Legs like jello

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I'm glad to hear all this is normal. Today, I got up and did a few little things around the house and then sat, did a couple of things and then sat. I walked to the mailbox and back. I am going to begin looking at these things as little milestones.

I sure hope they fixed everything the first time, because I won't do it again.
I have been trying to walk outside in the evenings. I am only able to go just a little over 100 yards when walking. It isn't my heart that is bothering me, but my legs feel like jello and they just give out.

Is this normal???

14 days post op!

I'm going to disagree somewhat with everyone else here. 100 yards isn't very far. I wonder if you're trying to walk it too FAST. I don't mean, "too fast for a non-surgical person." I mean, "too fast for someone 14 days out of surgery."

How do you do if you walk it slowly, even stopping once or twice?
I'm going to disagree somewhat with everyone else here. 100 yards isn't very far. I wonder if you're trying to walk it too FAST. I don't mean, "too fast for a non-surgical person." I mean, "too fast for someone 14 days out of surgery."

How do you do if you walk it slowly, even stopping once or twice?

I probably do walk too fast, because hubby even says to slow down. He follows me with a portable wheelchair if needed, but haven't needed it yet. Today I just decided to do more things in the house since the weather is so bad here. I am finding my legs to feel a little better.

I will begin cardio rehab so should be getting stronger with the program.