Public health care
Public health care
Ross, no wonder you're fed up with the whole thing, but if it's of any consolation to you, here in Brazil things are far worse than they'll ever be in America. If a person can't afford to pay for private health care, the chances are that he/she might die even before making the first oppointment. It's on the news every day here. In order to arrange to see a doctor alone, the person has to stay in a big queue for hours until he/she gets a number only to go back on another day for the consultation which can take many days. Well, after that, the patient needs to go through all that again if there's the need for a specialist. But if exams are required, well, the person really is in big trouble then because there's another long wait for that too, and of course, not all the exams are available unless you're willing to pay up. That was just a brief explanation on how things are here, but I suppose you get the picture!!? You won't believe this, but I only had my 2nd OHS in time because of my name, believe it or not. When my mum went to see about that, the guy who was in charge of the waiting list was just about to tell her I'd have to wait when he asked my name again. When she said it was Débora he said that since I had the same name as his daughter at the time, he would help. I never thought until then that a name could save a person's life, but I'm glad mine did anyway!Take care and don't lose hope however hard things may look, amd remember, Lynn will be operated on long before it's too late for her!! Take care!