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Just checking in to wish you all the very best Christmas. We've been very busy running to open houses here and it's quite nice to not even have to wear a coat. Tomorrow my cousin's son is coming and we're doing Christmas Eve at their house for them and then Saturday I'm doing Christmas Day dinner we'll have a 4-day Christmas Holiday.

Be well all.......and to all a Good Night!!

now Bina he should be able to post somewhere to yous on

my condition after surgery........i luv it portable,small acer

i know it can be used in atrium or tv room,some conditions

to not use it in my hosp,room its all of 2 lbs i should be able

to carry that after surgery:p

zipper2 (DEB)

Yup, you should ba able to mangage that ! My limit was 5lbs - couldn't lift a bag of milk, though, for a few days !

Lucky you - whether you were naughty or not.

DH and I lazed around all day - supper was chips and mincemeat tarts, ate cookies and chocolate all day long, drank a few wines, too. Oh, well, it's only once a year. I had promised him I would watch all 3 "Lord of the Rings" movies over the two days, so two down, one to go!
Merry Christmas all.

Why am I here? we have 42 inches of snow on the ground, My wife is stuck at work, my kids are stuck at grandma's (our neighborhood roads are impassable) I got hit in the head with a 2 inch thick by 5 inch long chunk of ice off our roof, 9 hours later it is still bleeding a little. With the day going this way I don't dare try to go anywhere! Dish TV is down due to snow so the internet, solitaire, housework and some reading has been my day. It's just with nobody here, the house is too quite. So just checking in with the extended family!!
I had to find an excuse to leave the table.Me and the turkey got stuffed. I think I will put on some shorts and hit the tread mill. Hope everyone had a great Christmas.:)
We had a beautiful Christmas day here in the mountains at our cabin. It was probably around 50 degrees, my husband, kids and I walked down to the lake with our dogs, came back and ate a huge turkey dinner. It is probably now in the 30's and my husband and I just got out of the hot tub after enjoying a nice glass of wine and looking at the stars. Sure beats hanging out with all of my crazy relatives. I hope that everyone has enjoyed their day.

We had a beautiful Christmas day here in the mountains at our cabin. It was probably around 50 degrees, my husband, kids and I walked down to the lake with our dogs, came back and ate a huge turkey dinner. It is probably now in the 30's and my husband and I just got out of the hot tub after enjoying a nice glass of wine and looking at the stars. Sure beats hanging out with all of my crazy relatives. I hope that everyone has enjoyed their day.

Sounds very romantic,even with the kids. Our wedding annivesary is
on Christmas eve,so that kinda makes every Christmas romantic for us.
Glad you all had a good day:)

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