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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Rather than hijack Harry's thread, I thought I'd start a new one.

As for your question on where DH spun out- it was on Dallas North Tollway near Frankford (if that means anything to you). I'm so glad no other cars were involved. He says he spun AROUND other cars, but didn't so much as touch any, thank goodness!

I didn't know you were going to be going in for another pacer. What's the date? I'll be thinking of you.

Don't know if you noticed, but I'll be going to the Mayo in March. While there they will check my pacer and decide what kind I will get to replace this one. There has been discussion about a biventricular pacer, and of course this is the doc who wanted me to get the ICD (which I no longer have due to the infection). Who knows what I'll end up getting. I'd prefer it if they would go ahead and get it over with while I'm there so I don't have to worry about it over the summer. My sister's baby is due in May and I want to be able to pick him up and play with him all summer long if possible. Surely if I have the surgery in March I'll be recovered enough by May! :)

Good luck to you!
Hey Niki,

Yeah, that does sort of mean something to me ... I think. That is the road, iirc, that several suggested I avoid while getting to dinner that Sunday night in October :). Course, I remember seeing a few spinout accidents that evening ... in rain :(.

He he ... and yes, if you have the surgery in March ... you should be good to go by, May ... at least, I would think so :). Yep ... I've read about what is going on with you ... thought I had posted, too, in those threads, but perhaps not. If I didn't, I'm sorry. You know (or should know, anyway) already that I'm thinking of and praying for you!

As for me ... yep, the pacemaker will be replaced. I mentioned it in another post of mine ... believe it was the "loser" thread...he he. I appreciate your thoughts! And, when I'm ready to give the date and details, I will. Suffice it to say, if I tried to post about it now ... too many people would get the idea that my "evil twin" is coming back ... and I certainly don't want them getting any more ammunition....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
Cort....I did not catch your other thread about the new pacer. I wish you all the best! well. Safe travels. I was wondering why Mayo for the pacer Niki? It's a great facility! Can't get much better. But.... you also have some great heart facilites in TX. Does the infection you had with your previous implant make a redo more complicated?

Can you still meet us for pizza before you go in Cort? It looks like 3/9 may be a good date for some. Still have not heard from LoRain.;)

Thank you, Gina ... definitely appreciated.

Yes, 3/9 should be OK. By then, I'll be about a month post-pacemaker-replacement ... so, it should be OK. If nothing else, I'll meet up to socialize a bit ;).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"I'm dying inside" ... The Tony Rich Project ... 'Nobody Knows'
Sounds like a plan my friend. Will be good to see you. And......guess you will be off the hook for a pool least for the time being.;)

Let us know how your pacer process goes!
Good luck.:)
I didn't realize you had a pacemaker. I got one on Halloween last year. When did you get one and why are you having to have it replaced? Did it fail?
Why did you need one in the first place? Sorry, don't mean to be nosy,:eek: I just never expected to have a pacer and I'm still learning about it.
Good luck,:D

Will be great to see you and everyone else as well :). As for that pool game, you do know I do NOT want to be off the hook for that ;). He he!

I will post about the pacemaker sometime ... as soon as I'm ready.


NO worries :). Yes, I had a pacemaker installed during my last surgery in January 2003. The decision was made to put it in because I was "borderline" needing it or not ... and my cardiologist thought it best to go ahead and put it in so that I wasn't facing another surgery within a few months.

Without going into too many details about the upcoming replacement (mainly because I'll sound like my "Evil Twin" is coming back ... and I don't want to do that right now), it is being replaced because the battery is basically "dead". From the get go, they noticed that the battery wasn't staying as "strong" and "full" as it should be. They've surmized that it is a problem with the wires ... most likely due to scarring from the open heart surgery. So, the battery didn't last as long as it should've. Thus, when they go in ... they'll move the location, something I'm not all that crazy about for rather "childish" reasons....


