New Apartment & surgery update

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hard to believe less than a week until my flight, and ten days to the valve job.

Great on getting the flight and all the other preparations. Seems like things are falling into place.

BTW, I visited China for three weeks just after Tiananman Square in the early 1990s. I enjoyed the trip very much. I was amazed at the beauty and the variation in living conditions throughout the country, from the bustle of Shanghai to the coal depots on the Yantgze in Chunking to small family farms deep in the countryside. It's a fascinating contry.

Best wishes,

Happy you are getting all the travel arrangements and aftercare matters arranged.
Your posts are so interesting and I am always happy when I see you have added to the thread.

I have heard such wonderful things about this surgery being done by excellent surgeons in India and the aftercare is amazing.

You will do fine and we all will be eager to hear from you as soon as you are able to tell us about the experience.

Sending you Happy, Healthy New Year wishes. What a relief for you when this surgery and travel is all behind you and recovery and getting your strength back will be your focus.
zhu ni hao yun, peng you

zhu ni hao yun, peng you

hello chou doufu

seems you have named yourself after the special tofu with the unique fragance. you have a larconic sense of humour which any west aucklander would be proud of.

actually your english is far too good; have you studied in aussie?

at one time i seriously considered having my mvr in india, but i very quickly chickened out. i hope your indian surgery is successfull and complication free and look forward to reading all about it when you are able to post.

seems you can expect to have a young pretty indian nurse exclusivly at your
bedside 24/7

zhu ni hao yun, peng you
tai xiexie ni le, westie xiansheng,

never studied in aussie, but did spend a year there. landed in cairns, got on my
bicycle (175 lbs with trailer and 5 gallons water), and rode to cairns....via alice springs
and norseman and tazzie. this was after a six-month tour of new zealand. maybe
that's whar i dun pickded up muh goodly grammers?

seeing as your "yun" pinyin has no tone, and i don't know the character...
are you wishing me a good:

1. dizzy spell
2. speech
3. cloud
4. weed
5. kidney beans
6. even division
7. fall from out of the sky
8. permission
9. rhyme
10. halo
11. transport (this one also means luck!)
12. brew
13. containment
14. pregnancy
15. iron (clothing)
16-100+ [see unabridged charactertionary]

i'm guessing you mean #11, but i'll be just as happy with #4 or #12.
texan? not no more, i sold everything and left southwest texas (fort stockton area)
three years ago for china. the picture is ayer's rock, the bike is a mercian (english).
"Baggins? Sure I know a Baggins - Frodo Baggins, over there.
He's my second cousin, once removed on his Mother's side."

lived in sanderson, south of fort stockton
Xin Nian Hao

Xin Nian Hao

Xin Nian Hao, ChouDoufu

seems my chinese is as bad as your squat toilet; i was trying to say "good luck mate!"

only 6 days to go before you leave for india for your medical tourisim adventure. you will be very much in my thoughts and i will anxiously await your post op news

happy happy joy joy !!!! finally was able to book a return flight to the
tiny landing strip only 45 minutes away. i've been told they occasionally
cancel the flights for no reason, but i'll have to assume that won't happen
at the tail end of spring festival with 1,000,000 people returning home.

and for anyone interested in (or apalled at) my squattie pottie, here's
a shot of what i'll be coming home to.

and i've got a little toy battleship so's i can play "sink the bismarck!"

(westie: chinese is fine, i was just pointing out how difficult the language
is. 90k characters and only 400 sounds between 'em, so things are
very context-based.)
Oh my word....squattie potty. :D

The picture certainly makes it clear why your joy at finding your fold up squattie. That is a true treasure. I would get chains to secure it and place high coverage insurance on it to assure your continued possession of same.

You are the BEST!!!

There's been more and more conversation about how popular medical tourism is becoming and India is high on many 'tourists' list.

Good luck with your surgery. We will all have you in our thoughts!
I love reading your posts, they always make me laugh, You'll be in my thoughts. I hope the travel is not too much of an adventure. Hey at least when you are using your squatty chair you can look at that little smiling star.
happy happy joy joy !!!! finally was able to book a return flight to the
tiny landing strip only 45 minutes away. i've been told they occasionally
cancel the flights for no reason, but i'll have to assume that won't happen
at the tail end of spring festival with 1,000,000 people returning home.

and for anyone interested in (or apalled at) my squattie pottie, here's
a shot of what i'll be coming home to.

and i've got a little toy battleship so's i can play "sink the bismarck!"

(westie: chinese is fine, i was just pointing out how difficult the language
is. 90k characters and only 400 sounds between 'em, so things are
very context-based.)

Think positive no cancellations on flight and don't get to bringing all

those 1000,000 people round to use your squattie pottie after they

stop and need a bathroom to use.

I love the squattie pottie and name fits (GREAT) careful after surgery

squatting as someone suggested chain it done.

If my head spins as does now, after surgery i know id miss the chair

and break the battleship sos:p:D

So far my surgery's scheduled same day as your's and i'll be saying

prayers for you before my count to 10,thinking of you and all the best.

Have a great trip,cant wait for your post surgery posts.

zipper2 (DEB)
we're almost there! got my little backpack loaded and ready to go. looking forward
to getting this over with starting recovery. just got confirmed bookings at a lovely
seaside resort with weight room and jogging track. and really long buffet tables!

not too worried about those 1 billion travelers since most go by train. definitely not
a pleasant experience; overcrowded cars, 36+ hour trips, one "bathroom" per car,
one roll of tp per bathroom per trip (usually stolen when first person boards). no
bathroom cleaning until end of the trip. and here's something special.....the week
before spring festival travel, most of the stores run out of adult diapers. yuck.

anyway, will be starting a journal the day before so i can keep track of my progress.
want to start running and cycling soon. there's a half marathon in a nearby city in
december, and then the following may - after one full year of training - the great wall

(strange.....the internet censors won't let me access that site from within china.)

hoping to hear from you soon after (y)our surgery!!
All the best

All the best

Sending positive thoughts and wishes for your travels, successful surgery and recovery. No doubt you will have a good time with the pretty nurses and all : )

We will wait eagerly to hear your stories, please take care.
Good luck in your travels and surgery Chou, you are amazing! I have enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to your post op report. :D