My Ross Procedure Photojournal Now Online

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Chad and Dr. Stelzer deserve all the credit. All I did was lie there.

Hmm, as I recall you said that the team used your lower body as a work table so you were doing *something* :p At your height they were probably enjoying the extra room to work.

I love a couple of the ones of Dr. Stelzer looking totally focused and his headband bearing his name. One of those needs to be framed and hung in his office.

Totally speechless......when I read the op summary prepared by my surgeon it really hit me, but now seeing these pictures it brought a new dimension...WOW All I can say, Thank God for our Surgeons
amazing pictures! I think these are really helpful in preparing myself and my wife for the surgery. Thanks for the effort to do this!

Dear Stretch:

I now know where you got your name.

Those are great pics, and a tribute to you, Noni and the photographer. Well, let's throw in Stelzer as well!

I am impressed.

hi stretch!
loved the photos. can't wait to send them to joey. dr. stelzer hasn't really aged much in the last 5 years... he truly is a gifted surgeon and special man; i agree with you.
many of our friends were surprised that they allowed us to photograph from cicu until the end. it was a treat and from time to time i still look back at those photos.
glad to see you are doing so well.
love and hugs to you and noni.
stay well, sylvia
chadhunt said:
I am very happy to have been a part of stretches big day.....and I can now say that I now know him inside AND out. I have known him for years now and he has always been a wonderful friend and mentor.


Chad, I am so glad to see you here, I have been looking at your site for the past few days, and it is just amazing. I have a question tho, I was telling my husband about the soldiers you were embedded w/ that are losing so much weight because the MREs don't have enough calories for all the physical things they do, BUt I can't find him the page so he could read it, could you please post the link? thanks for all you have done, for the heart world and the world in general, lyn

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