I better stop there ... sorry :(.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"No one's there to talk or understand" ... Sugar Ray ... 'Falls Apart'
LUVMyBirman said:
I was wondering why Mayo for the pacer Niki? It's a great facility! Can't get much better. But.... you also have some great heart facilites in TX. Does the infection you had with your previous implant make a redo more complicated?
I'm not so much going to the Mayo FOR the pacer, just happens to be that my doc wants me to go to the Mayo for a full evaluation (to figure out what to do with me next) AND I'm going to need a new pacer this year. But it has also been discussed that I might benifit from the biventricular pacemaker (or defib). IF they decide to go that route, they will want a surgeon who is well versed in Adults with CHD, and specifically my defects because they would have to put the leads on the outside of my heart instead of threading them through the blood vessels. My local card does not trust any of the surgeons here in Dallas and would want me to either go out to Mayo or to Houston (that's where I had my VR). But I figure that Mayo will probably say I need to go back there (from everything I hear about them their fairly arrogant about their abilities.) and if they will be doing the surgery I would rather just get it over with in one visit instead of returning.

So did all of that make sense? ;)
Makes sense Niki. Wish you the best of luck with the "ironing out".;) Fine wrinkles in life!

Go for my ultrasound next week. Visit with MD at the end of the month. Will send you a PM with outcome.

Thanks again for all of your help!
knightfan2691 said:
Without going into too many details about the upcoming replacement (mainly because I'll sound like my "Evil Twin" is coming back ... and I don't want to do that right now), it is being replaced because the battery is basically "dead". From the get go, they noticed that the battery wasn't staying as "strong" and "full" as it should be. They've surmized that it is a problem with the wires ... most likely due to scarring from the open heart surgery. So, the battery didn't last as long as it should've. Thus, when they go in ... they'll move the location, something I'm not all that crazy about for rather "childish" reasons....

I'm sorry you're having to have the pacer replaced sooner than you should be. I can understand feeling like your "Evil Twin" when thinking about it. I'm not looking forward to my surgery either, but mine was pretty expected. My last few pacers have lasted around 5 years each, so this one is right on par. But it was nice thinking about the fact that I actually went through all of 2006 without a visit to the hospital, and I'm sad I won't be able to say that about 2007.

I would love to reach out and give you a hug if I could. Hey, maybe when we have our layover in Chicago? ;) Granted, it's only about an hour or so...

Gnusgal said:
I'm sorry you're having to have the pacer replaced sooner than you should be. I can understand feeling like your "Evil Twin" when thinking about it.


Thank you, Niki. While I can't say I'm surprised it has to be replaced sooner rather than later, it sure is disappointing. They seemed to know from the first checkup that something was amiss with the wires (i.e. the possible scarring) and warned me that the pacemaker probably wouldn't last as long as it should because of that. Guess I was being too optimistic ;). Ah, well, just a few more days before I go in now ... so, the sooner Monday comes the better.

Gnusgal said:
I'm not looking forward to my surgery either, but mine was pretty expected. My last few pacers have lasted around 5 years each, so this one is right on par. But it was nice thinking about the fact that I actually went through all of 2006 without a visit to the hospital, and I'm sad I won't be able to say that about 2007.

On the bright side ... no hospital visits in 2006 for you. I can't even say that ;). He he. And, you already know thoughts/prayers are coming your way from me.....

Gnusgal said:
I would love to reach out and give you a hug if I could. Hey, maybe when we have our layover in Chicago? ;) Granted, it's only about an hour or so...

Hmmm...that certainly would be nice, though I'm not sure about the security issues at the airport. If you're just at a layover ... and won't be coming out of the terminal, I'm not sure if I can get in to see you. Sure would be nice, tho. Can't believe it has been about 4 months since I saw ya'll in Dallas.....

And, Gina ... good luck with your ultrasound ... thoughts/prayers coming your way, too.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Without you, I'm not me" ... Colin Raye ... 'Little Rock'
knightfan2691 said:
Hmmm...that certainly would be nice, though I'm not sure about the security issues at the airport. If you're just at a layover ... and won't be coming out of the terminal, I'm not sure if I can get in to see you. Sure would be nice, tho. Can't believe it has been about 4 months since I saw ya'll in Dallas.....
I donn't really think it would be a possibility. But it sure seems like a waste to be so close and yet not get to see you. Oh, well. Maybe next time I can schedule a 5 or 6 hour layover. ;)
LUVMyBirman said:
Makes sense Niki. Wish you the best of luck with the "ironing out".;) Fine wrinkles in life!

Go for my ultrasound next week. Visit with MD at the end of the month. Will send you a PM with outcome.

