What a last few weeks. On the 21st the house my daughter rents was broken into and they stole her bed(yes bed,all the kids DVDs,Cds and jewelry. We told her and the kids to come stay with us. We went to bed about midnight and were awoken at 2 A.M. by our fire alarms. Our wooding burning stove had somehow caught the roof on fire. We all made it out okay but my house has holes in the roof through to the living room ceiling. We are all living in a motel right now. My ex son-in-law has been wonderful and I am so thankful for him. He let me cook Thanksgiving dinner at his house because my son and his family were coming from Tenn. for dinner. The insurance company has been wonderful but all this is playing on all of our nerves. I have not slept in nearly 2 weeks. I had to come back to work yesterday. The insurance company is saying it will be at least 2 months before we are back in our house. We had heavy smoke and water damage. The roof has to be replaced,the floors in the kitchen,hall.living room and dining room completely replaced. The holidays are my favorite time of year and this has just been awful for us. Please say a prayer for us all.