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Bonnie, great minds think alike, and all that...........I, too, thought of 'pony tail' at first, second and tenth glance, but it's part of the lamp behind him. If it's a pony tail, is it in a hairnet or a plait???????
Hi Ross-

You just tell Lyn we loved her pictures. She's a shy one--eh? Having your pic taken is just one of the perks that go along with being married to the world renowned Ross! :)
Hank and Ross,

You two are wonderful people! I get a little weepy and short on words to express what you and this site have meant to me.

The information
The shariing
The encouragement
The laughing
The stories
The comfort
The rambling (me) :D

I feel better informed about my valve and my medicine, enabling me to take better advantage of what life has to offer. Life is good.

Thanks so much.
Miss Ann

Miss Ann

Please take another look at Ross sitting at the computer. I thinks..that is a calendar hanging on wall(white) the lamp is to the left.:p :p :p Soooo..only Ross can tell us..Ponytail or cat or what?:p :p :p :p :p Maybe we need to take up a collection and buy Hensylee some glasses:p :p :p :p :p Get that puter up and running..so you can post my new avator I mailed you..and please take out the wrinkles.:p :p :p :p :p Bonnie
Yes that's a calendar on the wall. No it's not a ponytail, it's part of my mothers antique lamp shade/dome or whatever you call it. I'm surprised Hank got that good of a picture in this room. This room is a disaster. It's more of a storage room then anything. Ideal for fat short people like me! :D
Hi Hank and Ross

I could not get the video to work, so thanks for posting the photo's,

It was really nice too ee you two guys together,

Ross will I be able to contact you with all my XP problems when you figure the system out ?

only joking friend,



Hank - you are one hell of a guy driving that far for a delivery ! Ross - Glad we could all help. The both of you are great. This site is great! I know that a little over a year ago when the only emotion I was feeling was flat out fear. But finding this site, reading the postings, was of unbelievable help to me. I know that this site continues to help many people through the difficult process of open heart surgery, and I am a better person for being a part of this wonderful online community!
That was quick......

That was quick......

I've been travelling this past week and didn't realise that all this was gonna happen so soon.......just logged on for a brief minute to wish Ben a happy birthday at the weekend and then when I get back to some serious surfing I see a video of Hank's visit with the 'gift.'

Last time there were three wise men....this time just two...and I hope that Ross figgers out this XP programme as I need help with it too. It was real strange at the start and takes a bit of getting used to....everything seems to be 'hidden' and I've been searching for stuff. But in the long run I think it is a big improvement on previous systems.

I'm so glad that we all had the opportunity to be a part of this Rossman.....for the job you do for all of us, you deserve the best tools that money can buy. Long may you and the new machine be here to keep us on the straight and narrow.

Hey Ross,
I was not sure you were real !!! Now you know I am kidding. But I do think that you devote so much time to our site and are so good that you are almost too good to be true.
But now I can associate something to you. And it all looks pretty darn good.
Thanks for everything you do.
There are some pretty neat cartoon characters out there in fantasy land!

Image of Ross posted by Missy ;)


I have never got to meet you or anyone else on here and may not ever. I really would like to, but I don't think I have to meet you or your family to know and understand how nice you really are.

You and your family really sacrifice a lot for all of us. Although somehow I don't think your trip was a sacrifice. Sounds like you and Ross had a good time meeting each other.

I don't see any heart icons on here or I would put it right here. You have a big kind heart! And your family also.

That is traveling a long ways to get to meet someone. We all think so much of both you and Ross.

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