Sadie's home again
Sadie's home again
Sadie's back from the vet and at my feet in the computer room, as usual.
They took another x-ray and so far the hip is holding in place. Vet wants to keep the emergency vet's sling on the leg, if possible, til I bring here back in on Friday to be checked again. He said if it doesn't hold, we could discuss "other options" then but I asked him to discuss them now (being a worrier and needing even more to worry about.

In short, he said Sadie wouldn't have the option of a pin because her socket is so very shallow. But he could remove the "head" (I assume of the hip bone) and just go with that -- something they've done with other labs. Or she could go to nearby Virginia Tech (they have a great vet school there) and have a total hip replacement. Please keep praying for the hip healing -- we do so greatly appreciate your prayers. Good to know, though, that there are other options.
Kids and grandkids are coming here this weekend for son's birthday and Mother's Day so I'm going to have to be the bad ol' Pop-Pop keeping the grandkids from romping with Sadie and Sadie with them.
I am keeping this up to date because there are so many dawg lovers (or "dog," in other than Georgia and other hillbilly regions, such as western Virginia

) on here who have been so gracious with their comments and support. Danny, I appreciate you sharing your experience. When Sadie hit the dashboard, those yelps of pain cut like a knife right through me. It was Friday closing time for the vets so we headed right for the weekend emergency clinic. Thank God, there was one, and they seem to have done a good job. I still feel stupid for having let her jump in the front seat and thus be so vulnerable, but our regular vet today said Sadie's leg is such that it could have just happened anytime when she took a leap in the yard. (Which is scary, because she is a very exuberant dog and jumps and runs a lot.)
Guess I will have to try to convince Sadie to live the life of a refined Southern lady of leisure from here on out.
Thanks again, to all.