Poll: What type of tissue valve did you receive?

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Poll: What type of tissue valve did you receive?

  • I had the Ross procedure

    Votes: 9 17.6%
  • I have a homograft

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • I have a porcine valve

    Votes: 21 41.2%
  • I have a bovine valve

    Votes: 17 33.3%
  • I have a CryoLife Synergraft

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • As a result of replacement, I am now on coumadin for A-fib

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Thank You, Mary

Thank You, Mary

And a big thank you, Mary, from us post-surgery folks, too, for starting this poll and keeping it going. It has been most informative.

Love the dancing pigs. :p

mntbiker said:
I wasn't going to add mine bit since my presence was specifically requested;) :p

Hey, Mary??? I believe my presence was also specifically requested.....and it appears at this time the bovines are "winning". Where is my dancing cow?? Though I'd prefer a singing and dancing cow. :D :D

Just trying to keep this thread alive...... :)

Marguerite53 said:
Hey, Mary??? I believe my presence was also specifically requested.....and it appears at this time the bovines are "winning". Where is my dancing cow?? Though I'd prefer a singing and dancing cow. :D :D
Just trying to keep this thread alive...... :)

Ask, and you shall receive!
It's a cow jumping for joy. . . will that do?:p :p
okay!! okay!! that cow is PERFECT!!!

I no longer feel excluded.......... where do you find these adorable things, Mary??

Thanks!! Marguerite
Ross Procedure for me with a homograft pulmonary valve.

Current heart medications...162mg baby aspirin daily...that's it. I was on Toprol XL 25mg daily but my cardio took me off of that at my last checkup in January. :)
I went looking for this thread because I had forgotten exactly who said what valve they had, and while reading it, I saw Bryan B.'s response. Bryan, if you're checking the forum and see this, how did you do with the Topol XL? I just started it, almost 18 months after surgery, and the small dosage seems to be working well-- as far as slowing my heartrate down.

And if any of our new members read this, and you haven't voted, but have had a nonmechanical valve or the Ross procedure performed, please vote!
Thanks Lyn; I was taking a break from posting then and never saw this thread. Thanks, Mary; good idea for a thread!

My bicuspid valve was replaced with a porcine valve and the mitral was in an iffy state pre-op but a TEE immediately following the bicuspid replacement during the OHS showed the mitral was doing much better so I got to keep my original mitral valve:).

I started into A-fib/A-flutter one week post-op and was readmitted to the hospital to be put on Sotalol and I also received some magnesium IVs while there and so I was on Coumadin and Sotalol for about three months post-op.

Edit - I have wondered if [some of] the stats, regarding tissue valve recipients needing to be on anticoagulation therapy (ACT) post-op, include people like me--who are put on ACT temporarily post-op.
Hi, After my second AVR surgery I managed to rid myself of daily doses of Atenolol for blood pressure maintenance. I had suffered a bit of tachy but my doc figured that was primarily due to my heart muscle recovering after LV remodelling.

I am prone to clotting and scarring so post op, both times, I took injectable heparin but was released from hospital on 325 mgs of enteric coated ASA daily.

The first AVR was because of BAV stenosis with calcification, the second was because of severe stenosis caused by pannus outgrowth on the medtronic porcine stentless freestyle (22mm). My surgeon had originally hoped to provide me with a bovine valve but my aorta and root were too small to allow for the implant.

I chose tissue because of the promise of durability and the probability of never needing anticoagulants because of the valve. It would have been heartbreaking :rolleyes: if I'd needed coumadin therapy even after receiving a tissue valve replacement.
Mary, why not ask Ross to make this a sticky? I've only just noticed it and voted when it was bumped to the top.

Homograft ticked here.
Mary, why not ask Ross to make this a sticky? I've only just noticed it and voted when it was bumped to the top.

Homograft ticked here.

I'm glad you found it and cast your vote, Bonzo. I will ask Ross, and hopefully he will make it a sticky.

I don't know how many are aware that if you click on the response # for each category, the names of those who voted are displayed. Some polls don't allow members' names to be shown; this one does. I thought it was a quick way to find out which valve type (nonmechanical) each respondent has.

Looking through the list, I see that several of our newer VR members haven't voted, and I will try to pm them and request that they do.

This is strictly informational and has no hidden agenda.
Speaking for my husband. He had a bovine valve repalcement this past monday. Although he's young 62 he wanted something that didn't make noise, and also he didn't want to take coumidan at all. His heart is strong and no ther medical problems. If he needs a new one in 10 or so years. I would hope they would have an eaiser way of doing it.
for me it is porcine with the Medtronic freestyle aortic valve.

I did have afib in the hospital more than once and was never given any coumadin for any reason. I was on sotolol but never coumadin.
for me it is porcine with the Medtronic freestyle aortic valve.

I did have afib in the hospital more than once and was never given any coumadin for any reason. I was on sotolol but never coumadin.

If you were considered a chronic afibber, you'd be on it. No question about it.

I don't know how many are aware that if you click on the response # for each category, the names of those who voted are displayed. Some polls don't allow members' names to be shown; this one does. I thought it was a quick way to find out which valve type (nonmechanical) each respondent has.


Is this working as it should? The Ross procedure has 12 named respondents but gives the tally as 16; Homograft has 6 named respondents but lists the tally as 7, I haven't checked other options. :confused: :confused:
Is this working as it should? The Ross procedure has 12 named respondents but gives the tally as 16; Homograft has 6 named respondents but lists the tally as 7, I haven't checked other options. :confused: :confused:

You're right, Bonzo, the names of the newest responders aren't displaying.
I'll ask Ross (unless Ross happens to read this;)) how to get it fixed.
The purpose is to let people know who has what valve.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention
This thread is temporarily closed due to new votes not showing up properly. Suggest new poll be made and reposted noting that it's because of reopening this old thread.

The votes as they stand as of closing:

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