Man Of Mystery-Legend Continues

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Well, Ross, others have asked about stress, but I would refine the question. I'd ask, "Do you have any NEW stressors present?" In other words, has anything changed to elevate your ordinary stress level?

I mention this because I've watched my own situation, and I've gained about 6-8 lbs. (think it is water) since my mom's death last October, and can't seem to get rid of it. Cardio tried larger dosage of BP med (includes a diuretic) but no change. He feels that as long as it is stable, I will eventually work it off. This (weight gain) occurred over a 4 to 6 week period last fall, and has been pretty stable since. Go figure. . .
Hola Rossorito!

Hola Rossorito!

The gentle hands, greased with snake oil, methodically massage away the pain from the afflicted area. The carefully prepared soup of ground baked badger mixed with magpie is gratefully swallowed by the asthma sufferer.

A man rests in a weathered chair, a Bull Durham tobacco label stuck on either side of his forehead, waiting for the throbbing in his head to cease.

A young woman is suddenly smitten after drinking some coffee spiced by a male admirer with a pinch of dried jackrabbit. The mysterious curandero has been at work once again.

Ah, that's it Ross -- you need a genuine curandero to fix you up! Oh gosh, do you really want to hear what the remedy is for a swollen body part? :D
hey ross!
i'm so sorry you haven't been feeling so great...i'm sure this site keeps your spirits up though.
actually, i think you have finally rubbed off on most of the members here...don't you agree???
naughty bunch you are!!! i just love it!!!
hope you start to "unswell" a bit soon.
keep those laughs coming. you are just one terriffic guy!
I know this thread didn't start out to be funny, but I must say that I got a good laugh out of it!!

Seriously though, sorry to hear about the swelling Ross. Sounds like you got a lot of good advice though. :rolleyes: I do hope they figure out what it is and get it under control.

Do you own a BMW? ;)

I own and drive a BMW 735, but it's disguised as a Pontiac Sunbird. I wouldn't want to attract the thieves attention to my classy ride. :D
I think you need to have a tiny Asian woman to come to your house..walk on your back..and re-distribute the fluid from your legs back into your body.. :p :p :p :p Bonnie
Ross said:
Tired all the time, can't sleep for poop, same old story. :confused:
Well clearly (..from one insomniac to another..) you're having the same problem as me.....

According to the latest medical genius, it's not my heart (..or lungs..) that are the problem, it's the fact I haven't had a good night's sleep in 32 years and my "batteries have simply gone flat" (??!!!!!).

You clearly just need a course of anti-depressants to get you sleeping and all your problems will magically be fixed!

The only other solution I can offer (..and this was given to me by my mum's second cousin (..who, incidentally is a registered nurse..)..) is that you are channelling a spirit with CHF ( you might just want to pop on down to your local church for an exorcism..!!..).

Anna : )
You know it's funny that you bring up the O2 line. I've been toying with the thought of putting the new line on since they haven't bothered this one in about 2 months now. This one is all taped together and has a couple of minor leaks. Why do I have this overwhelming feeling that by putting a nice new line on, they'll get hungry again? :confused:
Hey Rosso!

Hey Rosso!

OK, I haven't been around for a while, so I poke my head in and find my Ya Ya Brotherhood buddy is having "stuff" happening. I'm sending you my best wishes, and will volunteer to run over you a couple times with my Harley if it will get the swelling down :cool: Seriously, I hope this all resolves soon...take care, my friend.
John good to see you as always. I'm trying to keep things on an even keel, but my body has other plans for me I guess. :)