Just had the fastest rooy canal on record

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
My tooth was acting up. I couldn't bite on it, so I went to the regular dentist at noon. It needed a root canal. So he set one up with the endodontist for 4 PM today. He was able to do the entire root canal in one hour. I was out by 5:15. How's that for a $850.00 bill??? Multiply that by maybe 5 per day that he could potentially do. That's a nice chunk of change! And I'm not done yet, I still have to get a crown in addition. :eek:
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I still owe mine $700.00 and I take it he's mad. I called to get my son an appointment since he broke a filling and they've never called back. If I don't hear from them Monday, I'm going dentist shopping and I'll take my good old time paying that bill off.

He insists on fixing my teeth. My teeth are so bad that they ought to just pull them all and let me get dentures. Only drawback is, I have no dental insurance and no finances to pay for dentures. I get upset when I think about how much money I have tied up in fillings. I could own one plate at least! :(
Oh, Yeah,

I had one of those HIGH TECH root canals (I claim to be the poster boy for root canals 7 or 8 not as bad as they sound for my money) but, the MONEY is the Big DEAL.

Also had an apecoectomy (thats like a root canal from the other end, they cut into the gum and grind off the defective root) The lady that did that did my one sitting high speed root canal, too. But she only put in a temporary filling and sent me back to my dentist who had refered me to her. They all get some bucks that way.

The single sitting high speed is certainly much better than days of old when they took 3 or 4 trips and all that.

Good luck with the crown and whatever other work.

Hi Nancy,

Hope your doing better tonight.

I was in your shoes last month. Went for my 6 month 'routine' and they found all sorts off goodies. I had a clean bill in Memphis. Wonder what happened during my move. Must be the way the wind blows here in Chicago.

They thought they could crown my tooth.....after it was prepared I was waiting for my crown.....few days later, explosion and emergency root canal. Not fun. Especially when it's $1,600 worth.

We have not implemented our new dental policy for ourselves, or employees. Got the hubby on it real quick after that:D Still dosen't help with the bill. :mad:


Check your healthcare policy. If they deem it medically necessary, at times they will pay for your extraction's while hospitalized. You will need to be there regardless for the Heparin, so I don't see it being an issue. Not that we want you to run off and have all your teeth pulled. :D Just thought I would offer that bit of info.
Actually, I'm feeling pretty good. It sure beats how I felt before the root canal. I have some pain killers just in case, but I don't think I'll need them. I'll take the Penicillin though.
Well I guess this is my new business opportunity, individual dental policies available to VR members only? I keep trying to think of something to make money, but all these brain attacks usually end up costing me money!:(
Smile..You're on Candid camera

Smile..You're on Candid camera

How about $600.00 for a cleaning?..Rip off:( Bonnie
Holy Smokes Bonnie!!!

That's much more than the Roto-Rooter man charged us. What were they cleaning your teeth with?
I think the dentists are finally trying to get something back for all those years that people said "If you can go to medical school, go to dental school."

I feel fortunate to not have any serious dental problems. No fillings, thanks to floridated water and braces. No root canals yet. But, I am sure my time is coming. David, on the other hand, has had three root canals in the last two years. I blame the extremely poor British dental health system. David has a mouth full of fillings (I think he brushed his teeth with a hot fudge sundae as a kid), all of which are in bad shape and should get replaced. At least he gets dental insurance through his employer.

I hate going to the dentist, and now I have to find a new one since David has a dental plan. My old dentist does not take any insurance plans. How's that for a scam?! Suffice it say I have not been in a while because the last time I went I paid it all myself and that was not fun for just a check-up and cleaning.

Do most dentists understand the whole propholactic antibiotic thing? My old one did only because I had been going to him for ages.
Cancelled yesterday

Cancelled yesterday

due to my Peridonist having a burst eardrum but rescheduled for next Tuesday. Regular dentist across street sent me over to her..Insurance would not pay for both..so they thought I needed to be with a peridonist for cleaning. Yes, I stay on my coumadin and take 4 Amox 1 hour before...I ought to have a brillent shine for $600.00 bucks:D :D :D Bonnie
Bonnie, I think they cleaned your clock.

Bill - I might challenge you for the 7 or 8 root canals. Remember my very first one - When he killed the root, it was a sudden pain like I had never had before - I backhanded the poor guy - for real. He just about went down on his knees apologizing. Or maybe from the backhand? Both of us were so shocked.
Hi Bill and Hensylee-

I'm in about the same boat as ya'll. I've had about 8 or 9 root canals, and I also had the one from the bottom. I must say that they've improved over the years. The first ones, like Bill said were done in about 4 or 5 visits. This one recently took the cake. It was a molar and was done in an hour.

