Thanks, all. Here is a progress report: I slept down in the basement with Sadie, where there is easy access without stairs to get her outside to do her business, and I thought we'd get no sleep all night. She'd been moaning and restless all day. But from about midnight to 4, we slept (and hey that's pretty good by my own normal standards

) and then after we'd come back in from her doing her biz, I looked around and she was three-legged hopping up the stairs to the main part of the house!

Not an approved activity for her.

But she made it fine. Then she was interested in trying the big jump onto my bed, but I put my foot down at that, and made her a pallet on the floor beside my bed and we got a little more shut-eye.
Anyway, I see now my challenge as she starts feeling a little better is going to be to hold her down from doing things that could put that hip out again before it has a chance to heal.
She has lapped at water a few times when I hold it up to her but not often. To supplement that, my wife and I have started using a syringe-type thing from the pet store that shoots a little water in the side of her mouth. She actually seems to like that. My wife boiled her some nice chicken breast but she took only a couple of quick bites. Hopefully she will regain some appetite today.
Hopefully we'll learn more from the vet Monday morning about the chances of her hip healing without surgery. I know there is a long prayer list on but if any of you want to visualize that hip healing nicely back in the socket and saying a little prayer for Sadie lady, it would be appreciated.