Night Sweats

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
Since my AVR on 6/5/2013, I have had to have my nurse change my bedding no less than three times per night. Now I'm in a motel and wife has changed them twice already and the night isn't even half over. Wonder what is going on with my body that would account for this. It is mostly my head sweating that drenches the bed.
happened to me for a few months. I kept my surgeon informed, put a towel on my pillow and reported data (temp / HR and BP) every two days. I slept in trackies and a sweat shirt (with less blanket) to make the laundry easier on my wife.

That was back in late 2011 through to early 2012. Settled down after a bit.
I had nasty trouble with "temperature regulation" for a month or so after surgery. I would be shivering cold during the day, even in the warm house. I spend days in my recliner with a blanket wrapped around me, even though I was wearing a track suit complete with long-sleeved sweatshirt. Then at night, I would sleep in shorts and a T-shirt, and would sweat as if it was hot in the house. (We kept it at 68 degrees). After about 3 or 4 weeks it became less frequent, then over another couple of weeks it just went away. For some reason, this is very common among heart surgery patients, and as long as you aren't running a significant fever, the docs aren't worried about it.
I had that problem for a month after my first surgery (but not at all after my second surgery). I slept on towels so I could easily change them without changing the sheets in the middle of the night.
Hey canon4me, I am sorry for what you going through. But canon4me hang in there i feel the AFib has just made u anxious. Believe in your docs, have faith in god. Keep yourself calm as you sweat, may be feel cold and stuff. Take all of the pain to be a road to your amazing recovery. Look at things in a positive way and life would surely set back to your normal pace.:) i know easier said that done but we valvers dont have an option. Best of vibes for you. Get well soon. Godspeed. Take care and keep blogging. ;)
Steve, my situation is very similar to yours: cold all the time it seems. But strangely enough, the only part on my whole body that sweats is the back of my head.

AmyR, I believe it is all physiological in nature. It could very well be the body's response to pain it is dealing with, but it is not psychopathologically based. I think as long as it continues like this, and I did experience a huge episode minutes ago, I will take some persons' advice in how I sweat, so I coined the phrase "smart-sweat" insofar as protect the bedding and maybe drench just a towel rather than a whole washer full of bedding:)
Night Sweats

Hey, I just had mine on 5/1 and had bad night sweats and temp regulation issues for about 3 weeks exactly. I would go to bed sometimes freezing cold or other times normal and wake up about 3 times during the night having to change my drenched tshirt etc.

I'll tell you what I think fixed it... Though this could be completely coincidence too. I had noticed early on that one of my two drainage tube holes did not completely heal together. I went out and bought some steri-strips and put them over it to try and make a better bandage. About three weeks after my surgery, I took off the steri-strips of the very small drainage hole area (the other hole had healed up great. I noticed that it was partially healed, but had a tiny bit of liquid around it and was not healed together. I remembered at that time the nurse saying that once the strips fell off, to leave them off. So, I cleaned it up with alcohol, dried it, and left it alone. That night I only sweat once and hardly at all. The next night, and every night since, I've been completely normal with no sweating or sleep issues.

Now again, this could be coincidental because alot of people say the sweating lasts about 3 weeks to 2 months or so. But, for me, it seemed that my body was fighting to heal that tiny little hole and I was having a reaction of some kind. Perhaps while our bodies our healing from surgery, it is very common to have these healing reactions.

Hope everything else is great!
Hi all,

I'm having the night sweat thing too. I get so hot and sleep with very little on me. I checked my temperature and I'm not running a fever just real hot. Today is day 17 - hopefully it will pass soon.

I had the night sweats after both of my surgeries. I think the body naturally reacts to a number of things after surgery, like being opened up, ribs spread apart, heart cut open, barrage of medications, stress, anxiety, the list goes on and on. It just takes awhile for the body to sort all of this out and return to normal. I also think we become "sensitized" to everything after surgery so we may notice little things that we might not normally be aware of. It WILL get better, hang in there.