It seems like I've been going to the dentist a tremendous amount my whole life. I think teeth can vary with either the hardness or the thickness of the enamel.

At any rate, now I can self-hypnotize. The minute the overhead light goes on, I'm in another place. They always think I passed out or something. But I truly don't feel a thing once the novacaine takes effect.

Here's a tip for all you gals. Try Lipfinity which is a new long stay lipstick. It's terrific. It stayed on perfectly throughout the root canal with a rubber dam stuck to my mouth and a lot of tinkering with those little voodoo pins. The dentist and his assistants were very impressed. :D :D
Nancy - didn't know anybody else self-hypnotized besides me. I had so much done that I finally realized I could just 'go away and so something else'. so I would go home, rearrange, do laundry, hang new curtains. Found out it worked and eventually I would just fall asleep. Dentist told me he had a guy who would come in, tell the dentist to wake him when it was over and he just dropped into sleep.

Who makes that lipstick? I would like to give it a try. Have found several and L'Oreal makes the best one I have tried, so far. Course, we might not have it here as I live in a tiny little town and we have only WalMart.
I thought Wal-mart was all things to all people. They built one a mile from my house and I HATE them. Preditors come in and destroy REAL service oriented retailers who will stock parts and help people get just one nut, bolt or screw if that is what they need.

Of course, they only sell the "item d'jour" so if it ain't a hot seller you can forget it.

But watching the ads you would think people could not live with out them.
Bill, I agree with you. The tiny town I lived in for more than 20 yrs used to have the lovliest uptown. Then Walmart came along, uptown died. It is now all antique shops. Bus loads of winter visitors come in there every day. That was Arcadia, Fl.

When I got here to DeFuniak Springs, it, too had a lovely OLD uptown with great little shops and a hardware store that had been in business since 1896 with the original building. It tried to hang on, but gave it up about 3-4 yrs ago. Wharever you wanted in the hardware line was in that store - even oldie goldies. They had the most unusual gift line of old fashioned things. When I first got here, they had a dept store in it as well. hardware on one side and dept store on the other and it actually sold yard goods and that is something you can't find anymore unless yu go to a fabric SHOP. Men's haberdashery, ladies clothing store, shoe store that carried really good shoes, family drug stores. All are gone except the 2 family drug stores and I guess they hang on because of Medicaid rxes, but they have stuff there that can't be found elsewhere. Where, oh where, did our uptowns go. Walmart took them! And tho I find much in Walmart, the old stores are sorely missed. And miss the friendliness that went with them. Some of those folks had been in business so many generations and they were just pushed out of their livlihoods. Ain't it a shame.

For those of you who don't know about uptown - here in our small towns in the south, we never say we are going downtown. We say we are going uptown. And when we say something is REALLY UPTOWN, we mean it's really fine - like richly furnished, etc. Just threw that in for ya'll who aren't southerners, bless your hearts!
More small town history

More small town history

We enjoy the backroads in our motor home and I always look for the old theaters with their Art decor..and the old banks on the corners..Why? with the date of constuction written up high on front..Of course the Rebel soldier in the Courthouse square...and the Train depots..the five and dime stores...Oh, the good old days.
I don't know about your WalMarts, but the one near us is dump. It's always dirty and smelly. I hate going there. And as a show of solidarity with the workers who were being cheated out of their overtime pay ( a big class action has been filed against WalMart in 13 states) I refuse to shop there or Sam's Club. Luckily, we just got a brand new Costco, which is much nicer than Sam's any day. I could spend all day just looking at the stuff in Costco.
The small town in the norhth suburbs of Indy that we live in still has many small shops and I frequent them as much as I can. I'd rather they had my business then the big chains. Although I do like to go over to Super Target just to look around. Our nice little "home town" grocery closed up several years ago, and the little book shop just could not keep up with Barnes and Nobles and Borders.
But, hey the same 2 guys have owned the True Value hardware in town for at least 35 years. Plus, we have the oldest continually authorized Rolls Royce/Bentley dealership in the USA (right nest to the Dairy Queen). Betcha didn't know that! He doesn't sell many cars, but he does all the service work for the whole of the US east of the Mississippi.

So, if you can, join the boycott of WalMart until they pay the workers are fair wage and obey the wage and hour laws.
Also, pet owners, there is an informal boycott of Petco to protest their inhumane treatment of the small mammals and other pets they sell. Boooo.
Know how you can tell a truly southern town? There is a square right in the middle of town, with the courthouse on it and a rebel soldier. Across the street is a Piggly Wiggly! Those Piggly Wigglys give it away every time.