Mopping floors

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Oh Laura i'll give you an example tonite i was too lazy to get a laundry
basket,i hung out 3x bedding sheets on line(course was before it rained):rolleyes:
So i took em off line they weren't dripping but.........Wet and wanted to carry em into dryer...........Oh man was that stupid i was so outta breath i thought i
hadn't had my surgery almost 5 months ago and to boot i,ve not felt so breathless since my laundry room is downstairs(STEPS)!!!!.

The only one here was my son's girlfriend,and she was on the phone
and my plan wasnot to tackle this alone but stubbornly i did.
Now look how long i've been home from surgery and still i need help.
My surgery was Jan.22/09 it's taking along time for me and you were after my surgery yet.

Generally all chip in, even with frost i have to cover my plants,flowers for 2 weeks now....chores,vacuuming (share the list) it works
everything is looked after but when my hubby gets home ,hears about this
he will be upset with me and i don't blame him,but i thought at 5 months almost i should be stronger:confused:...........WRONG :mad:it makes me angry
but tonight put a scare in me and just let everyone else have the chores, not worth jepradizing our health for a bunch sheets or dog poop;)

zipper2 (DEB)
I just wanted to thank all of you for your works of advice... you will all be happy to know that when my hubby got home last night I sat and talked with him (actually cried to him) about how I was feeling and the things that weren't getting done. I explained that it wasn't his fault, he works a very stressful job and is taking the kids back and forth to school everyday since I can't drive yet either. We both sat down and read through all of your posts...

We pretty much mixed the advise of all of you and came up with a plan. After we had a plan we sat down with the three older ones (11,13 and 14) and basically said to them, Do you want me to get better? If you do you are going to have to help around here. I explained the things that could happen if I were to do things I shouldn't be doing and how much further it would set my recovery back. We loved the idea of making a list of things that need to get done that I can't do. So I started that today. Between the three of them and my husband they will work on the list and I will do the light stuff like wiping counters and doing dishes. My 7 and 4 yr old vacuumed the stairs for my last night too :) I hope this works. The dog is a little better today (we have her rice and chicken last night) She was so hungry because we were withholding her food when this started 2 days ago.

So thanks again everyone... this is why I love this forum. It is so helpful. I have 2 graduations to go to today for 2 of my kids so hopefully I can get a nap in before hand to not get too worn out. Thanks again everyone.
What a relief to hear this, I've been so worried about you. I think it is great you worked all of this out as a family and I'm sure all the kids will help. Maybe in a couple months you you are feeling 100% you all can do something fun as a family to celebrate and thank the kids
Laura, I am REALLY happy to hear this...I worry about you. I'm so glad you sat down and had a talk with your hubby about this. Kids chipping in will go a LONG way to helping you recover without so much added stress. Maybe they will be more willing to do so if they know it's helping YOU get better, not just doing housework because "Mom said so".

Big hugs for you, and enjoy the graduations today!
Great news Laura. I am happy things have been discussed and a plan made. Hopefully it will last without any struggle on your part. Have fun at the graduations but be prepared to be tired - those are long even for someone not recovering from OHS.
My fourth anniversary is at the end of the month and even now I cannot do more than ten minutes of anything without a good long rest between efforts. Fortunately, in some ways, I live alone so it really doesn't matter too much if housework doesn't get done. I am trying to get my house ready for a visit from my daughter and her family next month, I just do ten minutes here then ten minutes there.

Your children are well old enough to help with chores, they should be cossetting you.
Glad that you were able to discuss your needs with your husband and kids. Anyway, kids need to learn basic living skills. Mopping, vacuuming, dusting etc. won't hurt them one bit and they will all be better prepared for life outside your home. ;)At least that is the speech I gave me kids when they were younger:rolleyes:
I forgot to tell you the very important part about lazy floor cleaning: All the steps I mentioned can be done while sitting in a chair!!! If you need to twist your body (well, you did not set up the chair right in the first place) you will have to carefully arise from the chair and move it. However, think before you place you chair.

I agree with everyone else--those kids should have been helping you all along! I also agree with the rice diet for a few days.

I had to ASK but some people from my church helped my out once I asked them. If you are in some groups (like childbirth or breastfeeding groups) ask them for help. We Americans hate to butt into things, but are willing to help if asked.


Two more things you can give for an animal with diarrhea: plain, full-fat yogurt and canned pack pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling). The yogurt has friendly bacteria and the pumpkin has fiber. You can also go to a health foods store and get a liquid -- must be kept refrigerated -- that has same bacteria as yogurt. Don't remember the name, but I've gotten it for our cats before.
So glad you had this talk, these kids can help around the house no matter how little the job is it helps. You have to take care of YOURSELF right now are you will end up back in the hospital! Your husband works all day and he should make these kids do there chores. It is not going to kill them to just pick up after themselves or let the bigger ones help the little ones. He has to be the enforcer of this. You can't do that either! You need help for a while yet to come! Be strong and hang in there, those kids have to help you! period!
Laura - happy to hear things are looking up at home. You're doing great considering what you've been through. Hope the dog feels better too.

