Nick Cambio

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Nick Cambio

Jun 2, 2011
North Providence, RI
I am posting for my brother, Nick, who is not computer savvy and is too sick...he goes to surgeon tomorrow for his first consult and is hoping that an OHS is scheduled SOON. He was diagnosed with needing an aortic valve repair/replacement about 25 years ago but he chose to do nothing but keep working. He is now 67 yrs old and just in the last 6 months came down with pneumonia which led to a totally collapsed lung which led to his exacerbated cardiac issues. I brought him to Miriam Hospital in Providence, RI on Mother's Day this year where they corrected the lung issue and did a complete cardiac work-up. His heart is severely enlarged and his anxiety level is beyond limits. He is on Lorazepam but it makes him nauseous, so he takes Maalox too. He is on blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, but only to help the heart not work as hard. he has had cardiac cath and has no blockages. Tomorrow he sees Dr. Fingleton who is associated with Miriam Hosp and we are told that he is the best around here. We will keep you informed. He needs prayers and support.

Nick's little sister, Kathy
Kathy, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you found the site to help Nick, there is a wealth of knowledge here for the future .....

Bob/tobagotwo has up dated a list of acronyms and short forms

what to ask pre surgery

what to take with you to the hospital

Preparing the house for post surgical patients

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well

And Lynw recently added this PDF on what to expect post op

Prayers and positive vibes in the air
Very sorry to hear of your brother's condition.

It sounds like he is a very ill fellow and seeing you are so close to Boston, have you considered bringing him to Brigham and Women's or Mass General Hospital? These are two of the finest heart centers in the U.S. For very ill patients, it's a good idea to get world class docs. If his insurance will permit, maybe he might think about making the short trip.

Best wishes. Hope all goes well for him and you.
Very sorry to hear of your brother's condition.

It sounds like he is a very ill fellow and seeing you are so close to Boston, have you considered bringing him to Brigham and Women's or Mass General Hospital? These are two of the finest heart centers in the U.S. For very ill patients, it's a good idea to get world class docs. If his insurance will permit, maybe he might think about making the short trip.

Best wishes. Hope all goes well for him and you.

Welcome Kathy, I'm the "loved one" (sometimes lol) not the heart patient too, its my son that has had heart surgeries. WOW your brother is very lucky to still be here and done as well as he has after being told to have his Aortic valve replaced 25 years ago. When I was reading your post I had the same thoughts as JKM about maybe he should look into having his surgery in Boston or at least getting a 2nd opinion and talking to them, since he is sicker than most people having surgery it would be a good idea to go to surgeons who have alot of experience doing complex heart surgeries or taking care of very sick patients.

IF he is interested, he can have all his tests and records sent to them (call first and see what they would need) to get their opinions and doesn't have to actually travel there unless he decides to go there for surgery.

Again thanks for being such a caring sister and trying to help your brither. Please tell him the surgery has a great sucess rate with sugeons who do alot of them.

PS I was just thinking, IF your brother is high risk, you may want to look into the trials being done where they can replace Aortic valves by cath to see if he is a candidate. They are done in a couple boson hospitals i believe.
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Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes...Miriam Hospital is well known (at least in this small state of mine, RI) and Dr. James Fingleton (we are told) is the top in his field here. My bro really didn't want to have to travel to Boston even tho it is so close (1 hour). I DID want him to go there but couldn't convince him. Who knows? Tomorrow he sees Fingleton, maybe he will recommend Boston then. If so, it is not a hardship for us. My husband just completed 15 radiation treatments at Dana Farber...Boston is the best place to be for sure.....we have to trust that Nick is making the right decision. He just wants to have the surgery and quickly. He cannot be any sicker. Thank you all once again...
Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes...Miriam Hospital is well known (at least in this small state of mine, RI) and Dr. James Fingleton (we are told) is the top in his field here. My bro really didn't want to have to travel to Boston even tho it is so close (1 hour). I DID want him to go there but couldn't convince him. Who knows? Tomorrow he sees Fingleton, maybe he will recommend Boston then. If so, it is not a hardship for us. My husband just completed 15 radiation treatments at Dana Farber...Boston is the best place to be for sure.....we have to trust that Nick is making the right decision. He just wants to have the surgery and quickly. He cannot be any sicker. Thank you all once again...

