on the other side

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Awesome news Jake you are doing SOOO well! You have no dignity in the hospital, every day 'have you moved your bowels yet?' - I felt like a real failure. When you finally do it is very tempting to yell down the hall that you have! :)

Keep up the good work, I found it helped to set myself goals every day - like eat all my hospital food, walk three laps every hour, etc. because then I had something to work towards.

Good vibes coming your way from down under!
Congrats on getting through and good luck in your recovery. It's a long road, but listen to your body and be patient. Hang in there.
Good to hear you are on your way to recovery.
It's been a while since we talked last, I didn't even know you were going in.
I will give you a call in coming days once you are settled in at home.
Hang in there, it just gets better from here on.
Your 'neighbor' in Shelby Twp,
Jake,don't fool yourself,that BM is crucial.I had a stool sofener everyday for 5 days and a supository and it did not help.Believe me I paid for it when I got home.Get whatever they can give you to get the bowels working regularly.I had more pain at that end than the OHS was.Wish you luck and free flowing bowels.
And BOOM went the dynomite

And BOOM went the dynomite

so after 4 days and the final "combustion event" My pacemaker wires were removed and my discharge begins tomorrow.

Thanks again to all of you who jumped in to offer advice, it all really helped beyond my ability to explain.

Much of the step down unit also thanks those if you who jumpped in too. we all had somewhat similar issues and all of the responses really helped not only me, but all of us.

Of course, I am sure we will talk in the coming months, but doctors and nurses over here really took notice of the site. VERY IMPRESSIVE!.