In the Marine Hymn, "to the shores of Tripoli" refers to the successful assault by America on the pirates of the Libyan coast decades ago. The quote then was, "Millions for defense, not a penny for tribute!" The United States was the only country at the time who didn't just pay the ransoms. Since then it has been firmly declared that the United States will not bargain with terrorists.
Yet here we sit in the waters just offshore of the pirates' safety zone, at the Danes' request. These are American citizens, and pirates are the most basic form of terrorists.
I don't want to see anything happen to the brave captain who is at risk. But if we do nothing, there will be many more brave captains at risk over time. Who will be the one when we finally say, "enough?" Will he be less liked, more easily risked? Or will it be a whole crew by that time?
We have the satelite capability to read a newspaper over someone's shoulder. We could certainly see exactly where the pirates go, if we wanted to. Ships should set off distress beacons (EPIRBs) as soon as they are engaged by pirates, so we could react and track the pirates, even if we aren't close enough to reach them quickly.
These are bad people. We are worried about them escalating if we react, but so far they are making hundreds of millions of dollars and believe they are invincible and untouchable. That's not going to encourage them to give it up. That's going to encourage them to be even more audacious and ruthless, to prove their strength and generate more fear in their victims.
It's equivalent to saying we shouldn't have police, because that will anger the criminals, and they might do even worse things. Just foolish and unsupportable circular mislogic. Fear masquerading as reason.
If we want to sit out this specific situation, that's okay. However, we have people in the area. We should go in and take care of the pirates' safe havens now.
Just my opinion,