I'm sorry to hear about your Husband, you sure have alot going on. Please (IF he is interested) have your brother ask if Dr. Fingleton thinks he would be a canidate to have his valve replaced by cath and not need to go thru surgery. Even if he doesn't want to travel it might be worth it to avoid having to go thru open heart surgery and the recovery. Even tho they don't do them at Dr. Fingleton's hospital, hopefully he'd be able to know IF Nick is a candidate and if so recomend someewhere he could have it by cath.
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hello everyone...just an update on my bro, Nick...he went to Dr. Fingleton, cardiac surgeon, yesterday and came home with a little hope...apparently, though, he has an aortic aneurysm which we did not know about AND the bad aortic valve. Since Nick was a smoker the Doc wants a pulmonary test and an echo-cardiogram and then he will re-visit the situation. There is a very good possibility that he will be going to Brigham and Women's in Boston for the surgery....still don't have a date yet but the good news was that Dr. Fingleton said that "It is not hopeless!"....Nick was able to sleep some last night and today and his appetite was just a little bit better...He sees his cardiologist tomorrow...will update again....thanks for listening and praying!!! sister Kathy
Thanks for the update. I'm glad Nick is feeling a little better about it and was able to get some sleep. I'm glad to hear he is considerring going to Boston
Thanks for the update. Good news the surgeon feels he can be helped and that Nick may be going to Boston.
Please let us know how it all goes. Best wishes.
Hi Kathy,
Glad to learn that there is hope for Nick and that his mind may be eased just a tiny bit. I shall keep you all in my prayers and hope that Nick will be directed to a successful surgery and complication free recovery when the time comes. I shall look forward to your updates.
oh well....we have had a turn for the worse...the day after he saw his surgeon his breathing became more labored and started to hallucinate and have some double vision..not eating again and getting weak..he had an appt with cardiologist set for yesterday but when he could not even get up to put a shirt on my husband decided to call 911..he was admitted to Miriam Hosp in Prov and was found to have fluid in the lung that had collapsed about a month ago..they withdrew some fluid, tested it and is determined to be from CHF and not an infection like we feared. The number of respirations was high and they worked to decrease them...this was successful...he needs to build up somewhat and is restricted to bed have said that surgery will occur sooner now than later. May take place within 4 or 5 days at Brigham and Women's in Boston...a very scary episode indeed..currently he is Coronary ICU....please keep him in your prayers.......Kathy
Kathy, nick and your family are all in my prayers. Sorry he got worse, but glad your husband called 911.
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oh well....we have had a turn for the worse...the day after he saw his surgeon his breathing became more labored and started to hallucinate and have some double vision..not eating again and getting weak..he had an appt with cardiologist set for yesterday but when he could not even get up to put a shirt on my husband decided to call 911..he was admitted to Miriam Hosp in Prov and was found to have fluid in the lung that had collapsed about a month ago..they withdrew some fluid, tested it and is determined to be from CHF and not an infection like we feared. The number of respirations was high and they worked to decrease them...this was successful...he needs to build up somewhat and is restricted to bed have said that surgery will occur sooner now than later. May take place within 4 or 5 days at Brigham and Women's in Boston...a very scary episode indeed..currently he is Coronary ICU....please keep him in your prayers.......Kathy
Our prayers in fact is where Nick remains
oh well....we have had a turn for the worse...the day after he saw his surgeon his breathing became more labored and started to hallucinate and have some double vision..not eating again and getting weak..he had an appt with cardiologist set for yesterday but when he could not even get up to put a shirt on my husband decided to call 911..he was admitted to Miriam Hosp in Prov and was found to have fluid in the lung that had collapsed about a month ago..they withdrew some fluid, tested it and is determined to be from CHF and not an infection like we feared. The number of respirations was high and they worked to decrease them...this was successful...he needs to build up somewhat and is restricted to bed have said that surgery will occur sooner now than later. May take place within 4 or 5 days at Brigham and Women's in Boston...a very scary episode indeed..currently he is Coronary ICU....please keep him in your prayers.......Kathy

Sounds like Nick has a great support system in you and your husband. Hope the fluid clears up soon and he regains his strength. Give him a hug from this valver in California. My mom had CHF and still lived an active life, so don't let him get too down on this whole situation. I shall keep you all in my prayers.
Hello all....well today they withdrew about 2 liters of fluid from Nick's lung and his breathing is better..the tube is still in place and they may try to withdraw whatever is left tomorrow...Nick will be given a stress echo test either Monday or Tuesday to see how much of the heart is functioning. They will then make a determination on whether to have the surgery or not..I don't want to sound like it is hopeless because it never is with Him by our side. In fact my mantra is "All is well and getting weller"....I keep repeating that in my head...I expect great things and am never disappointed...However, I will never turn away extra prayer and positive, healing thoughts...Thank you for all you do.....Kathy

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