Mainframe needs ALL your prayers

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Updates will be slow....Chris's wife is not expecting much further news until this weekend. His fever continues to be an issue, spiking a bit occasionally but with no clear indication of infection. Anyway, when the next step, LVAD removal, or anything otherwise significant changes, I'll be back. I so expected Chris to have a more benign and rapid recovery, but it is not. Fortunately, he is the proverbial tough guy and is holding up well under the circumstances. Your continued prayers and good thought are appreciated.
He's going through hell. He's not going to have a fast recovery and most likely will need physical therapy once he is back with the world.

How right you are. Chris' wife is prepared for him to spend time in a rehab facility after the hospital.

How right you are. Chris' wife is prepared for him to spend time in a rehab facility after the hospital.

I spent 50 in CSICU and they admitted me directly to rehab from ICU. They told me then it would be 30+ days until I could go home. I told them that was unacceptable. I'd had enough hell and wanted to go home. I worked my butt off and was released 10 days later. It can be done, but I don't recommend doing what I did.
Chris's wife called. They reduced his sedation today and allowed him to wake up. He opened his eyes, moved around, squeezed her hand as she talked to him. I believe this could be a step toward weaning him from the ventilator but his wife was not certain of what was going to happen next. Needless to say, she was overjoyed regardless. I'll drop by Stanford tomorrow and report back then.
Sounds like great news...slow progress is much better than no progress. Its nice to hear this Bill. I know we will continue to say our prayers for Chris and and his wife. Please pass on to her to continue to be strong.
He certainly has a hard row to hoe, but waking up and squeezing his wife's hand is wonderful progress. Slow and steady will prevail....and I'm betting he has the fortitude. All the best wishes to his family..
Chris and his wife are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope she is able to recharge somehow during this difficult time. Love is a powerful medicine. God bless you both.
Sending strong prayers to Chris and his family, glad he is going in the right direction!! Hopefully they will wean him very slowly and monitor him very closely during this most critical time.

The sooner he's fully out of sedation, the better things will be. He's been on the vent far too long and should be close to being trached. All I know is, he's been a cliff hanger and I sure as heck hope that he continues to inch forward and doesn't suddenly make a U turn.

I lived it. I feel it.