Mopping floors

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Waa, cry me a river. You all enjoy the pity party you have going on. The rest of us are too busy getting on with our lives.

Wow just charming. I will never understand people who take joy out of being nasty and I think it is awful to treat other members like this when everyone was there for YOU when you were having a rough spot. I'm done with you.
Waa, cry me a river. You all enjoy the pity party you have going on. The rest of us are too busy getting on with our lives.

I find it hard to believe you actually wrote this post. Are you sure someone else in your house doesn't have access to your log in information?Seriously.
It sounds like something a kid would say.
Waa, cry me a river. You all enjoy the pity party you have going on. The rest of us are too busy getting on with our lives.

In the first place you seem to include yourself as part of when it seems to the majority that you are doing everything you can to be separate from .... In the second place you are either full of crap about you recovery or an insensitive ******* or both .... Third I am not alone in saying that many members are tired of your mouth and your attitude and I just have the balls to say it.... If you can?t add to, don?t waste our time taking away from.....
Waa, cry me a river. You all enjoy the pity party you have going on. The rest of us are too busy getting on with our lives.

I did get on with my life and one of the things that I do now is to try to offer support and empathy for those who are going through what I did - as did the people who helped me. It's called giving back, it's called compassion, it's called being there for someone else, it's called looking beyond yourself, it's called humanity.
Just remember things can change at a moments notice or just around the next corner! So don't be so hateful regarding people recovery, everyone recovers differently! You should really be ashamed of yourself!
Waa, cry me a river. You all enjoy the pity party you have going on. The rest of us are too busy getting on with our lives.

Sad how you carry a chip on your shoulder Dyna i noticed this chip
very early on in your posts and you should really leave sarcassium
off vr if you have taken what you needed and have nothing to add
but bullying comments then take the advise given here and go!!!
Maybe read Bridgettes post about respect and recognition.
just my feelings on this and seems posts are just getting hijacked for
your attention,but bullys love attention RIGHT????? totally unacceptable
and immature behavior happening here too often i feel,this hurts me and

:( My apologies Laura,but im so tired of this negativatey already
it's not just your post seems i've come across afew recently.

zipper2 (DEB)
Well this certainly has been interesting. Thing I want to know is, when are people going to tell about these things as they happen and not after the fact? I know I'm not here 24 hours a day, but I would have put a stop to it immediately.

Dyna sent me a "Goodbye" PM last night, so I don't think he'll be back and after reading all this, that's probably a good thing. I can only wish that I'd had stellar recovery after being through literal hell and becoming disabled. I suppose I fit into his category of forget it and get on with life too.

We do get on with life, but some of us have lost a lot of what we did have BEFORE surgery, even if what we did have sucked. For me, it sucks even more now, but yeah Dyna, I'm getting on with my crappy life as it is. Thanks for reminding me.
Well this certainly has been interesting. Thing I want to know is, when are people going to tell about these things as they happen and not after the fact? I know I'm not here 24 hours a day, but I would have put a stop to it immediately.

Dyna sent me a "Goodbye" PM last night, so I don't think he'll be back and after reading all this, that's probably a good thing. I can only wish that I'd had stellar recovery after being through literal hell and becoming disabled. I suppose I fit into his category of forget it and get on with life too.

We do get on with life, but some of us have lost a lot of what we did have BEFORE surgery, even if what we did have sucked. For me, it sucks even more now, but yeah Dyna, I'm getting on with my crappy life as it is. Thanks for reminding me.

He should be banned.
He should be banned.

Here ya go cooker, push the button. Besides, it makes Hank jealous when he doesn't get too. :D

Laura - I sure hope that your family is now helping you more......I know when I had my OHS last year, my mom stayed with me for the first week I was home and then my daughter, who is 32 came over and swept and mopped my floors for me for the first month after that. Now, my DH does it, even though he works 50 hours a week. I still cannot mop the floors. Get short of breath after only avout 5 minutes and start getting chest pain. Sooooo not worth it to me.

I still do not vacuum either. My daughter or DH do it. I do dishes, cook, bake, dust and do the laundry, but my granddaughter (who now lives with me) cleans the bathroom and her own room!!!

Good luck and I sure hope your dog is doing better!!!

How are things going today?

Hope your dog is better. I was on another list and saw an item that made me think of your need to mop floors. Don't know if this would be of any help, but it's certainly very interesting. I'd run it past my veterinarian first, though:

The dog is doing much much better, did the rice and hamb thing for a couple days and she is now back to normal. My son mopped my floors for me too :)
Laura, Give your son a big hug and tell him to mark it off the chart board. :)
Maybe the others will get the hint too. Glad your doing much better. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a continued smooth recovery.

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