My mother's Mother's Day

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Just reading all the postings....You are really going through difficult times at the moment. Glad to hear you Mom is out of ICU and you found a caring doctor. My thoughts and prayers are with you
I found that at moments like these, when everything seems confusing, it helps to write down what the doctor says and also the questions that come to my mind so I can ask them in a more cohesive way and write the answer given. It helps to read afterwards what was said/action least for me
I'm just beginning to recover from being so exhausted from sitting and waiting and waiting. Yesterday, I just vegetated. Mom is doing okay at home. Obviously, she hasn't done anything much; she'd get tired from sitting and get up and walk around. Then she'd have to sit down again soon; she tires out so easily.

I suggested that Mom ask the doctors if they think all of her valves are good; you'd think they would say if they weren't good, but just in case it can't hurt.

I asked the cardiologist in Lexington about the possibility of her symptoms being related to her arrythmias (which he said they could). I also informed him about Dr. Omar noticing A-Flutter on her EKG(?). So, he thought that should be looked into further, thus the referral to the EP specialist. We were pretty frightened for a while when Dr. Omar told us that she had significant damage to her heart; the other doctor didn't seemed as concerned about it. We understood her to be in critical condition. Then we were surprised when she went home Wednesday. Not sure what to think about that, but I'm going to be sure to ask lots of questions of her doctors if I don't see enough progress being made to remedy her situation. Sorry for such a long post and thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.

This is has been so stressful for all of you. I'm glad your Mom got to go home. The longer you are in the hospital, the better chance you have of picking something up you didn't go in with. I pray they are able to sort through it all and figure out what the exact issues are.
Glad the cath showed no major blockages and that she is home. Hope you get all your questions answered and she gets the right treatment for a complete recovery.
Wise, you are being a wise (pardon the pun) son in questioning things. You must be her advocate since she seems to not be a complainer much. Ask the drs all the questions - write them down before you go so you won't forget any.

I bet some of her weakness is due to all the meds they give you in the hospital plus the time spent in bed certainly wiped her out. (I was in two nights in Feb and they piled so much med in me that it just added to the situation).

Sounds like things may not be as bad as first thought and that's wonderful, but don't let down your guard. Keep a good eye on her.

hensylee said:
Wise, you are being a wise (pardon the pun) son in questioning things. You must be her advocate since she seems to not be a complainer much. Ask the drs all the questions - write them down before you go so you won't forget any.

I bet some of her weakness is due to all the meds they give you in the hospital plus the time spent in bed certainly wiped her out. (I was in two nights in Feb and they piled so much med in me that it just added to the situation).

Sounds like things may not be as bad as first thought and that's wonderful, but don't let down your guard. Keep a good eye on her.


Ann, I'll take you up on your suggestions; mom forgets a lot of what has happened at times. I'd say you're right about the weakness too. Thanks.

Much of this reminds me of what my mom went through, sans the noted heart attack. My mom had CHF, AFIB and other heart related issues. She eventually had a pacemaker implanted, after a couple of cardioversions for rhythm issues. We thought we were in the final stages, but she didn't. She bounced back as quickly as one in her late 70's could, and kept on -- just at a slightly slower pace. We had several more good years, until the cancer popped up out of nowhere.

Stay on top of those doctors. That's our job as children, a debt we incur as our parents raise us. It is one that many of us feel honored to be able to repay. I see that you feel a similar debt to your mom, and I applaud you for your caring.
epstns said:

Much of this reminds me of what my mom went through, sans the noted heart attack. My mom had CHF, AFIB and other heart related issues. She eventually had a pacemaker implanted, after a couple of cardioversions for rhythm issues. We thought we were in the final stages, but she didn't. She bounced back as quickly as one in her late 70's could, and kept on -- just at a slightly slower pace. We had several more good years, until the cancer popped up out of nowhere.

Stay on top of those doctors. That's our job as children, a debt we incur as our parents raise us. It is one that many of us feel honored to be able to repay. I see that you feel a similar debt to your mom, and I applaud you for your caring.

