Power outage

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Thoughts on this

Thoughts on this

1. Do you suppose the power companies will ask for a rate increase due to the huge losses they'll have due to the power outage????

2. Watched all those New Yorkers trudging along, then waiting patiently at the piers. Walking, standing for hours and hours. Don't you think that someone would have done something about an organized evacuation plan in case of catastrophe after 9/11? Shouldn't that have been a large part of our national emergency stuff? And wouldn't it have been more valuable than duct tape and plastic wrap?

Wondered myself how many of my friends were affected by this. Gald to here that most of you didn't have serious long-lasting problems. Glad it wasn't 20 below zero, tho.


Will do..Already paid for last month Never read meter. Maybe I should.. Even tho we live in a 3 story home. Upstairs a/c is always cut off unless Kameron is here. Downstairs. hubby leave garage door open all day. So cool down there.He has an office on one side and other side is for extra refrig. Kameron's play area. ect. Wall in between.. He has a gas heater tied up with our gas fireplace upstairs. so in winter. nice and toasty. Great getaway from me in winter.:p We have a large deck in the back where I throw his heavy work jeans and towels out there. Then throw them in dryer with a bounce. We only a/c living room, master bedroom kitchen and den. Plus, we are gone a lot..traveling. ect. and shut everything down. Grill out at least 3 times a week.I would open windows in summer. but don't won't Zeke the bear climbing thru..:p :p My son lives in a 2 story townhouse. energyefficent at $1.50 a day. Leaves a/c on all day and stays in shower for 30 minutes at a time.:eek: :eek: Plus he has w/d..Would be interesting to hear others on electric bill. Bonnie
If they are smart, they won't ask for an increase. This company is mega huge and makes mega bucks. There is no reason to raise anything. We already pay the highest prices for the electric. We have for years and this was so that they could make improvements to the system. They have not done so and have not lowered our rates at all in nearly 15 years. I hope they find themselves in front of a Congressional Committee to answer for all of this crap.

Bonnie just by what you've told me, I'll bet your bill would be around $250 to $275 a month up here. I'd still like to know the figures just so I can be accurate about it.


I was thinking..why didn't the police just use loudspeakers up and down streets saying. this is just a blackout not terriorist...I saw a man with a regular battery radio on streets at 11 p.m. with everyone rushing up to him wanting to know what was going on. Many people had locked pets inside, ect. but I would have slept in Central Park:p :p Wonder how many lawsuits will be filed?:eek: Bonnie
Oh, I think I hurt my neck

Oh, I think I hurt my neck

watching news coverage of the blackout (at md's - mounted high on the wall). Gotta get me a lawyer. and a horse collar, and I can't go to work. Thanks for reminding me, Bonnie.

You're right, of course, the only folks who are gonna do well with this are the trial lawyers. They have probably already scheduled nationwide seminars on filing lawsuits for this. :eek:


For me, it was 22 powerless hours and barely any water.

Let's hope that never happens again! :)
Daily Poll: Paying for power improvements
Sunday, August 17, 2003 Would you pay to improve electrical service?

(737 responses)

Yes: 15.07 percent

No: 32.03 percent

No, let shareholders pay: 52.90 percent
What if it had been a terrorist attack? What plan has the fed put in place to handle a bunch of people running around like we saw them doing? We have had the Homeland office for a long time now and nobody knows what to do in case of a national emergency, do we? NYC citizens, nor any of the other areas that were affected, didn't know what to do - and didn't have any way to know what in the world was going on around them! What does that say for what our govt has done to prepare us - even with all the tax $ spent thus far. The really sad thing is the terrorists who want to hurt the US are standing by, watching and gathering information...................

I don't mean this to be a political statement - just to say how helpless some of us feel.
Government Lip Service at it's finest. They keep telling us that they've done something, hoping to make us all feel better but in reality, they've done little to nothing and once again have spent our money.

I'm sure the terrorists are taking notes. I'm sure the terrorists are laughing at us too!
Was Stuck

Was Stuck

Was stuck outside Grand Central Terminal from 5PM on Thursday until about 1AM Friday morning. Finally managed to convince ($$$) a shuttle van to drive me home with about 8 other people. Got home at 4AM. I know that many people slept on the street/sidewalks or in parks on blankets provided by the Red Cross. Overall a very frustating, but calm situation. Honestly, felt a whole lot better when I heard the outage was not confined to NYC. Sorry, I guess misery loves company !!


Send a bill to Ross's First Energy Power Company in Ohio..:p :p :p For $$$ spent on van..Everyone who lost food,fish,..rented a hotel room should bill them.. :p :p Bonnie
CNN just released a story with more to come - Seems like someone in Ohio ordered a new computer ( the mother of all computers) so he could put Speedos on all the Avatars in a nanosecond. When he plugged it in, he brought down the whole network (and all the avatars lost their Speedos)
Thank goodness..I did not lose my new body:D Must have caught it before my avator.:p :p Any morning I expect to wake up and see..It's not over. until the fat lady sings..:D Bonnie

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