Keep Mark Wagner in your prayers

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Actually Mark bronchitis can be viral or bacterial in nature. I had infectious endocarditis that was caused by bronchitis brought on by a bacterial strep infection (this was confirmed by my infectious disease doc).

The term "bronchitis" literally means an inflammation of the large bronchi of the lungs, but there are a variety of problems that can cause this including virus, bacteria, asthma, as well as outside irritants such as smoke, pollution, etc.

It's often hard to pinpoint what may have led to the introduction of bacteria into your bloodstream that caused the endocarditis...but having it diagnosed, treated, and if needed surgically repairing the damage caused by it is a lifesaver. Although I was born with a large VSD (that was never repaired) and developed moderate AI (caused by the VSD) I was getting along OK until I contracted IE...and that is why my pulmonary valve is now my aortic valve and some kind soul donated their pulmonary valve to fill in the gap.

I didn't mean to go on about my story, but I'm one of the few people that I know of whos endocarditis has been directly linked to acute, and then chronic bronchitis. But having read your posts here over the years I KNOW that you will face this problem and beat it whatever it takes to do that.
Mark, On top of everything,your eye YET om goodness
Still adding prayers and will continue.
Thank-you for the update
beautiful pic's on your other post to i might add.

zipper2 (DEB)
Reading up on endocarditis a cough can be and is a symptom.
I never realized that one could be infective so easily. And now that I have stitches............
Mark, continued prayers and thoughts to you. I hope everything improves to where you don't have to have another surgery.
Hi Mark-

I'd missed hearing from you in a long while and I wondered how you'd been. This is not the kind of update I was hoping to get :(. Prayers and best wishes.
I received an email from Mark and he can still very much use our continued prayers. He said he'd be along to fill you all in so I'll leave it at that, but he does need our help.