check on you at. Wish they'd of had that when I was in there. Almost forgot-Didn't you feel like you were back in school following that silly schedule?

Talk to you whenever it's possible. ;)
Hi Melissa-

Will we be seeing you over the weekend from the Library? I hope so. It would be fun to walk you right up to the OR doors.

Glad the power is back on there. Imagine having heart surgery by candlelight. Now that would challenge for Dr. Cosgrove!

Keep posting. Talk to you later.
Melissa's surgery

Melissa's surgery

Hi Melissa, just wanted to wish you the best for your surgery on Monday. Glad the power came back on in time so that you did not have to postpone....it's hard when that happens.

Best regards,

AVR 10/99
St. Peter's Hospital
Albany, NY


Hi Melissa,

One little bit of advice. Don't eat onions the evening before surgery. Like a fool..... I indulged in an 'onion blossom' as I love them. Woke up sooooooo parched and they had to sneak me some ice.

Have fun. Be well! We will be praying for you.

Take care.
OK Ross-

I see on AOL news that they traced the power outage to 3 lines in Ohio. I knew you were using too much energy on the computer all the time.

Have you heard this?
I'm hearing all kinds of things. I wonder what were supposed to believe? I'll show you what I think the cause of the problem is:


This is from a friends house at the other forum. Can you believe that this is for a Single Dwelling Home? I bet the Electrical Inspector crapped his pants when he saw this.
Ohio did it!

Ohio did it!

WASHINGTON (Aug. 16) - The failure of three transmission lines in northern Ohio was the likely trigger of the nation's biggest power blackout, a leading investigator said Saturday.

Experts are working to understand why the disruption spread throughout the Northeast and Midwest and into Canada, and was not contained.

``We are fairly certain'' that the problem started in Ohio, said Michehl Gent, head of the North American Electric Reliability Council. ``We are now trying to determine why the situation was not brought under control.''

Gent said the transmission system was designed to isolate problems such as those apparently involving the three lines in the Cleveland area.

``The system has been designed and rules have been created to prevent this escalation and cascading. It should have stopped, we think, after the first three'' line failures, Gent said in a telephone news conference at which he did not take questions.

His organization is a nonprofit, industry-sponsored group that is supposed to oversee power line reliability. The council earlier had released documents showing four transmission line problems in the Cleveland area in the hour before the blackout spread Thursday afternoon across eight states from New England to Michigan.

The transmission system in northern Ohio is operated by FirstEnergy Corp. Company officials have declined to discuss details of their investigation into the blackout.

Council investigators were examining more than 10,000 pages of data, including automatically generated logs on power flows over transmission lines, Gent said.

The investigation has become more difficult because at the time of the power breakdown, ``events were coming in so fast and furious that (some) ... weren't even being logged in a timely way,'' Gent said.

Nonetheless, Gent said he is convinced that no data was lost and whatever was not recorded will be recovered.

``We will get to the bottom of this,'' he said.

A federal task force of U.S. and Canadian officials was forming to investigate the outages that spread within seconds, affecting millions of people from New York City to Michigan.

The preliminary investigation focused on an electrical transmission loop that encircles Lake Erie.

Investigators since Friday had been intrigued by a series of interruptions on a number of power lines in the Cleveland area during the hour before the massive blackout began.

Two minutes after the last of the Cleveland-area line problems there were ``power swings noted in Canada and the eastern U.S.,'' said a document made public late Friday by the council.

The United States and Canada have agreed on a task force to identify the cause of the blackout and correct whatever shortcomings caused it. The investigation will be headed by Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham and Canadian Natural Resources Minister Herb Dhaliwal.

Congressional hearings also are planned in September, and federal regulators were reviewing the power grid breakdown.

Abraham, who met Saturday with the governors of New York and New Jersey in Albany, N.Y., said the task force would not prejudge what might have happened.

More than 100 power plants, including 22 nuclear reactors in the United States and in Canada, shut down, most of them automatically to protect themselves against power surges, officials said.

08/16/03 15:08 EDT

Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
"The transmission system in northern Ohio is operated by FirstEnergy Corp. Company officials have declined to discuss details of their investigation into the blackout."

That explains it all right there! This is the very same company that I'm on. Every little storm that comes through, I lose power. Heck we even have power outages here for absolutely no reason on perfectly clear days.

I hate First Energy and Ohio Edison. I want to move back to where I can have American Electric Power (AEP). It was a whole lot cheaper, better service, very few outages, just 1000 times better all around. Worse part here is that I'm right on the darn border line. If I just lived 250 yards South of where I do, I'd be on AEP's system. AEP people did not lose any power during the blackout. What's that tell ya?
Ross's picture

Ross's picture

Looked so familar. Had Hubby to take a look and he agreed we had the same electrical boxes in our home that we built in 1970. Said we had 2..200 amp boxes to feed the outside workshop..:eek: Only..our's was covered with a wall.. Lived there 25 years with no problems.. Last night our community lost power to phone for 2 hours and cable this a.m. due to a lighting storm. Wonder how many babies will be born next May 14th..:D Bonnie
Bonnie if you lived up here and payed First Energy's rates, there is no way you'd run more the one 200 amp box. This last bill of mine was for 867 kilowatt hours and it came to $97.00 and I'm only running a 100 amp box. In winter I just about die financially. Average winter use is 1300 kilowatt hours and the bill $149.50.


Here..we have 1 200 amp box...Average in summer about same $90.00 Run a/c all the time at 72 degrees and total Kitchen...w/d..We have the most wonderful free standing gas fireplace in den that heats up den/ kitchen in winter. Get a clothes line:D :D Bonnie
Do me a favor, tell me the amount of kilowatt hours used last month and the total cost of the bill. I want to calculate your cost up here. I think your gonna have some kittens over it.

I use darn little of anything. Well Pump, Water Heater, Fans, No A/C, Coffee Pot, Stove on occasion but mostly use grill outside, Computer and the Oxygen Concentrator and T.V. all that is almost $100 a month for me.

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