New Crisis For My Family

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I know that in a way, you were kind of expecting it already, but bad news is always hard to come to terms with all the same. The other day I was sitting here posting something about my next surgery and it felt so weird as I was typing it, I mean, sometimes I get the feeling that it isn't me who's eventually going to get it done. I'm sure that when the time finally comes for it, I will get worried no matter how much I think I'm prepared! Anyway, I'll cintinue to say a special prayer for you and Lynn. Keep us posted!
Hi Ross....

Hi Ross....

Just want to let you know that I am right there with you bud, and I am keeping you and Lynn in my thoughts and prayers, and I am really praying hard that Lynn is not in pain from the kidney as I know just how horrible that feels. Please stay strong and hold on to your faith. Harrybaby666 :D :D :D

My very best to you and Lynn. At least you know now that, if the kidney is removed, it won't have any further affect on Lynn's life other than to eliminate the pain.

I will continue to pray that God decides it's time to give you guys a break.
Ross, I am sorry to hear about your wife. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm sorry also Ross. From what I've read, you've made it through so much already that you could the rest of us a little about patience and endurance during trials. Best of luck to you and your wife.

So sorry you and Lynn have to go through this. Words are not enough to express my feeling. I will keep praying for you both.
Ross-not what any of us wanted to hear. I'll be out of town for a week but will continue to keep you and Lynn close to my heart. I hope you find some comfort in knowing how many of us care about you.
awww Ross, thats not the news anyone was hoping for! Still keeping you both in my thoughts,
Love Emma
I'm sure not unexpected news, but I'm also sure you were hoping for better. Lyn is still in my prayers.
Hey Ross,

So sorry to read the latest news. Our heart and prayers are with you both. May God give you strength, guidance, and faith. We are all walking the road with you like you did with all of us.

God Bless!!

John & Joann
Lots of prayers coming to you and Lyn over the weekend..At least, Monday, you will have the news...from the Surgeon...Thank goodness, no more waiting. Just hope if it is will be soon...and Lyn will start to feel better. Bonnie
Granbonny said:
Lots of prayers coming to you and Lyn over the weekend..At least, Monday, you will have the news...from the Surgeon...Thank goodness, no more waiting. Just hope if it is will be soon...and Lyn will start to feel better. Bonnie
Sure there will be more waiting. You have to understand the system. They have to make another $140 before they schedule the surgery, so we'll go Monday, have a 5 minute review, then be pushed off to scheduling, then we'll wait until surgery whenever that may be.
You both must be exhausted with all of the pain that Lyn has, all of the uncertainty, the financial side and then topping it off, your own serious medical problems.

You both are in my thoughts and prayers every day.
Ross said:
Sure there will be more waiting. You have to understand the system. They have to make another $140 before they schedule the surgery, so we'll go Monday, have a 5 minute review, then be pushed off to scheduling, then we'll wait until surgery whenever that may be.

I can tell you're tired. This has been awful for Lyn and awful for you. I hope you both get some rest this week-end to build up a resevoir of strength for the upcoming weeks.
Public health care

Public health care

Ross, no wonder you're fed up with the whole thing, but if it's of any consolation to you, here in Brazil things are far worse than they'll ever be in America. If a person can't afford to pay for private health care, the chances are that he/she might die even before making the first oppointment. It's on the news every day here. In order to arrange to see a doctor alone, the person has to stay in a big queue for hours until he/she gets a number only to go back on another day for the consultation which can take many days. Well, after that, the patient needs to go through all that again if there's the need for a specialist. But if exams are required, well, the person really is in big trouble then because there's another long wait for that too, and of course, not all the exams are available unless you're willing to pay up. That was just a brief explanation on how things are here, but I suppose you get the picture!!? You won't believe this, but I only had my 2nd OHS in time because of my name, believe it or not. When my mum went to see about that, the guy who was in charge of the waiting list was just about to tell her I'd have to wait when he asked my name again. When she said it was Débora he said that since I had the same name as his daughter at the time, he would help. I never thought until then that a name could save a person's life, but I'm glad mine did anyway!Take care and don't lose hope however hard things may look, amd remember, Lynn will be operated on long before it's too late for her!! Take care!
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I am so concerned about you and your family and certainly sending a lot of prayers up there for both you and Lynn.

Please try to keep the faith although I know it is getting harder and harder to do so. I hope we can all be a source of love and support as you have been for all of us.

Thank you for keeping us updated as we look for your posts.

Please continue posting frequently.

Hi, Ross--
Haven't been on for a while, but saw the post. I am so sorry; please know that my husband and I are praying for you. Stay strong and keep us all posted.
Much love,

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