Official 2008 Reunion Thread

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gadgetman said:
Table 2 - Food's on the way!!!!

Danny :)

I would like to take a moment to THANK QAS (from the bottom of my repaired Heart) for their kind and generous treatment of during the tour and meal afterwards. What a great bunch of folks and (ADVERTISEMENT COMING) always recommend them for the source of testing equipment and supplies. Great and caring bunch of people.

NOTE: The empty chairs in the back left were for Mary and her group. They didn't make the bus and we were on the phone guiding them to the place, thru a driving rainstorm I might add. They did make it.

For once, Danny and I are completely on the same page.:eek:
QAS did an outstanding job, and I am deeply appreciative.:)
We had a great time at the Sleuth dinner theatre, and the meal the night before at Texas de Brazil was out of this world.:)
Now, my real reason for posting . . . . Gadget, tell Jan to call me whenever she gets a chance!
I'm on my cell until tomorrow evening, and I'll send you my home phone # (via pm) to give to her too!
Thanks, my message boy!;) :p :p
ps tell everyone else I send my regards, and don't have too much fun tonight!
Thanks Bubba

Thanks Bubba

Yes..we wanted pictures..:D THANKS...Mary told me that was a great dinner that QAS hosted..:) I need to send off an e-mail to Lance. for taking care of yall.:D Great QAS. in fact. I took my Protime today in my OLD Protime..Still clicking...6 years later ..Like me..:p Bonnie
Three o' Four---whut dang difference does it make. Guess it'd matter t'thet fourth table.

Bubba :)


You had to wake up Bubba????!!!! Glad y'all made it in safe thru the Rain.

Danny :)

Another Sleuth's Picture
More Sleuth's. Jan and Bill enjoying the show. They came all the way from the UK.

Danny :)

Both of them soun' like they "ain't fum aroun' hyar" but seem real nice. Bill 'd fit in wif Larry th' Cable Guy's group as long has he didn't speak. Shet mah mouth!

Bubba :)
Here are the actors who performed for us. They even mentioned as being there. Peggy went up after the show and told the MC (the guy in the red shirt) what VR.COM was all about and he said "I thought they must sell Valves or something----we were warned before the show not to make any jokes about HEART ATTACKS!!!!!

I will now pass on the opening JOKE from the show. Bubba wanted to tell it but I was afraid it might just loose a little in translation.

Danny :)

There were three moles down in their burrow.

One popped his head up and said "I smell eggs", to which one of the ones inside said "That is coming from the IHOP across the street".

The second mole pushed and shoved his way into the opening, almost not making it thru. He said "I smell bacon" to which the first mole reminded him it was probably the IHOP across the street.

The third mole tried and tried to get thru to the top but no matter how much he pushed he couldn't make it. The first mole asked him what he smelled. He said:


"I don't smell anything but "mol *****" :eek: :p :D

Now Bina, would you please explain it to Freddie.:eek: :rolleyes:


Hank said:
Here is the youtube link to my skydiving video...

Wow, Hank!

I had to watch it twice! The clouds were beautiful for a jump like that! What a cool experience for you!
HOLY COW, Hank ... what a COOL video.

Heh ... anyone else notice...that the board showed "Hank Aaron" ;).

(Baseball fans should get

hensylee said:
When you meet someone you ahve been talking with for years, it's never like meeting a stranger. It's like coming together with a relative or family member after an absence of miles, but not togetherness. Truly a common thread runs from each of us to each of the rest of us. Guess it's a heart thing, huh?


Partly, yes ;).

I've been "preaching" this for years during my road trips! But, it is sssooo very true!!!!


Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Traveled down the road and back again" ... Andrew Gold ... 'Thank You For Being A Friend'
seeing Cort reminded me. All y'all we said we were going to talk about? Well, guess what? Yore ears musta burnt a whole lot - cuz we done it - big time.

Also forgot to mention Jan's husband is a treasure. My son said it would be fun to just sit and listen to him on a party night. He's really fun. Maybe we should hire him for each reunion just to be sure he's there.
Good to see Bill and Jan in the picture. I dont' get to see enough of them for obviouis reasons.
Thanks Ann .Ross, where in Ann's pics did you see Jan//Bill? In Ann's showslide..I got a glimpe of Mary behind Peggy...Must have been made yesterday morning......Ann, you must have left before Mary called me..:( .thanks for sharing..Bonnie
I believe a bunch was sposed to meet for breakfast, but Pam and Christina were there when we got there; when we were finished but chatting, Bubba showed up and Chuck got a couple pix, then Mary and her family showed up as we were leaving. I think that as we left, Sherrin and her husband came in.

Danny and some others have more pictures. I have 2 or 3 of a scattered group in my own camera that I will look at when I get home to see if they can be published.

Ross, yes he was telling me about some beautiful l and he has for sale with only a little quicksand on it. We're thinking of a swap with a piece of my land that only has a small sink hole in it.
Home in Az

Home in Az

Well, Michelle, Jessi and I are home now.

It was a nice flight and it is always good to return home.

Thanks to everyone who went to this year's reunion. It was awesome with some memorable evenings.

I wish that we could have more sit arond time, but it just seemed like go go go go the whole time.

I am not the best at organizing these things and it seemed like the things that we did have scheduled were alays rush rush.

The Thursday night QAS sponsored even was beyond excellent and it was nice to see their beautiful facility even if it was a bit rushed because of the traffic jam on the way there.

Th transportation was nice on both nights and we look forward to the time when we will be able to full up those tour buses.

Friday night was entertaining and we were able to have a very short meeting (I should have planned that one better also).

Ross - wish we could have talked to you on the phone but you apparently thought you needed to sleep or something :p

Well, once again - pictures are on the way and it was so nice to see old friends and to meet new ones.

You are all such wonderful people and I am honored to be associated with you.
This was my first reunion, and I want to say how much I enjoyed meeting all of you who attended. It was inspirational to see so many valvers looking and acting ?normal? -- but, especially, having so much fun together. I felt like I was among friends, even though I had never met any of you before this past week. By the way, I listened but could not hear a chorus of ticking hearts when we were together -- how disappointing!

My wife and I were not able to spend as much free time with you as I would have liked, since we stayed at home (too cheap to pay for the hotel). However, the dinners both nights were great experiences, especially the ?heart-healthy? meals (NOT). I hadn?t eaten like that in a long time!

I want to echo the comments made earlier by other posters. The QAS company seems to be composed of wonderful people doing their best to improve our lives and health. From the president of the company on down, they were happy to see us, talk to us, and make us feel at home in their environment. They have apparently supported from the very beginning and continue to advocate our forums.

We look forward to renewing acquaintances next year in St. Louis!

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