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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
8 of us are here today. Aren't we supposed to be doing something else, like be with family and such? :confused:
Hey I was trying out my new laptop my hubby
gave me for christmas to use in the hospital at surgery time
to post you's.Iwas here just not talking lol

Wow....a new laptop.....good for you!

now Bina he should be able to post somewhere to yous on

my condition after surgery........i luv it portable,small acer

i know it can be used in atrium or tv room,some conditions

to not use it in my hosp,room its all of 2 lbs i should be able

to carry that after surgery:p

zipper2 (DEB)
No marie i was Naughty i just cried about not having my

VR family enough at the hospital.........IT WORKED!!!!:):):)

zipper2 (DEB)
8 of us are here today. Aren't we supposed to be doing something else, like be with family and such? :confused:
You mean "we" aren't family? Since when:D

Our family focuses on Christmas eve,Christmas is for laying around in
your p.j.'s and playing with whatever new "toys" you received:)
But everyone is husbands family goes visiting on
Christmas,so that means if they come here.. I'll be in my pajamas:p

Merry Christmas-Dina
Merry Christmas and Good Tidings too all.

Zipper, may I add a tid bit of information and experience about a laptop???

KEEP it OFF YOU'll thighs will get warm and slightly burned. :eek::D
We are like Dina. Last night we got together with all our kids.
Today we are sitting home and relaxing, the kids are with their in-laws today.
I don't wear jammies like she does, so I did get dressed but not real pretty.
We are like Dina. Last night we got together with all our kids.
Today we are sitting home and relaxing, the kids are with their in-laws today.
I don't wear jammies like she does, so I did get dressed but not real pretty.
And we're mimicing both Dina and Rich!:p We had a housefull until late last night, but have the place to ourselves today --at least until they all wander back! We discussed going to the movies to see the new Brad Pitt movie, but can't seem to find the ambition to move.
Maybe tomorrow . . . ;):p
Merry Christmas Everyone!

I just spend Christmas with my cats, as i don't have any family left as my parents are gone and i was an only child. I do have cousins, but they're too busy to ever visit, and my ex is in Duluth, MN (which is a good thing). So, i'm just having a quiet Christmas ~ playing Christmas music and reading a book.


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