Legs like jello

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2009
Houston, Texas (USA)
I have been trying to walk outside in the evenings. I am only able to go just a little over 100 yards when walking. It isn't my heart that is bothering me, but my legs feel like jello and they just give out.

Is this normal???

14 days post op!
I had that too. It took me quite awhile to get my strength back. I had surgery in the summer so it was hot and the heat really bothers me. We (DH and I) walked in the store, until I could finally walk in all the aisles. Took a few weeks. Good luck.
I remember that too. Jello is a great description. It will come back. Don't push too much but do a little more each day. The first week, I'd take a few laps around our large family room several times a day before I tried a longer walk.
Do you take several short walks during the day, or try to get all your walking in at once? The post-surgery guidelines I received were to walk 5-10 minutes 4 times a day for the first two weeks, then 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes for the next two weeks. Because it was winter, the first two weeks were laps around the living room. (I know many of you did lots more, but this is a minimum guideline.)

You will get stronger--14 days is early on.
At 14 days postop I was still needing help in the bathroom and getting in and out of bed.
I could barely lift a glass of water.
You will be fine, just be patient.....baby steps. :)
If you push too much, you will end up paying for it.
You have a lot of your energy being expelled for healing purposes. Your muscle atrophey will take a little time to progress. I'd give it till the three week mark myself. Just do a little more everyday.

You do not have to always walk, do leg exercises while sitting on the couch watching tv.
Thanks everyone. I am trying to do some easy things in the house during the day, get up and take a shower, put on makeup and fix hair. Just those few things drain me. I wait for my hubby to get home in the afternoon until I go outside. I am measuring by houses. The first day I went one driveway, the two, etc. Maybe I am worrying too much.

I did begin some of the leg exercises that PT taught me in the hospital. I forgot about those.....still too droggy but remembered them today.
You are worrying too much! ;o) But that's good! It will get you up and trying and each day that you get up and try makes the next day that much more successful.

I found that I simply had no resilience. If I overdid it by any amount (and it is too long ago to remember what exactly that amount was) I would pay for it the next day by being overly tired. This went on for several months at least, and to some degree, for more than a year.

Your body has been through so much!!! You must work at reminding it about what normal feels like, but you must honor its recovery at the same time.

Best wishes!

Yeah, I was hobbling around like a little old lady for at least the first couple of weeks after getting home - but, while I might not have noticed the improvement from day-to-day, I could certainly see huge improvements from week-to-week. Even now - 14 weeks later, I'm continuing to notice the improvements.

Don't worry too much about what you should be doing - focus on what you can do and getting plenty of REST!! You'll be back running around before you know it :)

A : )
Remember you have only been home for about 6 days!!

Everytime you have enough energy just get up and walk alittle, hit the recliner, rest, and do it again! I used to count the laps around the kitchen and when i thought i was going to go nuts from being in the recliner for too long i would try and do one more lap than before.

Rest, sleep, walk, drink lots, eat well ! Debbie :)
I have been trying to walk outside in the evenings. I am only able to go just a little over 100 yards when walking. It isn't my heart that is bothering me, but my legs feel like jello and they just give out.

Is this normal???

14 days post op!
Idon't know if your on the beta blocker Atenolol but that's the way it made my legs feel even before surgery!!
I am not on any meds except the coumadin. The weather is fixing to get real nasty here beginning tonight, so I will be doing laps here and there in the house. I felt a little better tonight.

Hubert (my heart pillow that my daughter named) has really been helping me alot. He allows me to stay up longer.
lilteach - It's been pretty warm and humid in our neck of the woods this week, so that could be contributing to your issues. As someone who came home from the hospital shortly after the 4th of July in 1998, I can tell you that heat and humidity are certainly enemies after heart surgery. Contrary to the dire weather reports, today is beautiful so maybe it will be easier. Good luck!
Midnight in Walmart?? ........What a concept!

That's when you know boredome is setting in.

I guess I've been a stick in the mud.....hubby keeps trying to get me out and take me to lunch or dinner and combine it with my doctor visits. After the doc visit I am wiped out so I just want to go home. I know it disappoints me, but I just want to be home.

I actually have him push me in a portable wheelchair when we visit the doctor. I just don't thinkk I am that energetic yet.
I counted driveways after my surgery, too, and also had the weak legs thing going on as well. Just remember you're only 14 days out, and things will get better. The heat can also be a factor. I had surgery during the super hot, humid summer of 2006. Not fun.

Wishing you the best!
Debi (debster913)

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