Do you have to stop your coumadin for this short procedure. It doesn't look to be any bleeding involved. Anybody know?
Ross said:Man what are you doing, getting rebuilt? I really don't know Randy, I would suspect the answer to be yes, but better talk to the Eye surgeon and Cardiologist to be sure.
Randy,RandyL said:Do you have to stop your coumadin for this short procedure. It doesn't look to be any bleeding involved. Anybody know?
Granbonny said:Do you have to take them out every night? saok. ect..and put them in the next day?I would love to wear contacts..but, I'm so clumsy..afraid I would drop one..Bonnie
RandyL said:Well I just got mono vision contacts today to prep for Lasik I have never worn contacts before, had a heck of a time gettin the little buggers in. One contact sees up close while the other sees far away. They work great already, as you can see I am typing with no glasses. Have to wear these for a month and then decide about the Lasik. I love not wearing glasses, I should of got these contacts years ago.
I had LASIK done 4 years ago and I have to wear glasses to read and use the computer. It has gotten worse over the last year or so. I'm supposed to go in for a checkup this summer, so guess I'll find out if this is to be expected since I'm maturing (I'll be 49 on Wednesday) or not. Seems to me they told me not to be surprised if I needed something for close work.RandyL said:Lynn
I would of got the bifocals also but since I am considering Lasik I could't see having my eyes operated on and then still have to wear glasses to read with. This way if it works I will be glasses and contacts free and still be able to see far away and also read with nothing. We will see what happens