Keep Mark Wagner in your prayers

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Thank-you for keeping us updated Mark
Indefinate prayers going out to your family
and to you.....not fun,I had strep and staph
endocarditis in 2006 and the iv's were my
biggest picline so iv.s kept
falling out sometimes 4x daily had to redo them.
still feel the iv pain in arm veins today,due to
6 weeks of antibiotic.
wishing you the best with this and with all support
and will do fine. I'm sorry you
have to go through this:(

zipper2 (DEB)
thank you for bringing us up to date, Mark. You are on my prayer list already. Wishing/praying for a good outcome of all this. We know that you are not in a happy place just now, but you know He is holding your and your dear wife's hands, as always. Blessins.......


I know what you?re talking about with abscesses. I had endocarditis, PICC line, 5 weeks of Ceftriaxone daily at home. TOE (TEE) all that could be determined was my AV was leaking badly and needed an AVR. No abscesses were visible. Once the surgeon got inside there was evidence of two abscesses having developed prior to the Ceftriaxone, this was repaired at the time of the AVR. The valve looked that bad when removed the infectious diseases specialists were still unsure if I had active endocarditis and placed me on a combination Vancamicin (gram positive) & Gentamicin (gram negative) until the valve was cultured in the lab to clear me of active endocarditis. Even though I have fully recovered the only thing that concerns me now is when I get sinus or throat infections is, I hope this doesn't turn into endocarditis again. :eek:
Mark! We are all thinking of you and hope to hear you are home soon and feeling better. Take care!

I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. You and you family will be in my thoughts and prayers for as long as it takes. God Bless!


So sorry to read of your troubles. We will keep you in our prayers. I hope you got some encouraging news today. Post when you can. Hugs. Janet
Mark, Sending out prayers for you & your family. I hope you are seeing some improvement.


Hello my friends,

Just an update. I had a consultation with the surgeon who initially operated on me in 2000. He was not brought up to speed on my case until after I returned home from the hospital. So here is his assessment in a nutshell.

1. I have grown bacteria in my blood cultures.
2. On my first TEE a dark spot was visible right next to the Aortic Valve.
3. Shortly after my first TEE I went in 3rd Degree Heart Block for around a half a minute in the hospital.
4. I also went into heart block with a drug induced stress test.
5. On the second TEE the spot was not visible

Where the spot is located is right over a node that sends message to the lower portion of my heart. He said with the above information, you can pretty much put two and two together and say I have an abscess. He said speaking as a surgeon with 28 years experience and around 10,000 heart operations; ?you would have already had heart surgery had if been my call.? Now we are on this course of anti-biotic, so will give it a chance, but he wants another TEE done by the end of the week. If he sees any breach on the Aortic Valve, or change around it, surgery will be forthcoming.

The one thing he explained to us, is that if the endocarditis has caused an abscess to form, that abscess is in the heart tissue. The chance of IV anti-biotic to kill this abscess is very slim too nothing, although there has been a handful of cases with mechanical valves, where there has been some success; although very limited in number. Their seems to be more success with pig valves and cadaver valves in treating endocarditis, but that does not pertain to me.

The good news ? if there is a surgery, a good surgeon can clean up the abscess and with anti-biotic have a fairly reasonable chance of success. I would not be out of the clear for around 6 months after the surgery.

In his opinion, something caused the heart block; and the edocarditis culture; and where the spot on the Tee was located; all seem to point at an abscess. He normally is very aggressive the artificial valves and endocarditis, because of the damage to the surrounding tissue. The more scraping the more grafting.

I am still pretty swollen where the pace maker was put in, but it is going down, and the pain has greatly diminished.

Well that is it in a nutshell. Where this ?whirl wind ends is in Gods hands. I am just along for the ride. Thank you for all of the prayers, words, and good thoughts.

Love Mark
Darn it Mark. I'm praying hard. I really wish you had my old infectious disease Doc. That man threw every single antibiotic he could think of when the staph infection started on me just after surgery. I had all sorts of weird rashes, boils and other things sprouting from my skin, but damned if he didn't kill the staph and keep it off the valve and graft.
oh, Mark, I am so sorry to hear this. You have had such great success since your surgery. This must be a big shock to you and the family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you all the very best.
The good news … if there is a surgery, a good surgeon can clean up the abscess and with anti-biotic have a fairly reasonable chance of success. I would not be out of the clear for around 6 months after the surgery.

Well that is it in a nutshell. Where this ‘whirl wind ends is in Gods hands. I am just along for the ride. Thank you for all of the prayers, words, and good thoughts. Love Mark

And we're all along with you for the ride. Here's hoping and praying you have the good news and are fine around 6 months from now. What kind of mechanical valve do you have Mark and did you really have bronchitis and that's what caused the endocarditis?

Prayers going out for you and your family..
Mark, Glad you were up to posting, but bummed at your news. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Your valve Bro, Brian
What kind of mechanical valve do you have Mark and did you really have bronchitis and that's what caused the endocarditis?

The cough caused a lot of confusion among the doctors. As the bacteria in my blood cleared up so did the terrible cough.
My lungs were clear the entire time, but I would feel a tickle or what I would say felt like a small heart spasm almost as though my heart was going out of rythem; though the monitor I was wearing said it was not; deep in my chest and then the cough. One cardiologist felt that it was due to the endocarditis in my heart; and where if I can remember right; said your heart sits so close to your bronchial tubes that the inflammation would cause the cough. My lungs were always very clear, even in the x-rays. I just know that as the anti biotic started going into me, the cough started to come on less and less. Normally, anti biotic will have no effect on bronchitis since it is viral, and it has to run its course. In this case it seemed to act with the anti biotic, so go figure that one out. ???

On June 8th while at work, I cut my eye lid real bad taking a hose out of my gas truck. 4 stitches were put in, but no anti biotic was prescribed. I should have realized the gravity of what could happen and been more proactive and asked for anti biotic. That may have been where this bacteria entered the blood stream, but that is just what I feel is a good guess at this point. Thanks for the prayers.
oh, Mark, I am so sorry to hear this. You have had such great success since your surgery. This must be a big shock to you and the family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you all the very best.

Thanks Ann. It is a big shock, but I am already planning on running the Seattle Seafair Marathon next July, with or without a new valve! :) Thank you all for the prayers.

PS The doctor called tonight and I will have another TEE done at the hospital on Friday in Bremerton.

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