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New Guy

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2010
I did it! Thanks for your support and prayers.

Yesterday (Tue) my surgery began at 2:35pm. I woke up about 11pm the bionic man. The Docs removed my badly calcified bi-cuspid aortic valve and gave me a 25mm On-X mechanical valve.

I'm still pretty drugged up now but wanted to check in here to express my gratitude.

Still pretty sore, chest tubes come out tomorrow and I can't wait for that. I'll check back in a day or two.

Wow Doug, posting just 24 hours post op, you new guys are a really tough breed and are setting post op posting records (grin).

yes, removal of chest tubes is a biggie for commencing recovery, you are on schedule

all the best with the spyro breathing and early walking maneuvers


Doug, it's great your doing so well so quickly. I hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly. You'll be back on your feet before you know it.
Thanks for the update!! Glad to hear it went well. You had said "how bad can it be when people are posting three days after!!" LOL you are posting within hours of your surgery. Congrats and "best foward speed" for your recovery!!!
Thanks all for the comments. Now that I'm off the big drugs I've got hat feeling others have described as "hit by a train" The doc said the valve is working well although I have some regurgitation from another valve now. He assured me that is normal and it will return to normal in a short period after the trauma of surgery wears off.

Yesterday was a mixed day, after they removed my drain tubes I felt stong and great, I took a walk and had an echo done, had a few visitors and then was just wiped out. I'm on the solid foods now and wondering what's for breakfast. Hope to be released tomorrow.

Congratulations Doug! Kurt and I have been thinking about you and are so happy you're doing well. Keep up the good work and get plenty of rest. Visits are great but can really wipe you out. Listen to your body and best wishes for a smooth recovery.
~ Christine
Well it's Sunday morning and I'm still here. I had hoped to be released yesterday but my INR only this morn came into theraputic range. I just got the news they're letting me go. It will take a few hours to get out of the hospital but I'll be home tonight. I do have one concern, my hemoglobin has been dropping and it's at it's low today of 8.1. I think that's what is making me feel sow low energy and having periods where I feel generally lousy. They had considered a blood transfusion but decided to watch it a while longer before taking that step.

So now I'm waiting for the paperwork lists of rules to follow and drugs to take. They just removed all the heart leads and IV's so I can take a real shower. yea!