Originally Posted by Ross
This is why I get so frustrated with people that have surgery and then boast about how well they're doing at 6 or 8 weeks. Not everyone does recover like that, in fact, most don't.
Not that I wish anything bad for these people, but they are not the norm. For most of us, it takes MONTHS.

So happy I am in that minority.

Really like to rub her nose in it I guess.

Hmmm.... do any of these words sound familiar?

It's funny how folks who haven't been through the surgery can attempt to tell you how long you should hurt & how intense it should be.

April 2nd - Seeing my surgeon in a couple hrs, still feel like I got my ass kicked. Left arm is weak & hurts when I pick it up. No blockages or anything so I don't think I had any sort of mini heart attack but it's in the back of my mind & is troubling me.

April 18th - Weird dizzy spells?
Anyone else get dizzy spells at times? They are short & don't last long but they feel a lot like when you get drunk & the room spins. I just had another one happen a few minutes ago & couldn't even focus on the computer screen.

May 2nd - Went to work today & it was ok....for the 1st 45 minutes. Then I had a really nasty dizzy spell that had me feeling like I wanted to throw up. I had to grab onto something just to stand up & I felt like complete crap for about 5 minutes. For a brief second or 5 I actually thought that maybe I was going to kick the bucket. It finally passed but the damn light headedness has remained all day long. If this **** keeps up tonight or tomorrow I am headed to the ER.

May 3rd - Putting pressure on your chest.
Ever roll over in bed wrong & put a lot of pressure on your chest? Did that other night for some reason & landed on top of my right arm & my hand was in a fist position. Holy crap did that ever hurt, woke me right up & it hurt like hell for 2 days. I sure wouldn't want to get punched or kicked in my sternum right now.

June 6th - Not judging anyone here as this is simply my observation. I had my moments for a few weeks after surgery
(Really - only a few weeks???? Surgery was on March 6, right?)
I wanted to blow my brains out certain days.

But I pulled myself up & decided "to hell with feeling like this" & did something about it. Life is what you make it, if you want to be miserable than that's a choice you have to live with but there are alternatives.
Seems to me like a majority of the people on this site do get to this point sooner or later. Glad you were able to get there 'sooner'.
I think that Dyna was really offering to go to your house,
and help out with the 5....YES.....5 children and the running of the house.
It's time for him to put his muscle where his mouth is. ;) :)
Take Care.
I think that Dyna was really offering to go to your house,
and help out with the 5....YES.....5 children and the running of the house.
It's time for him to put his muscle where his mouth is. ;) :)
Take Care.

It funny Bina... When my husband read the "original Dyna" post and then I told my husband how I was feeling the other day he said "maybe Dyna can come clean the house and take care of 5 kids, and drive you back and forth from dr to dr since he is feeling so great."

Dyna, I'm glad your recovery went so well, but another thing I can guarantee is that if you had 5 kids, a dog and a home to take care of you on top of a million other things you wouldn't be feeling so hot right now. So please, take your happy happy joy joys and look back at some of your posts. You were where I was once. Just remember that the next time you decide to rub your recovery in my face. I also noticed that you are from Wisconsin as well, only a few hours away so by all means if your good to drive, i have a messy house and 5 acres of grass that needs to be cut, a garden that needs to be weeded and 5 kids to take care. And there is plenty more work to get done than just those things.
It funny Bina... When my husband read the "original Dyna" post and then I told my husband how I was feeling the other day he said "maybe Dyna can come clean the house and take care of 5 kids, and drive you back and forth from dr to dr since he is feeling so great."

Dyna, I'm glad your recovery went so well, but another thing I can guarantee is that if you had 5 kids, a dog and a home to take care of you on top of a million other things you wouldn't be feeling so hot right now. So please, take your happy happy joy joys and look back at some of your posts. You were where I was once. Just remember that the next time you decide to rub your recovery in my face. I also noticed that you are from Wisconsin as well, only a few hours away so by all means if your good to drive, i have a messy house and 5 acres of grass that needs to be cut, a garden that needs to be weeded and 5 kids to take care. And there is plenty more work to get done than just those things.

You go girl! Love it! LOL
Waa, cry me a river. You all enjoy the pity party you have going on. The rest of us are too busy getting on with our lives.

Then get on with it and get off of here, Jerk! What's your purpose here now? It obviously isn't to help but to hurt those of us who are not as fortunate as you. I'm not wallowing in self-pity, but like Laura, I haven't had it as easy as you. I'm 35 years old and I have a three year old daughter and absolutely no one to help me out with her, my house and two dogs. Unlike you, I didn't get such a great report post-op - I'm in Congestive Heart Failure, I have moderate to severe PH and my TV is moderate to severely leaking and I may have to go through this all again, have a little compassion. You obviously don't belong here anymore - you are 100% healthy, have no compassion or empathy and your aggressive attitude is hurtful, not helpful.
Waa, cry me a river. You all enjoy the pity party you have going on. The rest of us are too busy getting on with our lives.

Go on & gloat all you want my friend.....just remember, it was all these "whinners", (your words, not mind) that supported you thru your roughest & scariest of times & it will probably be some of us that will help support you again should you ever need it!

So gloat on, but just keep one thing in can be very short lived! :(