Musician2K is out of surgery.....

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Thanks for the Update!

Thanks for the Update!

Thank you so much for the update....Lego land and cartoon characters...poor least those are happy things....But Wow! I wish they could get his pain under control...I can't imagine. I'm sure you've both had an exhausting few days...hopefully it will all come together and progress very soon. I like the whole "smoke detector" analogy. Please take care of yourself and keep us updated.

you're both in our thoughts

musician2k said:
Well, the pain wasn't much better today. Nurses keep working at finding the right pain killer that will work for him. He is so sensitive to medications. In fact, after taking one pain killer, he reported seeing Cartoon Characters and a Lego Land in the room!? The nurse that was with him this evening seemed to be really listening to Chris, so maybe he's in good hands now.

Ask them about Ultram if they haven't already tried that. That's what they used at my heart center (100 mg 3 times/day, each time in combination with 1 g paracetamol) and it worked great.

Also, that's the weirdest thing about the cartoon characters... I also had that hallucination after surgery.
So sorry that you both are having such a hard time. The reactions to the pain meds can be frightening at times. My brother-in-law had many hallucinations after recent knee surgery and it was scary, but hopefully they will find the right thing or the pain will lessen and he can do without. Hope you are getting your sleep at night Carla and that today is a turn-around day with many improvements. All our prayers and good thoughts are going your way.
musician2k said:
Well, the pain wasn't much better today. Nurses keep working at finding the right pain killer that will work for him. He is so sensitive to medications. In fact, after taking one pain killer, he reported seeing Cartoon Characters and a Lego Land in the room!? The nurse that was with him this evening seemed to be really listening to Chris, so maybe he's in good hands now.

He is having the Pacemaker put in on Monday, so I guess it's going to be a necessity.

Today was a hard day. I am looking so forward to getting back"the old" Chris....(he's turning 41 on Sunday!).

Thank you so much for your compassion. It's really nice to know that so much of you care.


I was hoping the pacemaker wouldn't be needed and I'm still wondering if it's necessary. I know it is for a while after surgery, but usually it's done away with.

The hallucinations are something we all go through. Some are very very unpleasant. At least he's conscious while dealing with them. I wasn't that lucky.
It sounds like getting the pain medication issue solved is the biggest problem right now. Once theyfind one that works for him he'll be able to get better rest and his body will be able to get on the road to a smoother recovery. You both continue to be in my prayers.
Strength to You and Your Family

Strength to You and Your Family

You and Chris will get beyond this! My prayers are with you daily.
Carla, glad to see your posts. I'm so sorry that he's having so much trouble with pain meds because he certainly deserves a respite after going through so much. Hopefully, something will work for him. You all are still in my thoughts and prayers.

BTW, thank you so much for taking my call Thursday, Carla. We were all so worried about him.
Continued prayers

Continued prayers

Dear Carla - So sorry that Chris is still having a rough time of it. I hope that you are able to take care of yourself too, Chris is drawing on your strength. Please try to take a little time for yourself each hour to rest and center yourself - the hospital is such a stressful environment. Seeing you all filled with strength.

Happy Birthday Chris! I know you didn't want to spend it in the hospital, but look at the bright side. Now you'll have many many more to celebrate in the future!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday and hoping you are feeling better today.
Happy Birthday Chris!!!

Happy Birthday Chris!!!

And many more........
Happy Birthday Chris!

Happy Birthday Chris!

Happy Birthday Chris! ....and many many many more to come.

Wishing you both strength and love on this day :)

Hugs :p
Happy B Day Chris and Happy B Day for your new fixed up heart. I hope this day finds you in a better situation. Hallucinations go with the territory with pain meds. Hoping they won't be as necessary soon.
Happy Birthday, Chris!
I spent one of mine in the hospital after a TIA episode, and they brought me a little birthday cake with a candle on top. I hope you fare as well!
hi chris and carla,
wanted to wish you a happy birthday and thank carla for keeping us posted on your condition.
carla, please know that you are both in our thoughts and prayers and that hopefully this bump in the road will smooth out soon.
wishing you all the best,
Happy birthday, Chris

Happy birthday, Chris

I am sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.
Chris, I hope this ordeal is soon over and that you are on your way to recovery.
Carla, please try to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep. He will need you to take care of him when he comes home. And I know, it is hard to see your husband in pain like that.

As for as the pacemaker, just ask for details. I had one when I came out of surgery and they took it out before I went on the floor. Then they had to put it back in when I ran into some problems. But it was only temporary. As soon as the problems resolved themselves, it came out.
Carla,..Glad to see things turning toward the better with Chris.Happy belated birthday from me as well.Not a great place to spend a birthday but I'm sure he's happy to be surrounded by his loved ones.

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