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Why is he allowed to stay?
probably one of these things
  • for a long time there was no moderation here, we just spoke to each other as adults and that may or may not have been taken well by the listener
  • I myself don't see reasons to throw him off (when ridicule is sufficient) I know he blocks me; but my comments of ridicule are not to him, they are to casual readers and short term readers (dipping a toe in) who may think "oh my, I should help this guy" (rather than give him the kick on the arse he needs)
  • now that we have moderation here I see that they don't feel the need to even tap him on the shoulder (perhaps because nobody has complained)?
Best Wishes
I'm careful about how I react to this guy - just in case, some day, he may act on his stuff.

I was tempted to say - go ahead and do it - but I have concerns that he might (although I think, as many of us who've been reading this crap for a few years now, have no expectations that he would).

Maybe when he stops getting sympathetic ego boosts from us here, he'll find somewhere else to try this with.

(And, as far as I know, he's living in his mother's basement, with two cats and an iguana)
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just in case, some day, he may act on his stuff.
we all do what we need to do ... if he wants to end his life that's his choice. However if
  • he's just seeking attention he should go away
  • he needs counselling he should get it
either way I don't believe that he's a suicide risk (lacks the commitment)