Official 2008 Reunion Thread

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Freddy asked who the canadian male was at the reunion. It was Peter and his beautiful wife Pamela. Nice couple!! They are featured in Hank's pictures # 1794 (in the middle) 1884 as a couple and again with Hank and Michelle #1885. I really enjoyed getting to know them better "on one of the bus rides". Said goodbye on the second bus ride. They left right after the mystery dinner night.They were NOT featured in the group picture so I wanted to point them out to you all.
Sweet pics, Hank. Thanks for sharing 'em with us.


Course, seeing them ... make me really wish I had been able to attend this year.....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I walk alone" ... GreenDay ... 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams'
Hi everyone,
First of all, I would like to say that we had a really good time in Orlando meeting you all. I am sorry I have taken so long to respond, but I came home to a very long and urgent translation project. I am now finally finished. It's hard to get used to the long winter here this year. It seems like we will be getting more snow Easter weekend. Hopefully we'll all see each other again in St. Louis. Pam tells me that she is interested in the Vitamin pamphlet we received the last evening. She misplaced it, but hopes to find the information again. We have a few pictures, mainly taken at our table the last evening. We will try to get them on here (we are not very good at that).
Best regards to all!
Peter and Pam
Thanks hensylee Ann for that great testimony!! I really appreciate it!! I hope Peter and Pam contact me. Have a great week!!
Pam, would you mind posting the info on the vitamins? And how Coumadin would be received.

Always open to something new. I am healthy 360 days a year:D Always get one nasty bug to make up for it. This yearly since surgery. I recall having many little colds prior. Tend to avoid them now with the Zicam. Could I be doing myself an injustice? Meaning let yourself have the little virus to avoid the BIG ONES?:eek: As my mother always says. You don't do anything small my dear.:p :p ;)
My website is . It is 17 vine ripened fresh raw fruit/vegetables in capsule form. We have gummies for little ones(no dyes or additives), a child health study with chewables(age 6-15 with paying adult get their product FREE), and of course capsules for the adults. What makes us different than anyone out there is all the double blinded,independent,gold standard studies that have been done on our products proving many things from improving the immune,repairing DNA,reducing oxidative stress,preventing spastic arteries,etc. There are virtually no calories, no salt,no sugar, or vit.k is minimal. I do have customers on coumadin taking it with very little/or no adjustments to their coumadin doses.Everywhere you read how important fruits and vegetable are!! Most of us don't get the RDA requirement of 9-13 (fresh raw) each day for disease prevention. How easy is it to swallow 2 green capsules in the AM and 2 red at night and not worry! Of course i do believe in still eating a healthy diet!! But most of the produce we get in the stores have been on trucks or warehouses for awhile and then GMO to get ready to go in the stores so their nutritional components of that food is compromised. These are USA farm raised,vine ripened,and processed in a factory that checks for bacteria,virus,etc.... But again no one can beat our studies. Juice Plus is the most studied neutriceutical on this planet!Check out the studies, One done by a cardiology group univ. of maryland on high fat meals is very impressive and published in the american college of cardiology.I am a firm believer in this product. (my domain name was taken over by another company so am discovering that my old website address is not good-website in first sentence is good) Thank you for asking about whole food nutrition!!NOT synthetic but food in a capsule. I would love to help Ross out financially with proceeds from this business so pass the word for me!!Sorry for the long post but you did ask! Thanks much for the inquiry!! Pam
I found out about it in chat one day from Christina. Since I am old I am careless about diet, I need veggies and fruits every day. These seem to fit the bill - even the capsule itself is made from fruit or veg. My drs seem to accept my choice very well.
Back Home

Back Home

Well Bill and I are back home in England, we arrived home Thurs 27th

It was wonderful to meet fellow VR Members some we have met before and others we met for the first time,
As Hank said time goes so fast at reunions, I am sure if we had a whole week it would still not be time enough for us all !!!

Thanks to Hank and Michelle for organising the event and a special thanks to QAS for sponsoring a fantasic dinner

great meeting everyone


Jan and Bill ( Liverpool England)
Hey, Jan - hope your trip this year was a great one. Wish we had time to visit wish you and Bill at the reunion. Bill's a hoot. Chuck loved his jokes - me, too. Welcome home.
Jan said:
Well Bill and I are back home in England, we arrived home Thurs 27th

It was wonderful to meet fellow VR Members some we have met before and others we met for the first time,
As Hank said time goes so fast at reunions, I am sure if we had a whole week it would still not be time enough for us all !!!

Thanks to Hank and Michelle for organising the event and a special thanks to QAS for sponsoring a fantasic dinner

great meeting everyone


Jan and Bill ( Liverpool England)


Glad to hear that you and Bill got back safe. Hope your vacation in Florida was a good one. It was wonderful seeing you and Bill again at the reunion and to be able to catch up on all the newsies from your neck of the woods.
Pam and I want to thank you once again for taking the time to drop us off at the Orlando airport. We had a good flight home that day. Looking forward to the next reunion in St. Louis.

Hugs to both of you,

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