My Ross Procedure Photojournal Now Online

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I have to admit, I was extremely interested in seeing the photos and up to the point that your chest was getting opened up, I was with you all the way. But for some reason, perhaps because I'm only four weeks post op and things are too fresh in my mind, I just couldn't bring myself to look any further. My surgery went great and all in all my recovery has been outstanding, but mentally, I don't think I'm prepared.

That said, kudos to you and the medical staff at Beth Isreal for allowing such an incredible photo journal to take place. I would have never thought you would have been given so much access into the operating room.

very cool.

ptoddy said:
Amazing photo's Stretch

Thanks for posting them,it really helps someone like me who will need surgery sometime soon.

You say it only took 10 minutes to repair the aneurysm did he replace it with a Dacron graft?


Thanks for the question, Paul.

There was no graft. He plicated the ascending aorta, pleating and suturing the excess aortic tissue longitudinally and thus reducing the diameter of the vesssel.
Chrish said:
...up to the point that your chest was getting opened up, I was with you all the way. But for some reason, perhaps because I'm only four weeks post op and things are too fresh in my mind, I just couldn't bring myself to look any further.

Thanks for the note, Chris.

The first few shots of the actual surgery are the most graphic, and a few at the end where they're wiring my sternum back together. Those are the most bloody.

Once they get in and get me on the heart-lung machine, there's very little blood.

I couldn't find the right hamburger pic to put here.;)
Very neat stuff Strech. I shared the photo journal with some of my family who has been through two of these things with me. We allt found it very ineresting. Thank you for sharing this with all of us!



For those of us post-op we can view your photo journal and almost experience each emotion that accompanies the photos! Thank you sooo much!

This photo journal should win an award!!!!

Thanks again Stretch!

Pretty cool.
Brought back alot of memories.
Can you provide an idea of the freedoms that Chad had in the OR?
Some of the shots look as if he had actually asked Stelzer to step aside for a minute. ;)

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks so much Stretch for a wonderful photo journal and great description. I'm sure it will be very helpful for everyone in the waiting room.
Mary said:

I couldn't find the right hamburger pic to put here.;)

LOL! Mary! That's HI-larious!

Noni will get a real kick out of your post when she sees it... she found the whole penguin thing very entertaining.

I should mention also that a couple of friends came over to the house when I was about 3 weeks post-op. I played that video for them and they started breaking up. That got ME laughing, and, honestly, I thought I was going to die. My ribs were just aching I was laughing so hard. Finally, I had to go out onto the porch to get some air and let them stop laughing before I could re-enter the house!
Ben Smith said:
Pretty cool.
Brought back alot of memories.
Can you provide an idea of the freedoms that Chad had in the OR?
Some of the shots look as if he had actually asked Stelzer to step aside for a minute. ;)

Ben, Chad told me that Dr. Stelzer invited him right up to the operating table. Chad was all gowned up, so it was cool. I did ask him to make sure to clean all the dust from his recent Afghanistan assignment off and out of his camera before he arrived at the hospital that morning!

I've photographed surgeries before, and the surgeons have been very cool with giving me access within the OR. The trick is getting access to the OR. I shot part of a pediatric open heart surgery at the childrens' hospital in Krakow, Poland, and that surgeon, a woman, was great, also.

As far as the freedoms Chad had, Dr. Stelzer was completely on board with the project from the beginning, and actually helped us a great deal with getting access. If he'd not been amenable to the project, I'm sure it would never have happened.

Chad and Dr. Stelzer deserve all the credit. All I did was lie there.
WOW is about all I can say. I always wondered how they did all that and now I have a better clue as to what happened to me. No wonder we hurt afterwards. Thanks for posting all of them.
WOW!...from me too...
I am very impressed...fabbo job done with the pics and the surgery of excellent photojournal of your great experience...

Thanks so much for sharing...I agree it should become a 'sticky' in our reference section.
And a WOW from me too! What a project! What a great pictoral history of a valve surgery! And how brave of you to be the subject!

Glad you are feeling better and up to working on your photo journal.

Take care,

Best to Noni,



Stretch- I saw your pictures yesterday- just now getting around to posting. They are totally wonderful. I agree that they should be made accessable to anyone who wants to see. Before Adam's surgery- I could not have looked at them all. I tried to watch a video and opted out. The idea of having that done to my child was too much. Now, after the surgery, I can completely immerse and appreciate the process. It is incredible! I see the pictures are generating a lot of interest on the Ross board also. You have indeed performed a service for those who are trying to educate themselves. Please find a way to keep them available! I am so glad you have joined our group- what an asset you have turned out to be!
Thanks so much for those kind words... again, this was all about Dr. Stelzer and Chad. They make a great team, don't ya think? :)

I posted a note to the RP Yahoo group about the gallery. Is there a resource page there like we have here? If so, I'd be happy to have the gallery linked there, also.
I really do think your RP photojournal is awesome, but I have to admit I'm a little scared to look too closely; I skimmed over the open chest pics. A weakling I guess?! Great collection though.
I forgot to say that I wish my late brother, Forrest, had been able to see these. He had a RP in 1995. He would have really thought these pics were too cool.