Newbie from the UK - apprehensive.

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Dennis Guy

Hi all.
I am currently waiting to go in and have an aortic root replacement. Hopefully valve sparing, but I have been warned that they may have to replace the valve. Obviously need to make the choice between tissue or mechanical, at my age I think it will have to be mechanical.
I was first diagnosed with an enlargement about 5 years ago, it has been monitored regularly. Aneurysm is now 5.5cm.
Are there any UK members who have had surgery at Southampton General Hospital?
I am rather apprehensive but trying to be optimistic.
Dennis Guy said:
Hi all.
I am currently waiting to go in and have an aortic root replacement. Hopefully valve sparing, but I have been warned that they may have to replace the valve. Obviously need to make the choice between tissue or mechanical, at my age I think it will have to be mechanical.
I was first diagnosed with an enlargement about 5 years ago, it has been monitored regularly. Aneurysm is now 5.5cm.
Are there any UK members who have had surgery at Southampton General Hospital?
I am rather apprehensive but trying to be optimistic.

Welcome Dennis!
I think we all understand and can relate to the apprehension you are feeling, but the waiting is almost always worse than the surgery.
I can't answer any of your specific questions, but perhaps some of our UK members will wander through and be able to.
In the meantime, welcome again.:)
Welcome to the VR community, Dennis. Sorry for the circumstances byt glad you found us. Apprehension is understandable, but glad to hear you are trying to be optimistic. We'll help you as there's tons of experience here. Best wishes and good luck.
Welcome Dennis. Your feelings are totally normal. Remember that doing nothing is the worst thing for you. Getting your heart fixed is the best thing. Best wishes.

Welcome to You wouldn't be normal if you were not worried - perfectly normal. We will hope for them saving the valve but good that you have an alternative. With a 5.5 aneurysm surgery is really needed.

You should hear from our UK members and hopefully they can help with the hospital.
Welcome Aboard Dennis!

We have several members from the UK (and Aus., NZ, Canada). Alan G had AVR not too long ago, but I don't remember which hospital.

A good place to begin your Valve Search is to read the "Sticky" posts at the top of the Valve Selection Forum which give a broad spectrum view of the issues. Then browse through some of the other Threads in that Forum.

You may want to visit some of the manufacturer's Web Sites (ATS, CarboMedics, On-X, St. Jude) which you can find with a Google Search.

The improvements in the 3rd generation mechanical valves appeal to my Engineering mind. See and for more detailed information on these valves which were introduced in 1996.

For Durability and Longevity, you can't beat the STANDARD St. Jude (Masters series) Valves. See

The ATS and Carbomedics are spinoffs of the Standard St. Jude Valve. ALL 4 of the above mentioned valves were designed by the same individual, Jack Bokros, who developed Pyrolytic Carbon for the Nuclear Power Industry and recognized it's potential for use in Heart Valves. I believe he is the founder of On-X.

'AL Capshaw'
Welcome, Dennis- glad you found us before surgery. We have many members from the UK here and I am sure some will be along eventually. Start reading the valve selection threads and I am sure they will answer many questions and don't hesitate to post any new ones.
hey, Dennis. Welcome to VR. You will soon have others from UK checking in. VR is a very good place to be when you are facing this surgery. You will find much information here and remarks about personal experiences.
Hi Dennis and welcome. I had an aortic root replacement along with the valve replacement, and I am doing fine. 5.5 is getting up there; it's about where I was when I had the surgery.

Apprehension is normal -- we were all there. But we're here now to testify that there is good life over on this side of the mountain. All best to you as you make your preparations and decisions.
Dennis....welcome to the zoo. Apprehension is normal and you have much to be optimistic about. There will be many that will be along to answer your questions. Glad to have you aboard.
Hi Dennis

Hi Dennis

welcome ! I am a Scot now living in Canada, have not lived in the UK since 1980, so I am not much help there.