Steve, I was thinking about the debt issue this weekend. I do feel honored to repay a very small fraction of what my mother did for six children with little resources. I'm taking mom to her cardiologist, Dr. Omar, at 3:00 today. I'm going to use Ann's suggestion and write down my questions; at 46 my memory isn't much better than my 69 year old mother's memory. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hi Wise, I'm sorry to hear about your mom and niece. Mother's Day !!! Goodness I know its one day I'll never forget. I'm glad your mother is home and I hope they find out exactly what's going on. It could be a multitude of things. But I'm glad she's having it looked in to. Sometimes heart attacks don't show up for years. But now they know - I'm sure they'll keep a close eye on her. You take care and I'm sending you and your family lots of hugs.

I somehow missed this thread the last few times I have been here. What a terrible time you all have had this last week. I am glad to read things are improving with your mom. You all will be in our thoughts and prayers. My best wishes to your mom and your family.
Dr. Omar wanted to put mom on amiodarone(?); I heard enough bad about it here at that I asked about the side effects. He told me what they are (don't remember them) and then he decided to put her on sotalol instead, for the time being. She has A-Fib and A-Flutter; he said ablation is not good for A-Fib so he wants to treat her with medication for now. So, that's a little bit more that we know. Thanks so much for your prayers and well wishes. I appreciated it.


Just wanted you to know that you and your Mom/family continue to be in my thoughts/prayers. I've looked for your updates each night ... even though I haven't posted here.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"There must be a reason for this pain I?m going through" ... Merle Haggard ... 'A Better Love Next Time'
Once, in the ER w/my brother, who is in constant a-flutter and sometimes a-fib, the dr said 'we'll put him on amiodarone'. Whoa up here - I told him that I know and he knew that amiodarone is a dangerous drug, that my brother is to NEVER have that, it is to go in his permanent records that he's not to have it ever, and that he (the dr) knew that there are a bunch of other drugs to use before using amiodarone; amiodarone is a last resort drug. He said 'you know too much about medicine', but he put it in Richard's records, rxed digitalis and that was that. He also smiled.....

Wise, it's good you asked about the side effects. Amiodarone is often prescribed as a first drug when there are other choices not as dangerous with far fewer side effects and a short half life. You did good.

Hugs for your mother.
hensylee said:
Once, in the ER w/my brother, who is in constant a-flutter and sometimes a-fib, the dr said 'we'll put him on amiodarone'. Whoa up here - I told him that I know and he knew that amiodarone is a dangerous drug, that my brother is to NEVER have that, it is to go in his permanent records that he's not to have it ever, and that he (the dr) knew that there are a bunch of other drugs to use before using amiodarone; amiodarone is a last resort drug. He said 'you know too much about medicine', but he put it in Richard's records, rxed digitalis and that was that. He also smiled.....

Wise, it's good you asked about the side effects. Amiodarone is often prescribed as a first drug when there are other choices not as dangerous with far fewer side effects and a short half life. You did good.

Hugs for your mother.

Thanks to you and my friends I knew enought to ask about amiodarone. So, hugs are being sent back to you friends.
knightfan2691 said:

Just wanted you to know that you and your Mom/family continue to be in my thoughts/prayers. I've looked for your updates each night ... even though I haven't posted here.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"There must be a reason for this pain I?m going through" ... Merle Haggard ... 'A Better Love Next Time'

Cort, I want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you also during your current health scare. I'm hoping for good news for you friend.

I'm am so overwhelmed sometimes by the number of caring and supportive people here. But, you know, it really does help to have this great support system. Many thanks to all of you.
Wise said:
Cort, I want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you also during your current health scare. I'm hoping for good news for you friend.


Thank you, Wise ... definitely appreciated. I flip flop between being scared ... and being nonchalant about the whole thing ... which, in itself, is a bit scary. Ah, well ... this, too, shall pass...I hope.

Wise said:
I'm am so overwhelmed sometimes by the number of caring and supportive people here. But, you know, it really does help to have this great support system.


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