Thanks again for all of your help!
I'll be thinking of you next week, then. I hope your MD can work out something for you that will help. I'll be anxiously awaiting that PM to find out the results.
Gnusgal said:
I donn't really think it would be a possibility. But it sure seems like a waste to be so close and yet not get to see you. Oh, well. Maybe next time I can schedule a 5 or 6 hour layover. ;)


That'd be nice :).

And, now ya know how I feel sometimes when I drive through areas .... and NOT get to meet up with people ... heh.

Again, Niki, Gina and Barbara ... I certainly appreciate your thoughts/prayers. I'm getting a bit anxious for Monday, but not as anxious as I thought I might be. I think I'm more concerned about what happens after ... frustrated that the pacemaker may be "seen" ... frustrated with the restrictions (no driving for a week!, no exercising for 4 weeks, etc.)....


Oh, well.....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"I ain't up to being strong now" ... Wynonna ... 'Is It Over Yet'
Cort:Take it easy my friend. Great way to look at it...your have traveled this road before.;) Will be a breeze:D

May I ask why you are worrying about it being seen? Will the appearance of the location change? On the bright side you have many months to heal before summer;)

I have thought about a I would feel. Not that I am expecting such for another 20 years or more. Feel it would not be as stressful in the interim period. Knowing what to fully expect. And as you said...with these heart realated proceedures. It's not the act's can be about the after effects. As long as you know what to watch will be just fine!

Niki: Thanks again! Looking forward to chatting with you again soon. Take care and all the best with your pacer and trip to Mayo!
LUVMyBirman said:
Cort:Take it easy my friend. Great way to look at it...your have traveled this road before.;) Will be a breeze:D


I suspect it will be ... or, at least, I'm hoping so. Kinda wishing it was going to be at Children's Memorial ... the nurses just seemed so ... attentive ... there ;).

LUVMyBirman said:
May I ask why you are worrying about it being seen? Will the appearance of the location change? On the bright side you have many months to heal before summer;)

He he ... very true, but I don't take my shirt off anyway :(.

I'm not "worried" about it being seen (as in since it will be in my chest area, it will be "visible"...can't explain it very well ... sorry...) ... just self-conscious is all :(. I know ... looks don't matter, but ... aye.....

LUVMyBirman said:
I have thought about a I would feel. Not that I am expecting such for another 20 years or more. Feel it would not be as stressful in the interim period. Knowing what to fully expect. And as you said...with these heart realated proceedures. It's not the act's can be about the after effects. As long as you know what to watch will be just fine!

...and I do know what to watch for, so that's good. We'll see what happens on Monday....

Again, thank you :).

...and so ends my last post here.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"It's different now" ... Conway Twitty ... 'Goodbye Time'

I wish you all the best for Monday. Please take care. We will be thinking of and sending you hugs and prayers.
Cort, you know my thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow. I know you'll be back on and posting in no time. If you want to call me and let me know how you're doing, I wouldn't be opposed. ;)

I know it's disappointing to not get to actually see each other when we'll be so close. But perhaps some day I can come up to IL for a visit. I've been to Chicago once, but Nathan never has. Wouldn't mind going again. I'll let you know if it's ever in our plans. :D

Good luck, buddy!

Thank you, Gina and Rob ... sure appreciate your thoughts/prayers.

Just kinda wish it were overwith ... NOW. he heh.

Gnusgal said:
Cort, you know my thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow. I know you'll be back on and posting in no time. If you want to call me and let me know how you're doing, I wouldn't be opposed.


Well, if I for some reason forget or don't call you, you are more than welcome to call me ... ;). Appreciate your thoughts/prayers as well :).

Gnusgal said:
I know it's disappointing to not get to actually see each other when we'll be so close. But perhaps some day I can come up to IL for a visit. I've been to Chicago once, but Nathan never has. Wouldn't mind going again. I'll let you know if it's ever in our plans.


That would be AWESOME :). Just let me know when it enters your plans ... you know you'll have friends up here to see!

And, yes, it is disappointing ... but, sadly, you aren't the first person I've missed either coming through Chicagoland or going through others' hometowns on my road trips ... and, I have a feeling, you won't be the last :(. Besides ... time and place for everything, right? ;)

We'll see ya'll on the "flip side", I guess.....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"It's time to take a leap of faith" ... Steven Curtis Chapman ... 'Dive'

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