Mainframe needs ALL your prayers

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That is wonderful news! Amazing how quickly someone can improve!

Bill, you've been amazing in keeping up with Chris too. Where you live isn't exactly a quick trip to Stanford! (For anyone wondering, it's about 50 miles. Each way.) How is your recovery progressing? I guess you must be feeling pretty great to be able to keep an eye on Chris for us. :)

Thanks Bill for a wonderful up-date on our buddy Holy Crip-Crap at this rate he might be home next week.

BTW, if no one has said it yet "You Rock Chris"
I'm very glad to see these continuing improvements for Chris :) ; thanks again for the updates, Bill.
Thanks so very much for the updates. I'm really relieved (and happy) to hear of Chris' progress. Be sure to give him our best wishes, and tell him we eagerly await his triumphant return to the boards.
How wonderful!

Bill, echoing Michele's concern about you here : how are you doing? It's great that you are able to go back and forth from Stanford so often. You are not that far off from your own surgery! You are a great friend : )
Ross is right! Ross is right! c'mon everyone, let's hear it for Ross !

Way to go, mainframe!!!!!!!! You show 'em how it's done !

PS Ross, any predictions on how long till he's home??
An amazing story of hope and perserverence. Here's hoping Chris is home soon and continues his steady progress. I also echo others thanks to you Bill for being such a good friend to Chris and his family and for giving us regular updates.

Now is what sucks. He'll want to come home really really bad and it's going to take him about 2 weeks to 4 weeks to have enough physical therapy to get him to be able to stand safely. They say every day in bed is one week of therapy. I spent 10 days in rehab, but I busted my butt and honestly, though they let me come home, I wasn't ready. I can see frustration on his face as he's led around with a gait belt like a dog on leash.

Give him a hug for me when you see him. Let him know that I fully appreciate where he's been and where he's going.
This has been such a heart rending struggle for this courageous man. He's got the heart of a lion! So glad to hear the wonderful progress that has been made.
Sending up a prayer for strength for Chris and his family. ICU at Stanford is wonderful. They really watch over each patient. I can't imagine leaving the chest open for that long and don't really understand why they do this? Only positive thoughts for his recovery, and the sooner the better!
Sending up a prayer for strength for Chris and his family. ICU at Stanford is wonderful. They really watch over each patient. I can't imagine leaving the chest open for that long and don't really understand why they do this? Only positive thoughts for his recovery, and the sooner the better!

Many of the times I know of that the chest is left open is because of swelling and there would be too much pressure on the heart if it was closed. They usually cover it with something that looks like saran wrap.

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