However, I am 52 years old, and barely 2 months out of OHS (Open Heart Surgery). I had an aortic valve replacement, the pressures pre-op had caused a small aneurysm that was (and I quote my surgeon) "tucked in" while he was in there. No bypass, I had had catheterization/angiogram (don't know which term you guys use on your side of the pond) and arteries wer clear. I have a mechanical (CarboMedics) valve.

The worst part of the whole thing was waiting . . I tell you now, I would do it again in a heartbeat (sorry, pun intended lol) . Post-surgery, I was out cold for two days, then the next day I got up, and as soon as the bandages and such came off the wound, I was unstoppable ! surgery date was Sept 6, released Sept. 12th, andthe next day I was working from home - just phone calls, e-mail and computer stuff, I do graphics. I also opened a retail store on October 1st!!! Since I came home, I had nothing for pain except over the counter stuff - just watch the sneezes (and hearty laughs and a few other silly things)!

If you want to e-mail me privately, just click on my user name and you will get my profile. Would be happy to talk more if it helps your anxiety.

Sorry this is so long, but just wanted you to know from a recent inductee into the exclusive club of how easy it is.
Hi and welcome

I'm not around too much at the moment but wanted to send you a message to say we have lots of experience with Southampton General. It's my daugher Chloe who's the heart patient though. She's had 3 open hearts and a cardiac catheter there (we live in Portsmouth). Her surgeon is Marcus Haw and we love him!!
Do you know who your surgeon is? Most of them do paeds and adults and the consultants are the same for some I think too.

Chloe had the ON-X mechanical valve there and its been brilliant for us. Do you know what mech valve they would use for you if you chose to go that way?

Good luck with your choices and if I can help you with anything please yell!


Hi Everyone
Thanks for all the welcome messages, it's nice to know there are lots of great caring people out there.
I will keep you informed of my progress, just want to get in and get it done now!

When I was being airlifted from Jersey to England with endocarditis it was a toss-up as to whether they sent me to Southampton General or St George's in Tooting, I requested St George's as it was easier for my family to travel to as they are mostly north of London.

Southampton General is a great hospital, I used to work them many many years ago and Jersey sends many patients to them.
Hi Dennis,
I have not had surgery yet, I am still in the waiting room and have regular checks. Four years ago I was told I was due for surgery then the doctors changed their minds. When I have surgery I have been told that I will need a new aortic valve and part of the root replacing. I am based in Lancashire but did live in Alton Hampshire for a few years, until 2001. Sorry I cannot help with Southampton Hospital. I have had lots of time to think about what valve I would choose. I am very active 45 year old (swim run every day) but I have decided I only want to have surgery once (I have listened to what Ross has said for the past few years :) ) so I will probably go mechanical. Everyone has their own personal preference. There are lots of people on this forum who have had mechanical valves and are still active which I find inspirational.

Aprehensive and Optimistic

Aprehensive and Optimistic

Dennis, You sound very normal as far as your feelings. Do your homework here, it'll help with the fears, empower you with knowledge, and give you a little control in an otherwise out of your control situation. I can't help with your questions this time, but hope I can boost the optimism! I had my aortic aneurysm repaired, and the valve replaced 23 years ago. All the best, Brian


Thanks guys, all these positive messages! What have I got to be worried about? Not a lot! I'm feeling a lot happier now. Many thanks to you all.
I have my pre-assessment appointment on 28th November, so looks like I may be in before Christmas!
Hi Dennis. Just wanted to wish you good luck with everything. I am almost three months post-op and can't believe how time flies. It seems like yesterday when I was pre-op and talking about when November came (busy month for me) and I can't believe it's halfway through and I'm feeling really good. As others have said, the waiting and apprehension is the worst part, for sure!
Hi Dennis,
My son went for his my pre-assessment on the 2nd of november and they want to check his teeth over, on the 27th. We have not been given a date, just it could be any time between know and 6 month. I will be thinking about you on the 28th and hope you have better luck than we did, hope they can give you a date so you know where your up to. Goodluck for now and your future surgery.